ecliptik / docker-siege

Docker Image for Siege Load Testing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Running Container as a Command

This is a public version of the Siege container used for load testing at Demandbase.

To run this container using the ecliptik/docker-siege image stored in Docker Hub that is automatically built whenever this github repository is updated. The Dockerfile has a default ENTRYPOINT of siege and all arguments passed after the container image will pass to siege. The default argument is --help.

Running Container With Local Configuration

To skip the bundled configuration files in the image, and use local files in the current directoy, bind mount it to /app using the -v flag.

For example using this repository and you want to create a URL list to pass to siege called urls.txt without having to re-build the container image,

docker pull ecliptik/docker-siege
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app ecliptik/docker-siege -c 50 -f /app/urls.txt -R /app/siege.conf

The -v $(pwd):/app will bind mount your current directory to /app within the container, letting you use local files.

Running in a Jenkins Job

Runnig this container using the image in Docker Hub as a Jenkins job requires not including the -t option, otherwise Jenkins will give an error.

Updating Docker Image

To update the version fo Siege, find the latest version from the Siege Downloads page and in the Dockerfile update the SIEGE_VERSION variable and re-build,

docker build -t ecliptik/docker-siege .


Docker Image for Siege Load Testing