earthsteading / Earthship instructions for building an off-grid #earthship in australia...

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Off-grid (earthship-like) sustainable homes for Australasians

Aim of this building code repository: provide systematic documentation for owner-builders which empowers them to build an insurable off-grid residential buildings for the Australian environment.


  • provide easy to use ikea-like checklists which owner-builder partners can use to build their home
  • increase ease/efficiency in building an off-grid home which meets all the required building code legislation
  • lower the cost of building a home which is both luxourious and sustainable
  • (Earthsteading mission) to transcend humanities understanding of residential homes as buildings which are able to capture carbon -as well as- improve the living (indigenous/biological symbiotic/mutualistic) environment around the home.


  • This code repository utilise the National Construction Code for all building definitions. Any specialist definitions are listed in terminology & definitions
  • Your building surveyor can provide state based legislative details, which are outlined in the state legislation exceptions checklist
  • Generic building designs for a "Biotecture Earthships (TM)" from the USA can be purchased via the Earthship App on Android <-- however, please be aware these designs are not suitable for council approved buildings in Australia. If you would like to adapt an Earthship design please contact Dr Martin Freney (South Australia) for purchasing his certified design services
  • Disclaimer: this building code repository was created by @Earthsteading Building Surveying and Civic Construction as part of coursework for the Advanced Diploma in Building Surveying at Federation University (2020). Hire a building surveyor with indemnity insurance, or use these instructions at your own risk.
  • Suggest a change: please submit a bug/issue request, and/or submit a 'pull request' for state-specific (legislative/environmental) changes.
  • Hire a specialist off-grid building surveyor (approximate cost: 1% of entire insurable build, e.g. for a $350K build, a building surveyor will accompany you throughout your journey from building permit to occupancy certificate for ~$3500).


The minimum viable set of people you will require to build an off-grid home in Australia

  • owner-builder = you (see terminology for definitions)
  • surveyor = your local guide/friend and person responsible for empowering you to meet all the legislative requirements: federal, state and council.
  • inspector/certifier = the local government council representative who will hold you and your surveyor accountable for health and safety.
  • certified tradies = chippies (carpenter), sparkies (electrcian), plumbers and earthworks (civic construction).
  • certified engineer = to sign off on any architectural plans you are using.
  • [optional see state legislation] building designer or architect for providing drawings for submission to council inspector for certification.


How to use this repository of building code checklists:

  • The overall guiding principles of the following checklists is a book called "The Checklist Manifesto" <-- read it!
  • The use of open source repository is so the wider community can help amend and improve these checklists for Australasia-wide use, e.g. please contribute additional checklists for other states/regions via a "pull request", see open source licensing on each page.
  • The architectural examples for each checklist have been used to build council approved off-grid buildings in Victoria, Western Australian and South Australia (consult a building surveyor licensed in your State as building code legislation changes in each state).
  • If you are a building surveyor looking to improve these checklists for NSW, FNQ, ACT, NT, Tasmania and/or Torres Straight Islands, please get in touch =

Timeline (per stage of build)

For detailed checklists per each stage of your build, please see the Table of Contents Checklists:

  • (0) Planning permissions checklist
  • (1) Building permit application checklist
  • (2) Foundation and footings checklist
  • (3) In-house utilities checklist
  • (4) Enclosure checklist
  • (5) Fixings and features checklist
  • (6) Final inspection and occupancy certificate checklist
    timeline Gaant chart of inspections/certifications.


About instructions for building an off-grid #earthship in australia...

License:GNU General Public License v3.0