ealux / PowerFlowCore

Solver for Power Flow Problem :zap:

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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Solver for Power Flow Problem

What's new:

  • 0.14.0 - S_calc bug fix (calculated with load model). Add async parallel calculation api. Reduce memory allocation.
  • 0.13.6 - Minor memory optimisations.
  • 0.13.5 - GS performance improvement. Minor optimisations.
  • 0.13.4 - Fix bugs. U initial assumption usage. Grid islands. Stabilizing.
    • Fix voltage default initial value on grid initialization. Add Calculate() methods with Uinit assumption
    • Fix bug on LoadModel usage
    • Fix bug on power flows and currents calculations
    • Rebuild validation scheme
    • Add islands check and method for grid islands representing
  • 0.13.3 - Major performance improvement. Step 2.
    • Improve performance again
    • Eliminate SolvableGrid class (move solvers list to Grid class)
  • 0.13.2 - Major performance improvement.
  • 0.13.1 - Sparse algebra. Performance improvement.
  • 0.12.1 - Samples. Stabilizing. Cleanup.


  • Three-phase AC mode grids calculations
  • Flexible system to set up configuration of calculations
  • Newton-Raphson and Gauss-Seidel solvers
  • Load models with variant structure
  • Algorithms on graphs (connectivity etc.)
  • Network operational limits control
  • Parallel calculations from box

Available on NuGet.

Samples are presented in PowerFlowCore.Samples project. Library benchmarking is presented in PowerFlowCore.Benchmark project.

Quick example

Next example assumes that Node and Branch classes inherits INode and IBranch interfaces respectively. More examples can be found in PowerFlowCore.Samples project.

Create grid:

using PowerFlowCore;
using PowerFlowCore.Data;
using PowerFlowCore.Solvers;

var nodes = new List<INode>()        // Create collection of Nodes
    new Node(){Num = 1, Type = NodeType.PQ,    Unom=115,  Vpre = 0,     S_load = new Complex(10, 15)},
    new Node(){Num = 2, Type = NodeType.PQ,    Unom=230,  Vpre = 0,     S_load = new Complex(10, 40)},
    new Node(){Num = 3, Type = NodeType.PV,    Unom=10.5, Vpre = 10.6,  S_load = new Complex(10, 25),   S_gen = new Complex(50, 0), Q_min=-15, Q_max=60},
    new Node(){Num = 4, Type = NodeType.Slack, Unom=115,  Vpre = 115}

var branches = new List<IBranch>()   // Create collection of Branches
    new Branch(){Start=2, End=1, Y=1/(new Complex(0.5, 10)), Ktr=Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(0.495,    15 * Math.PI/180), Ysh = new Complex(0, -55.06e-6)},
    new Branch(){Start=2, End=3, Y=1/(new Complex(10,  20)), Ktr=Complex.FromPolarCoordinates(0.045652, 0 * Math.PI/180), Ysh = new Complex(0, 0)},
    new Branch(){Start=1, End=4, Y=1/(new Complex(8,   15)), Ktr=1},
    new Branch(){Start=1, End=4, Y=1/(new Complex(20,  40)), Ktr=1}

var grid = new Grid(nodes, branches);   // Create Grid object

Inspect connectivity:

bool connected = grid.IsConnected();

Get islands (ienumerable):

var islands = grid.GetGridIslands();

Calculate grid (for more details look Calculate() methods):

bool success = false; // To save calculation result

grid = grid.Calculate(); // Default calculation
// or
(grid, success) = grid.Calculate(options:new CalculationOptions() { IterationsCount = 5 });  // Calculation with options
// or
grid = grid.Calculate(uinit: grid.Ucalc).Grid; // Calculation initial voltage from previous successfull calculation (taking back Grid)
// or
grid = grid.Calculate(out success); // Calculate with result short saving 
// or
grid = grid.ApplySolver(SolverType.GaussSeidel, new CalculationOptions() { IterationsCount = 3 }) // Apply multiple solvers
           .Calculate(out success);

Basic concepts


Provided tools are located in several namespaces:

using PowerFlowCore;
using PowerFlowCore.Data;
using PowerFlowCore.Solvers;
using PowerFlowCore.Algebra;


INode, IBranch

INode and IBranch interfaces encapsulate properties to work with internal solver. These interfaces should be inherited by custom class or struct to use in solver. Being passed to the solver are converted to the original interface.


Central term is Grid object from PowerFlowCore.Data namespace. To create Grid object collections of INode and IBranch should be explicitly given to the constructor:

public Grid(IEnumerable<INode> nodes, IEnumerable<IBranch> branches) { ... }

Another way to create Grid is to use IConverter object that encapsulated collection of INode and IBranch:

public Grid(IConverter converter) { ... }

Besides collections of nodes and branches Grid contains:

  • Admittance matrix - Y
  • Vector of nodes nominal voltages - Unominal
  • Vector of nodes initial voltages (for calculations) - Uinit
  • Vector of nodes calculated voltages - Ucalc
  • Vector of nodes power injections (=generation-load) - S
  • Collection of load models - LoadModels
  • Description:
    • Load nodes count - PQ_Count
    • Generator nodes count - PV_Count
    • Slack bus nodes count - Slack_Count


Published under MIT license