ecliptik / envconsul-demo

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Vault, Kubernetes, and Envconsul Demo

Terraform, Kubernetes, and app configurations to test envconsul for injecting secrets securely from Vault into a Kubernetes pod via env vars.

Install Tailscale

We will use Tailscale to expose the EC2 vault instance over a Tailnet, so we can interact with it outside of the SSM console on a laptop.

Instance will have a public IP, but no public security group.

sudo yum install yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum install tailscale
sudo systemctl enable --now tailscaled

Access system via SSM and configure with tailscale up


Install Vault

Amazon Linux 2

sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum -y install vault

Setting up Vault

Start vault in dev mode on interface so it's available on all interfaces (Private ip, public IP, tailscale IP)

vault server -dev -dev-listen-address=

Copy Unseal and Token.

Setup env vars for shell

export VAULT_ADDR='http://$TAILSCALEIP:8200'

Add basic secrets

vault kv put -mount=secret sinatra AWS_KEY_ID=aws_keyid AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID=super_secret_keyid


After Vault is setup, test out envconsul.

brew install envconsul

Configure vault address and token in config.hcl and access secrets from Vault

envconsul -config="./config.hcl" -secret="secret/sinatra" env

Will print out the entire shell env, but include secretsa as well,

๐Ÿš€โ†’ envconsul -config="./config.hcl" -secret="secret/sinatra" env | grep -i secret
2023-05-23T16:10:06.388-0700 [WARN]  envconsul: (clients) disabling vault SSL verification


Create EKS cluster using terraform/eks.

Export AWS keys

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

After cluster creation, create local kubectl configuration.

aws eks --region $(terraform output -raw region) update-kubeconfig --name $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)

Apply configmap and deployment which will run envconsul in an init container, copy it to the binary to /envconsul in the sinatra container and use the configmap to communicate with vault and create env vars.

Create a Kubernetes secret to demonstrate how they are not encrypted

Testing Env Var Exposure

Expected behavior.

Host and Container env vars should be exposed, and only exposed at the container/app level.


If using Amazon Linux 2, find the container id of the running sinatra and envconsul processes. Check these in /var/lib/containers and /proc for the PID and check for exposed env vars AWS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID.


Shell into the pod/container running on EKS with kubectl exec -it pod-id -c sinatra and run env to check for exposed env vars AWS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID


The sinatra app will return the ENV vars for AWS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID as plaintext when htting the endpoint on /environment.

Forward the port for the sinatra service

kubectl port-forward svc/sinatra 9292:9292

Use curl to see the environment variables values,

curl http://localhost:9292/environment
foo: aws_keyid
excited: super_secret_keyid

Command Cheat Sheet

Display Kubernetes Secrets

kubectl get secret sinatra -o jsonpath="{.data.PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode
kubectl get secret sinatra -o jsonpath="{.data.USERNAME}" | base64 --decode

Display Host Secrets

cd /var/lib/docker/containers/
cat config.v2.json | jq '.Config.Env'

Exec into pod

kubectl exec -it sinatra-deployment-549bbfb499-clw9f -- /bin/bash
env | egrep -i -e "(username|password)"

App secrets

kubectl port-forward svc/sinatra 9292:9292
curl http://localhost:9292/environment



Language:HCL 91.7%Language:Ruby 4.4%Language:Dockerfile 3.9%