eapostol / flexbox-demos-02

simple flexbox demos

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Flexbox Demos (2024 Edition)

Edward Apostol, February 08th , 2024

This repository contains a collection of demos for the Flexbox layout model.

The demos are designed to be used as a reference for developers who are learning about Flexbox for the first time, or for those who want to refresh their knowledge.

How to use this repository

To use this repo, you will have to

  1. first git clone the repository in your git bash shell or mac terminal, and
  2. Use the command git checkout <name-of-branch> to see the different examples, where <name-of-branch> corresponds to a branch in this repo.

For example, if you wanted to see the code for branch 08-flexibility-grow-shrink-basis, which demonstrates how a flex-grow can be used expand the size of a child container relative to its siblings, you would perform the command

git checkout 08-flexibility-grow-shrink-basis once you had cloned the repository to your local computer.

After switching to that branch, you can open the index.html file in your browser to see the demo in action.

The demos are designed to be viewed in the order of the branch numbers, as the concepts build on each other. However, you can also jump to a specific branch to see a particular concept in action.

The following is a list of the branches in this repository:

  1. 01-toggle-flex-container
  2. 02-switch-flex-direction
  3. 03-toggle-flex-wrap
  4. 04-switch-flex-justify-content
  5. 04-switch-flex-justify-content-single
  6. 04-switch-flex-justify-cross-axis
  7. 05-switch-flex-align-items-cross-axis
  8. 06-switch-flex-space-lines-align-content
  9. 07-switch-flex-complex-item-order
  10. 07-switch-flex-item-order
  11. 08-flexibility-grow-shrink-basis
  12. 09-flexibility-flex-grow

Note the main files to explore are the changes made to the index.html and main.css files in each branch. The javascript file adds additional interactivity to the demos, and are not relevant to learning about Flexbox.

Key Concepts

The key concepts covered in this repository include:

  1. Flex containers and items
  2. The flex-direction property
  3. The flex-wrap property
  4. The justify-content property
  5. The align-items property
  6. The align-content property
  7. The order property
  8. The flex-grow property
  9. The flex-shrink property
  10. The flex-basis property
  11. The flex shorthand property
  12. The align-self property
  13. The flex property

The .css file will have a container class, called flexcontainer which will set whatever HTML element it is applied to as a flex container. The .css file will also have a class called flexitem which will set whatever HTML element it is applied to as a flex item.


simple flexbox demos


Language:Shell 33.4%Language:HTML 29.7%Language:CSS 22.1%Language:JavaScript 14.8%