e-ian / Store-manager-backend-flask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Store Manager is a web application that helps store owners manage sales and product inventory records. This application is meant for use in a single store.

Getting started.

These instructions will help you set and run the application on your local machine.


The following are required to enable you get started!

  • Serverside Framework: Flask Python Framework
  • Testing Framework: Pytest
  • API development environment: Postman
  • GIT
  • IDE/Text editor(Vs Code preferred)
  • Python 3.6

Project links:

User interface:

API endpoints:


  • Clone the remote repository to your local machine using this command:

git clone https://github.com/e-ian/Store-manager-2.git

  • You can access the project on your local machine by using git bash commands cd to navigate the directory and code . if using Vs Code to open the code on your local machine.

  • Create a virtual environment.

virtualenv venv

  • Install a virtual environment.

pip install virtualenv

  • Activate your virtual environment.


  • Install dependencies.

To install all required dependencies for the project, use the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Install Postman.

  • Install psycogp2 `pip install psycopg2

Project features/ functionality


  • Store attendant can search and add products to buyer's cart.
  • Store attendant can see his/her sale records but can’t modify them.
  • App should show available products, quantity and price.
  • Store owner can see sales and can filter by attendants.
  • Store owner can add, modify and delete products.

API Endpoints

Method Route Functionality
POST "/api/v1/products" Create a product
POST "/api/v1/sales" Create a sale order
GET "/api/v1/products" Fetches all products
GET "/api/v1/products/<product_id>" Fetches a single product
GET "/api/v1/sales" Fetches all sales
GET "/api/v1/sales/<sale_id>" Fetches single sale record
PUT "/api/v1/products/<product_id>" Modifies a product

Running unittests.

  • Install pytest from terminal

pip install pytest

  • Test your endpoints in the terminal

pytest tests/test_api.py

  • To run tests and get coverage report

pytest tests --cov=api --cov-report term-missing


The app has been hosted on heroku and can be accessed using the following link (https://eian.herokuapp.com/)


Emmanuel Ogwal



Language:Python 100.0%