edabarutcu / MoyaExample

Using the moya framework

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  • Moya is a network abstraction layer. It uses Alamofire and provides us to set up a network manager quickly.


  • iOS 15.2
  • Xcode 13.2
  • Moya 15.0

API i use

We create easily and quickly a network layer using Moya Framework with an example. I’m going to use the API of https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com to fetch data for the example.


You can access an API like this:

   var users = [User]()
   var service = MoyaProvider<Users.usersTitle>()
       service.request(.names) { (result) in
           switch result {
           case .success(let response):
               let users = try! JSONDecoder().decode([User].self, from: response.data)
               self.users = users
           case .failure(let error):

Create your Model:

struct User: Decodable {
  var id: Int
  let name: String
  var username: String
  var email: String
  var address: Address
  var phone: String
  var website: String
struct Address: Decodable {
  var street: String
  var suite: String
  var city:String
  var zipcode:String

We should create an API.swift file and create an enum that includes different requests. We should extend the API enum with Moya’s TargetType and conform the required variables. We have baseURL, path, method, sampleData, task, and headers.

enum Users {
    enum usersTitle: TargetType {
        case names
        var baseURL: URL {
               return URL(string: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com")!
        var path: String {
            switch self {
            case .names:
                return "/users"
        var method: Moya.Method {
            return .get
        var task: Task {
            switch self {
            case .names:
                return .requestPlain
        var headers: [String : String]? {
            return nil


The common prefix of the API URL.

path: The path after baseURL. We need to put dynamic value sometimes.


The HTTP method of request. It can be get, post, put, delete, connect, head, options, patch and trace.


You can create a stub data for the response for testing. If you don’t write any test, you can return empty data like in the code.


Represents an HTTP task.

We should use requestPlain if we don’t add any query parameter or body. To add query parameters for example: ?api_key=xxx. We should choose requestParameters. Also, we can use requestJSONEncodable for the body with an encodable request model.


The headers to be used in the request. When you need a header for the request, you can add headers into the dictionary.


Using the moya framework


Language:Swift 96.2%Language:Ruby 3.8%