e-a-security / Modern-Vulnerability-Management-Program-Architecture

As a Vulnerability Management Engineering for 1 year has taught me quite a lot. I focused on being the architect behind the advancements of a modern risk-centric program.

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1 year as a Vulnerability Management Engineer has taught me a lot. I spent a lot of this time researching industry-leading programs and began to architect the advancement of a risk-centric Vulnerability Management program.

From a ticket system to a vulnerability risk mitigation program focused on business impact.

Overall lesson? That a Vulnerability Management program will only be functional if there’s a collaboration being done from all sides of the company. It helps control the risk that an organization has to go through just for being present, and that tackling a program is not as simple as remediating every vulnerability, but instead to approach it in a way of understanding how to tackle the risk. Advancing the Vuln Mgmt Program Architecture


As a Vulnerability Management Engineering for 1 year has taught me quite a lot. I focused on being the architect behind the advancements of a modern risk-centric program.


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