ecliptik / superhighway84

USENET-inspired decentralized internet discussion system

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


                       INTERACTIVE ASYNC / FULL DUPLEX

                            Dial Up To 19.2 Kbps

    _  _ _ __ ____                  __   _      __                   ___  ____
   /  / / // / __/_ _____  ___ ____/ /  (_)__ _/ / _    _____ ___ __( _ )/ / /
  _\ _\_\_\\_\ \/ // / _ \/ -_) __/ _ \/ / _ \/ _ \ |/|/ / _ \/ // / _  /_  _/
 /  / / // /___/\_,_/ .__/\__/_/ /_//_/_/\_, /_//_/__,__/\_,_/\_, /\___/ /_/
                   /_/                  /___/                /___/


  The V.H.S. (Very High Speed) Superhighway84 platform is more than just the
fastest decentralized, USENET-inspired communications platform available. It is
 also the first one to be based on the latest IPFS technology available today!

    Superhighway84 offers the most spectacular features under the Spectrum.
                             100% Error Protection
                         Data and Character Compression
                         Alternate Bell Compatible Mode
                         Long Haul Satellite Operation
                              Network Diagnostics
                                 Fallback Mode
                                    And More!

      The Superhighway84 modern decentralized internet discussion system.
                         It should cost a lot more than $0.



Clone this repository and run:

$ go build .

The binary will be available at ./superhighway84 and can be moved wherever you

If you don't have IPFS installed already, make sure to do so in order to be able
to initialize your IPFS repository:

The IPFS repository can be initialized using the following command:

$ ipfs init


First, check ulimit -n and verify that it's at a reasonable amount. IPFS
requires it to be large enough (>= 2048) in order to work properly over time.

Second, if your hardware shouldn't be a beefy computer but instead one of
those flimsy MacBooks, older hardware, a Raspberry or a low-memory VPS it is
advisable to set the previously created IPFS repository to the `lowpower`

$ ipfs config profile apply lowpower

This should help with CPU usage, file descriptors and the amount of network
connections. While during the startup period you might still see peers peaking
between 1k and 3k, connections should ultimately settle somewhere between 100
and 300 peers.

Afterwards you can simply launch the binary:

$ ./superhighway84

A setup wizard will help you with initial configuration. Please make sure to
have at least HOME and EDITOR exported in your environment.

In case you would like to use a dedicated ipfs repository for Superhighway84,
you will have to export a different IPFS_PATH and make sure it was initialized

$ export IPFS_PATH=~/.ipfs-sh84
$ ipfs init
$ superhighway84

In case you're intending to run the official IPFS daemon and Superhighway84 in
parallel, be sure to adjust the ports in their respective IPFS repos (e.g.
~/.ipfs and ~/.ipfs-sh84) so that they won't utilize the same port numbers.
The ports 4001, 5001 and 8080 are relevant and should be adjusted to something
other for every new repo/IPFS node that will run in parallel, e.g.:

  "Addresses": {
    "Swarm": [
    "Announce": [],
    "NoAnnounce": [],
    "API": "/ip4/",
    "Gateway": "/ip4/"

NOTE: When running Superhighway84 for the first time it might seem like it's
"hanging" at the command prompt. Usually it isn't hanging but rather searching
for peer it can connect to in order to synchronize the database. Depending on
how many people are online, this process might take _some time_, please be


The default keyboard shortcuts are:

     C-r: Refresh
     C-h: Focus groups list
C-l, C-k: Focus articles list
     C-j: Focus preview pane
     C-q: Quit
       k: Move up in list
       j: Move down in list
       h: Move left in list
       l: Move right in list
       g: Move to the beginning of list/text
       G: Move to the end of list/text
      CR: Select item in list
       n: Publish new article
       r: Reply to selected article

However, you are free to customize these within your configuration file, under
the section `Shortcuts`. The structure is as following:

`<key code> = "event"`

The key codes can be looked up under the following link:

For simple ASCII characters use their ASCII code, e.g. `114` for the character 


- The OrbitDB that Superhighway84 uses is a public database, meaning everyone
  can alter its data. Since its using a standard _docstore_, PUT and DELETE
  events can alter existing data. This issue will be solved in the future by
  customizing the store to ignore these types of events.

- Probably plenty more that have yet to been found...


- Superhighway84 name, code and graphics by mrusme

- Logo backdrop by Swift


USENET-inspired decentralized internet discussion system

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 100.0%