echosalik / hitech-nestjs-test

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

NestJS Test Response

by Salik Sadruddin Merani


NodeJS: 18
NestJS: 10

Steps to run

  1. run npm i
  2. copy mikro-orm.config.ts.example in /src directory to mikro-orm.config.ts and make the required changes to connect to your database.
  3. run npm run mikro-orm -- migration:up to generate the tables
  4. run npm run mikro-orm -- seeder:run to seed the database. The seeder has API key for Movie API hard coded for ease.
  5. run npm run start to start the server. App is hosted on port 3000
  6. import the insomnia.collection.json file in Insomnia Rest Client to execute requests.


All the implementations are avialable via Swagger/OpenAPI document hosted at: http://localhost:3000/doc



Language:TypeScript 96.6%Language:JavaScript 3.4%