easyCZ / grpc-web-hacker-news

An example app implementing a Hacker News reader in React with gRPC-Web and Go backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An example app implementing a Hacker News reader. This example aims to demonstrate usage of grpc-web(v0.5.0) with React. It additionally shows how to integrate with Redux.


To start both the Go backend server and the frontend React application, run the following:



The backend server is running on http://localhost:8900 while the frontend will by default start on http://localhost:3000


Contributions are welcome, please open an Issue or raise a PR.

Notable setup points

Disable TSLint for protobuf generated classes

Gernerated proto classes do not confirm to TS lint requirements, disable linting

    "linterOptions": {
        "exclude": [

Configure protobuf compiler script

In this example, we're using a protoc.sh script to aid compilation

protoc \
    --go_out=plugins=grpc:./server \
    --plugin=protoc-gen-ts=./app/node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts \
    --ts_out=service=true:./app/src \
    --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./app/src \

Generated proto classes with Redux

Redux favors plain objects over object instances. This complicates usage of the generated proto classes, in this example class Story. In order to use the generated classes with redux, we must use the Story.AsObject type which is the plain object representation. For example our reducer should look like this:

export type StoryState = {
  readonly stories: { [storyId: number]: Story.AsObject },
  readonly error: Error | null,
  readonly loading: boolean,
  readonly selected: Story.AsObject | null,

export default function (state: StoryState = initialState, action: RootAction): StoryState {

  switch (action.type) {

    case ADD_STORY:
      const story: Story.AsObject = action.payload.toObject();
      const selected = state.selected !== null ? state.selected : story;
      if (story.id && story.id) {
        return {
          loading: false,
          stories: {...state.stories, [story.id]: story},
      return state;

      return state;


Note the usage of Story.AsObject rather than just Story

gRPC-Web Redux Middleware

An example redux middleware is included.

import { Action, Dispatch, Middleware, MiddlewareAPI } from 'redux';
import { Code, grpc, Metadata, Transport } from 'grpc-web-client';
import * as jspb from 'google-protobuf';


// Descriptor of a grpc-web payload
// life-cycle methods mirror grpc-web but allow for an action to be dispatched when triggered
export type GrpcActionPayload<RequestType extends jspb.Message, ResponseType extends jspb.Message> = {
  // The method descriptor to use for a gRPC request, equivalent to grpc.invoke(methodDescriptor, ...)
  methodDescriptor: grpc.MethodDefinition<RequestType, ResponseType>,
  // The transport to use for grpc-web, automatically selected if empty
  transport?: Transport,
  // toggle debug messages
  debug?: boolean,
  // the URL of a host this request should go to
  host: string,
  // An instance of of the request message
  request: RequestType,
  // Additional metadata to attach to the request, the same as grpc-web
  metadata?: Metadata.ConstructorArg,
  // Called immediately before the request is started, useful for toggling a loading status
  onStart?: () => Action | void,
  // Called when response headers are received
  onHeaders?: (headers: Metadata) => Action | void,
  // Called on each incoming message
  onMessage?: (res: ResponseType) => Action | void,
  // Called at the end of a request, make sure to check the exit code
  onEnd: (code: Code, message: string, trailers: Metadata) => Action | void,

// Basic type for a gRPC Action
export type GrpcAction<RequestType extends jspb.Message, ResponseType extends jspb.Message> = {
  type: typeof GRPC_WEB_REQUEST,
  payload: GrpcActionPayload<RequestType, ResponseType>,

// Action creator, Use it to create a new grpc action
export function grpcRequest<RequestType extends jspb.Message, ResponseType extends jspb.Message>(
  payload: GrpcActionPayload<RequestType, ResponseType>
): GrpcAction<RequestType, ResponseType> {
  return {

export function newGrpcMiddleware(): Middleware {
  return ({getState, dispatch}: MiddlewareAPI<{}>) => (next: Dispatch<{}>) => (action: any) => {
    // skip non-grpc actions
    if (!isGrpcWebUnaryAction(action)) {
      return next(action);

    const payload = action.payload;

    if (payload.onStart) {

    grpc.invoke(payload.methodDescriptor, {
      debug: payload.debug,
      host: payload.host,
      request: payload.request,
      metadata: payload.metadata,
      transport: payload.transport,
      onHeaders: headers => {
        if (!payload.onHeaders) { return; }
        const actionToDispatch = payload.onHeaders(headers);
        return actionToDispatch && dispatch(actionToDispatch);
      onMessage: res => {
        if (!payload.onMessage) { return; }
        const actionToDispatch = payload.onMessage(res);
        return actionToDispatch && dispatch(actionToDispatch);
      onEnd: (code, msg, trailers) => {
        const actionToDispatch = payload.onEnd(code, msg, trailers);
        return actionToDispatch && dispatch(actionToDispatch);

    return next(action);

function isGrpcWebUnaryAction(action: any): action is GrpcAction<jspb.Message, jspb.Message> {
  return action && action.type && action.type === GRPC_WEB_REQUEST && isGrpcWebPayload(action);

function isGrpcWebPayload(action: any): boolean {
  return action &&
    action.payload &&
    action.payload.methodDescriptor &&
    action.payload.request &&
    action.payload.onEnd &&


An example app implementing a Hacker News reader in React with gRPC-Web and Go backend

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 55.3%Language:Go 22.9%Language:JavaScript 17.0%Language:HTML 2.3%Language:Shell 2.2%Language:CSS 0.3%