eamondo2 / shim-discord-bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Run ./choco-setup.ps1 while in the repo folder. You may need to enable running PS Scripts from unsigned sources, else Windows will be mad at you.

Accept all default options when prompted, yt-dlp is preinstalled via chocolatey.

It will install all the needed dependencies, fetch mpv, ffmpeg, and set them up in the mpv folder.

Chocolatey will also install/setup python3, ffmpeg, yt-dlp, nvm, and 7zip.

nvm is then used to get the latest nodejs version, and set that as active.


Just set the CHANNEL_ID field in config.template.json to the channel name you want the bot to watch, saving the file as config.json.

Set the token field in bot-token.template.json to your Discord bot token, and save the file as bot-token.json.

Then run the bot via node index.js



Language:JavaScript 49.6%Language:Lua 37.3%Language:Python 9.1%Language:PowerShell 3.9%