echohack / mint-dashboard

All the Dashboards

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Written using Vuejs and Express.

Production artifacts are built using Habitat.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build assets with minification
npm run build

# build assets and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# build production server with minification
hab studio enter

# install the .hart file on your production server, or export a docker container
hab pkg export docker ./results/origin-mint-dashboard-0.1.0-20171116042215-x86_64-linux.hart

# run the production docker container
docker-compose up

# configure the application at runtime
hab config apply --peer 1 /tmp/newconfig.toml 

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.


All the Dashboards


Language:JavaScript 75.7%Language:Vue 17.5%Language:HTML 5.7%Language:Shell 1.1%