earthbound19 / rnd_txt_art

Public Domain random text art ▅▉▜▅▅▏▜▅▉▜■▉ collection

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Public Domain random text art ▅▉▜▅▅▏▜▅▉▜■▉ collection

See and Most or all of this collection might be output from it.

Example command that invokes 20 times to generate noise of ~200 randomly chosen block characters (where the script by default chooses a subset of block chars to produce noise of a potentially different character every run), printed to the terminal, with sleep periods in between to avoid overheating a laptop:

for n in seq 20; do 200; sleep 15; done

To pipe it all to incrementing numbered documents without pauses; each document contains a different character of noise:

for n in seq 20; do n=printf "%04d" $n; 800 > $n.txt; done

Sample output from 1 run that prints 800 characters (but broken into lines that GitHub may display better) :

▏▌▝▖▅▍▎▋█▃▍▃▃█▘▘▂▀▔▛▛▂▂▀▖▖▖▌▂▎▀▂▓▘▏▋▔▘▘▀▃▔▖▘▎▓▂▌▘▋▌▅▀▘▎▅▘▂▎▘▛▘▃▘▓▃▏▔▓▏▍▍ ▘▋▂▛▂▃▋█▎▖▂▏▋▔▖▎▎▘▔▂▂▀▘▘▂▍▃▘▘▛▝▘▎▛█▃▘▖▛▝▖▍▎▏▖▂▃▋▘▏▂▘▂▂▋▝▂▛▖▀▎▘▂▃▀▃▂▔▘▃▌▏ ▀▎▓▔█▋▃▖▃▂▘▝▔▍▀▃▛▔▃▃▃▃▛▏▌▅▂▂▃▂█▌▔▂▝▏▂█▌▃▃▘▃▘▂▀▀▘▖▛▀▘▌▋▏▋▝▃▍▅▃▎▂▘▍▌▛▋▔▖▅▌ ▅▅▍▌▋▀▎▂▅▘▍▎▝▔▋▏▃▌▓▃▌▎▂▍▀▀▓▔▋▃▋▂▋▃▛▖▅▘▘▋▍▘▛▂▏▀▂▀▋▂▃▌▅▛▋▌▋▏▘▂▛▃▓▘▖▀▓▔▎▘▍▖ ▎▘▂▖▂▖▓▏▂▋▍▂▋▅▓▂▘▖▔▖▃▓▋▃▖▂▛▏█▘▖▝▏▘▝▔▝▌▓▖▍▝▔▔▋▍▏▎▔▘▀▖▘▌▃▂▝▓▛▃▘▀▋▂▌▋▔█▝▃▛▀ ▔▌▅▀▔▖▖▓▂▘▅▍▏▋▃▓▓▓▔▃▃▅▃▘▏▂▂▀▃▔▖▛▋▋▎▝▖▅▋▀▖▖▅▛▀▏▍▓▍▎▖▘▎▖▂▏▋▏▋▃▏▘▏▏▖▏▅▛▏▋▀▘ ▖▋▃▃▍▃▍▎▂▛▔▘▂▘▎▅▃▅▝▖▓▖▋▅▃▌▘▅▅▔▋▂▋█▋▂▖▘▃▖▛▎▃▖▘▝▖▛▎▂▀▍▍▔▂▂▖▝▍▛▝▏▔▂█▂▋▓██▂▖ ▛▂▋▋▃▖▅█▀▖█▘▀▛▋▃▘▅▔▍▖▃▖▏▂▘▘█▂▛▘▀▘▍▋▖▃▔▍▂▖▋▂▃▛▂▔▖▌▌▃▂▖▔▏▌▘▔▘█▂▖▌▋▃▋▎▃▃▀▖▏ ▖▃▌▂▂▂█▃▘▅▓▂▀▓▏▍▔▘▖▖▘▀▛▃█▋▓▝▓▖▋▖▂▘▂▔▂▛▓▍▅▅▓▛▂▖▝▌▖█▘▖▋▌▃▖▂▝▔▛▃▘▔▝▂▘▍▌▖▂▘▔ ▌▖▖▌▍▖▘▝▂▖▖▔▏▅▃▛▍▂▅▂▓▓▌▋▝▔▏▂▅▛▃▘█▖▖▌▌▓▔▏▔▋▃▍▔▏▃▓▏▃▎▅▋▋▏▘▃▃▃▓▂▌▌▀▀▎▅▃▝▋▃▋ ▂▀▓▌▝▌▋▝▋▃▖▍▂▋▌▘▂▌▔▖▋▅▖▂▂▅▓▘▋▀▂▂▓▌▏▛▀█▋▔▖▘▂▓▌▀▖▏▂▀▂▃▛▝▘▋▘▃▎▖▅▂▝█▖▀▎▃▖▘▌▃


Public Domain random text art ▅▉▜▅▅▏▜▅▉▜■▉ collection