This project based on enables advanced communication between the mLRS tx and a computer. This communication enables the following functions
- Mavlink UDP bridging between tx transmitter and a GCS.
- access to the CLI when using a firmware that enables the CLI based on a PIN being driven low.
- flashing of the firmware on the mLRS TX
This currently only has been tested on the easysolder board and requires a special firmware that can compiled by downloading this fork of mLRS
Connect to mLRS AP UDP wifi AP. The bridge broadcasts UDP messages from the tx and send the GCS messages back to the tx via UDP.
Access to the CLI is provided using a REST API. Messages are sent to the cli using a post request to the ESP URL.
- Verbs:
Request version
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"write":"v;"}' \
Read response
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--request POST \
--data '{"read":""}' \
Firmware flashing is done using a simple webserver located on the ESP32. The server can be accessed from the following URL http://[ESP_IP]
The firmware is first uploaded to the ESP32 and then flashed to the tx module.
In order for the flashing to work a firmware that inverts the standard TX/RX and the JR pins first needs to be flashed. This is because the serial boot pins of the STM32 are located on PB6/PB7.
ESP32 PIN | tx mLRS pin |
5 | E1 |
16 | S |
17 | E0 |
GND | G |
Transmiter | tx mLRS pin |
JR Pin | TX |