e-dorigatti / pandoc_beamer_template

A template for markdown-based slides

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Pandoc Beamer Template

Convert a markdown file to PDF slides based on Beamer.

See the source markdown in presentation.md and the resulting slides in presentation.pdf.


The slides can be generated via make, which in turn will call pandoc (see the Makefile for the specifics). I am sorry for you if you are on Windows.

To automate the edit-compile-view slide development loop, use make watch, which will automatically generate the slides whenever a file is modified. This functionality requires inotofy tools.


Things to be cited are in the file presentation.bib.

By default, citations are processed by pandoc-citeproc, not bib(la)tex, and specified as [@entry_name]. The citation style can be changed in the header of the markdown file (citation-style); it requires a CSL specification file (e.g., the included vancouver-brackets.csl). CSL files for common bibliography formats can be downloaded from here.

If you prefer to use natbib to handle citations, add the following snipped to the header in the presentation:

natbib: yes
natbiboptions: round
biblio-style: plainnat

The natbiboptions entry specifies options when loading the package; in this example, natbib will be loaded as \usepackage[round]{natbib}, while the biblio-style option will be used within \bibliographystyle.

If you prefer biblatex rather than natbib, use:

biblatex: yes
biblatexoptions: backend=biber

Where the biblatexoptions are again used when loading the package.

Compilation to latex

As it is, the project uses pandoc to directly generate the pdf file without producing the intermediate tex output. If you would like to have that, for example to debug latex issues, or if you want the latex file to be compiled in a certain way, you can modify the Makefile in one of two ways.

The first option is to change the output format to tex in the Makefile, i.e. change -o presentation.pdf to -o presentation.tex. This is a quick-and-dirty solution to debug minor issues.

To customize the latex compilation, first follow the step above to generate the latex file, then add a second target to the makefile, for example:

presentation.pdf: presentation.tex
	latexmk -f -latexoption="--interaction=nonstopmode" presentation.tex

presentation.tex: presentation.md presentation.bib presentation.template Makefile files/
	pandoc presentation.md --to beamer -o presentation.tex  # ... etc

Custom latex code

You can include custom code in the latex header, for example to define commands or import additional packages, by modifying the header.tex file.


The latex file is generated by rendering the template, which is a slightly modified version of the one that comes with pandoc. If you have particular latex or beamer needs beyond what can be achieved by adding things to the header, modify this template.


A template for markdown-based slides


Language:Makefile 58.7%Language:TeX 41.3%