ecashin / pkgdemo

Small demonstration of Python without notebooks

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Python Package Demo

This minimal example covers several work practices that have a high impact on reproducibility, productivity and maintainability.

Creating a Work Area

bash$ mkdir pkgdemo
bash$ cd pkgdemo
bash$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/ecashin/src/python/pkgdemo/.git/
bash$ git checkout -b main
Switched to a new branch 'main'
bash$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Initial commit'
[main (root-commit) e26a7a9] Initial commit

Creating a Virtual Environment

bash$ python3 -mvenv pkgdemo-venv
bash$ . pkgdemo-venv/bin/activate
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ python3 -mpip install --upgrade pip
Collecting pip
  Downloading (2.1MB)
    100% |████████████████████████████████| 2.1MB 312kB/s 
Installing collected packages: pip
  Found existing installation: pip 8.1.1
    Uninstalling pip-8.1.1:
      Successfully uninstalled pip-8.1.1
Successfully installed pip-22.3.1
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Committing Files to Git

We will ignore the use of git from here out, although it's implied.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ git add 
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ git commit -am 'Add initial README documentation'
[main 73a0d48] Add initial README documentation
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Creating a Python Package

There have been many package-creation mechanisms in the history of Python, leading to some confusion and complexity. The example below uses setuptools.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ mkdir addconst

In an editor, we just created the setuptools configuration files displayed below. Please notice that there are two files displayed below using the UNIX numbered listing command, nl.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ nl -b a addconst/setup.cfg
 1  [metadata]
 2  name = addconst
 3  version = 0.1.0.dev0
 4  description = Add a constant to given numbers
 5  long_description = file:
 7  [options]
 8  package_dir =
 9      =src
10  packages = find:
11  python_requires = >=3.6
12  install_requires =
13      click >=8.0,<9
15  [options.packages.find]
16  where=src
18  [options.extras_require]
19  tests =
20      pytest
21  dev =
22      black
23      flake8
24      ipython
25      isort
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$

And has to be there but has little in it.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ nl -b a addconst/
     1  #! /usr/bin/env python3
     3  from setuptools import setup
     6  setup()
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Source Files

The sources are created now. Note how the external click package is mentioned in the above config and used in the sources via an import.

The first addconst directory is where the package is based. The addconst/src/addconst directory is the one that makes it a Python package. The is a "driver" command that can run the code we will soon write.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ mkdir addconst/src
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ mkdir addconst/src/addconst
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ grep -nv friendlypotato addconst/src/addconst/ 
1:import click
5:def main():
6:    print("hello")
9:if __name__ == "__main__":
10:    main()
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

The file marks the directory as a package. (Go figure. Python is weird.)

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ touch addconst/src/addconst/
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ file !$
file addconst/src/addconst/
addconst/src/addconst/ empty
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

The file contains the implementation of our feature.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ pwd
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ grep -nv friendlypotato src/addconst/ 
1:class ConstAdder:
2:    def __init__(self, *, constant):
3:        self.constant = constant
5:    def __call__(self, n):
6:        return n + self.constant
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Installing Editable Package

By installing the package as "editable" with the -e option, we can go on changing the sources and having the changes take effect immediately.

The command below has much output that is omitted.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ python3 -mpip install -e .[dev,tests]

Checking the Sources

Now that the package installation has added dependencies to the virtual environment, we can run the linters. Because Python's support for static type checking is recent and optional, these are essential tools, worth reading about and mastering.

In our case, there are no problems detected.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ black src/*/*.py
All done!
3 files left unchanged.
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ flake8 src/*/*.py
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Testing the Sources

A test can be created in a new tests subdirectory, where pytest will find it. You can see here that we import our package just as if it was something from a third-party software provider.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ pwd
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ black src/*/*.py tests/*.py; flake8 src/*/*.py tests/*.py
All done!
4 files left unchanged.
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ grep -nv friendlypotato tests/
1:from addconst.addconst import ConstAdder
4:def test_addconst():
5:    add1 = ConstAdder(constant=1)
6:    assert add1(2) == 3
7:    assert add1(-1) == 0
8:    add2 = ConstAdder(constant=2)
9:    assert add2(2) == 4
10:    assert add2(-20) == -18
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ pytest
====================================================== test session starts =======================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.6.9, pytest-7.0.1, pluggy-1.0.0
rootdir: /home/ecashin/src/python/pkgdemo/addconst
collected 1 item                                                                                                                 

tests/ .                                                                                                   [100%]

======================================================= 1 passed in 0.02s ========================================================
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 

Using Third-Party Packages

The driver uses click already. It makes command-line arguments and options easier to deal with.

Let's try it.

(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ python3 src/addconst/
(pkgdemo-venv) bash$ 


Small demonstration of Python without notebooks



Language:Python 100.0%