Dzy395's starred repositories


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America', 'region_south_america': 'South America', 'region_europe': 'Europe', 'region_turkey': 'Turkey', 'region_poland': 'Poland', 'region_east_asia': 'East Asia', 'region_russia': 'Russia', 'region_china': 'China', 'region_oceania': 'Oceania', 'region_australia': 'Australia', 'region_players': 'players', 'option_no_skins': 'Remover skins', 'option_no_names': 'Sem Nome', 'option_dark_theme': 'Tema Escuro', 'option_no_colors': 'Sem Cores', 'option_show_mass': 'Most. Massa', 'leaderboard': 'Leaderboard', 'unnamed_cell': 'Célula sem nome !"', 'last_match_results': 'Last match results', 'score': 'Pontos', 'leaderboard_time': '', 'mass_eaten': 'Mass Eaten', 'top_position': 'Top Position', 'position_1': 'Primeiro', 'position_2': 'Segundo', 'position_3': 'Terceiro', 'position_4': 'Quarto', 'position_5': 'Quinto', 'position_6': 'Sexto', 'position_7': 'Setimo', 'position_8': 'Oitavo', 'position_9': 'Nono', 'position_10': 'Decimo', 'player_cells_eaten': 'Player Cells Eaten', 'survival_time': 'Survival Time', 'games_played': 'Games played', 'highest_mass': 'Massa Total', 'total_cells_eaten': 'Total cells eaten', 'total_mass_eaten': 'Total mass eaten', 'longest_survival': 'Longest survival', 'logout': 'Sair', 'stats': 'Stats', 'shop': 'Shop', 'party': 'Jogar Com Os Amigos', 'party_description': 'Play with your friends in the same map', 'create_party': 'Create', 'creating_party': 'Criando Ah partida...', 'join_party': 'Criar Partoda', 'back_button': 'Sair', 'joining_party': 'Connectando Na Sala ...', 'joined_party_instructions': 'You are now playing with this Sala:', 'party_join_error': 'There was a problem joining that party, please make sure the code is correct, or try creating another party', 'login_tooltip': 'Login with Facebook and get:<br\xA0/><br /><br />Jogar the game with more mass!<br />Level up to get even more starting mass!', 'create_party_instructions': 'Give this link to your friends:', 'join_party_instructions': 'Your friend should have given you a code, type it here:', 'continue': 'Continuar', 'option_skip_stats': 'Pular Estatísticas', 'stats_food_eaten': 'Alim. ingeridos', 'stats_highest_mass': 'highest mass', 'stats_time_alive': 'Tempo Vivo', 'stats_leaderboard_time': 'Tempo no Rank', 'stats_cells_eaten': 'Células Ingeridas', 'stats_top_position': 'Posição Rankeada?', '': '' }, '?': {} }; 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i < g_cells.length; i++) { var cell = g_cells[i]; if (!(!cell.N() || cell.R || 20 >= cell.size * g_scale)) { maxSize = Math.max(cell.size, maxSize); minX = Math.min(cell.x, minX); minY = Math.min(cell.y, minY); maxX = Math.max(cell.x, maxX); maxY = Math.max(cell.y, maxY); } } g_pointTree ={ ca: minX - (maxSize + 100), da: minY - (maxSize + 100), oa: maxX + (maxSize + 100), pa: maxY + (maxSize + 100), ma: 2, na: 4 }); for (i = 0; i < g_cells.length; i++) { if (cell = g_cells[i], cell.N() && !(20 >= cell.size * g_scale)) { for (minX = 0; minX < cell.a.length; ++minX) { minY = cell.a[minX].x; maxX = cell.a[minX].y; if (!(minY < g_viewX - g_protocol / 2 / g_scale || maxX < g_viewY - __unmatched_60 / 2 / g_scale || minY > g_viewX + g_protocol / 2 / g_scale || maxX > g_viewY + __unmatched_60 / 2 / g_scale)) { g_pointTree.m(cell.a[minX]); } } } } } } function UpdatePos() { g_moveX = (g_mouseX - g_protocol / 2) / g_scale + g_viewX; g_moveY = (g_mouseY - __unmatched_60 / 2) / g_scale + g_viewY; 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FindGame(); } } function Connect(address, ticket) { if (points) { points.onopen = null; points.onmessage = null; points.onclose = null; try { points.close(); } catch (exception) {} points = null; } if (__unmatched_113.ip) { address = 'ws://' + __unmatched_113.ip; } if (null != __unmatched_121) { var __unmatched_181 = __unmatched_121; __unmatched_121 = function() { __unmatched_181(ticket); }; } if (g_secure) { var parts = address.split(':'); address = parts[0] + 's://ip-' + parts[1].replace(/\./g, '-').replace(/\//g, '') + '' + (+parts[2] + 2000); } g_playerCellIds = []; g_playerCells = []; g_cellsById = {}; g_cells = []; g_destroyedCells = []; g_scoreEntries = []; g_leaderboardCanvas = g_scorePartitions = null; g_maxScore = 0; g_connectSuccessful = false; console.log('Connecting to ' + address); points = new WebSocket(address); points.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'; points.onopen = function() { var data; console.log('socket open'); data = GetBuffer(5); data.setUint8(0, 254); data.setUint32(1, 5, true); SendBuffer(data); data = GetBuffer(5); data.setUint8(0, 255); data.setUint32(1, 154669603, true); SendBuffer(data); data = GetBuffer(1 + ticket.length); data.setUint8(0, 80); for (var i = 0; i < ticket.length; ++i) { data.setUint8(i + 1, ticket.charCodeAt(i)); } SendBuffer(data); RefreshAds(); }; points.onmessage = MessageHandler; points.onclose = CloseHandler; points.onerror = function() { console.log('socket error'); }; } function GetBuffer(size) { return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(size)); } function SendBuffer(data) { points.send(data.buffer); } function CloseHandler() { if (g_connectSuccessful) { g_retryTimeout = 500; } console.log('socket close'); setTimeout(Start, g_retryTimeout); g_retryTimeout *= 2; } function MessageHandler(data) { Receive(new DataView(; } function Receive(data) { function __unmatched_190() { for (var string = '';;) { var char = data.getUint16(pos, true); pos += 2; if (0 == char) { break; } string += String.fromCharCode(char); } return string; } var pos = 0; if (240 == data.getUint8(pos)) { pos += 5; } switch (data.getUint8(pos++)) { case 16: ParseCellUpdates(data, pos); break; case 17: g_viewX_ = data.getFloat32(pos, true); pos += 4; g_viewY_ = data.getFloat32(pos, true); pos += 4; g_scale_ = data.getFloat32(pos, true); pos += 4; break; case 20: g_playerCells = []; g_playerCellIds = []; break; case 21: g_linesY_ = data.getInt16(pos, true); pos += 2; g_linesX_ = data.getInt16(pos, true); pos += 2; if (!g_ready) { g_ready = true; g_linesX = g_linesY_; g_linesY = g_linesX_; } break; case 32: g_playerCellIds.push(data.getUint32(pos, true)); pos += 4; break; case 49: if (null != g_scorePartitions) { break; } var num = data.getUint32(pos, true); var pos = pos + 4; g_scoreEntries = []; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { var id = data.getUint32(pos, true); var pos = pos + 4; g_scoreEntries.push({ id: id, name: __unmatched_190() }); } UpdateLeaderboard(); break; case 50: g_scorePartitions = []; num = data.getUint32(pos, true); pos += 4; for (i = 0; i < num; ++i) { g_scorePartitions.push(data.getFloat32(pos, true)); pos += 4; } UpdateLeaderboard(); break; case 64: g_minX = data.getFloat64(pos, true); pos += 8; g_minY = data.getFloat64(pos, true); pos += 8; g_maxX = data.getFloat64(pos, true); pos += 8; g_maxY = data.getFloat64(pos, true); pos += 8; g_viewX_ = (g_maxX + g_minX) / 2; g_viewY_ = (g_maxY + g_minY) / 2; g_scale_ = 1; if (0 == g_playerCells.length) { g_viewX = g_viewX_; g_viewY = g_viewY_; g_scale = g_scale_; } break; case 81: var x = data.getUint32(pos, true); var pos = pos + 4; var __unmatched_196 = data.getUint32(pos, true); var pos = pos + 4; var __unmatched_197 = data.getUint32(pos, true); var pos = pos + 4; setTimeout(function() { __unmatched_43({ e: x, f: __unmatched_196, d: __unmatched_197 }); }, 1200); } } function ParseCellUpdates(data, pos) { function __unmatched_202() { for (var string = '';;) { var id = data.getUint16(pos, true); pos += 2; if (0 == id) { break; } string += String.fromCharCode(id); } return string; } function __unmatched_203() { for (var __unmatched_218 = '';;) { var r = data.getUint8(pos++); if (0 == r) { break; } __unmatched_218 += String.fromCharCode(r); } return __unmatched_218; } __unmatched_107 = g_time =; if (!g_connectSuccessful) { g_connectSuccessful = true; __unmatched_24(); } __unmatched_88 = false; var num = data.getUint16(pos, true); pos += 2; for (var i = 0; i < num; ++i) { var cellA = g_cellsById[data.getUint32(pos, true)]; var cellB = g_cellsById[data.getUint32(pos + 4, true)]; pos += 8; if (cellA && cellB) { cellB.X(); cellB.s = cellB.x; cellB.t = cellB.y; cellB.r = cellB.size; cellB.J = cellA.x; cellB.K = cellA.y; cellB.q = cellB.size; cellB.Q = g_time; __unmatched_49(cellA, cellB); } } for (i = 0;;) { num = data.getUint32(pos, true); pos += 4; if (0 == num) { break; } ++i; var size; var cellA = data.getInt32(pos, true); pos += 4; cellB = data.getInt32(pos, true); pos += 4; size = data.getInt16(pos, true); pos += 2; var flags = data.getUint8(pos++); var y = data.getUint8(pos++); var b = data.getUint8(pos++); var y = __unmatched_40(flags << 16 | y << 8 | b); var b = data.getUint8(pos++); var isVirus = !!(b & 1); var isAgitated = !!(b & 16); var __unmatched_214 = null; if (b & 2) { pos += 4 + data.getUint32(pos, true); } if (b & 4) { __unmatched_214 = __unmatched_203(); } var name = __unmatched_202(); var flags = null; if (g_cellsById.hasOwnProperty(num)) { flags = g_cellsById[num]; flags.P(); flags.s = flags.x; flags.t = flags.y; flags.r = flags.size; flags.color = y; } else { flags = new Cell(num, cellA, cellB, size, y, name); g_cells.push(flags); g_cellsById[num] = flags; flags.ta = cellA; = cellB; } flags.h = isVirus; flags.n = isAgitated; flags.J = cellA; flags.K = cellB; flags.q = size; flags.Q = g_time; = b; flags.fa = __unmatched_214; if (name) { flags.B(name); } if (-1 != g_playerCellIds.indexOf(num) && -1 == g_playerCells.indexOf(flags)) { g_playerCells.push(flags); if (1 == g_playerCells.length) { g_viewX = flags.x; g_viewY = flags.y; __unmatched_136(); document.getElementById('overlays').style.display = 'none'; cached = []; __unmatched_139 = 0; __unmatched_140 = g_playerCells[0].color; __unmatched_142 = true; __unmatched_143 =; g_mode = __unmatched_146 = __unmatched_145 = 0; } } } cellA = data.getUint32(pos, true); pos += 4; for (i = 0; i < cellA; i++) { num = data.getUint32(pos, true); pos += 4; flags = g_cellsById[num]; if (null != flags) { flags.X(); } } if (__unmatched_88 && 0 == g_playerCells.length) { __unmatched_144 =; __unmatched_142 = false; if (!(g_playerCellDestroyed || __unmatched_141)) { if (__unmatched_148) { __unmatched_13(window.ab); ShowOverlay(); __unmatched_141 = true; $('#overlays').fadeIn(3000); $('#stats').show(); } else { __unmatched_10(3000); } } } } function __unmatched_24() { $('#connecting').hide(); SendNick(); if (__unmatched_121) { __unmatched_121(); __unmatched_121 = null; } if (null != __unmatched_123) { clearTimeout(__unmatched_123); } __unmatched_123 = setTimeout(function() { if ( { ++__unmatched_124;'set', 'dimension2', __unmatched_124); } }, 10000); } function SendPos() { if (IsConnected()) { var deltaY = g_mouseX - g_protocol / 2; var delta = g_mouseY - __unmatched_60 / 2; if (!(64 > deltaY * deltaY + delta * delta || 0.01 > Math.abs(g_lastMoveY - g_moveX) && 0.01 > Math.abs(g_lastMoveX - g_moveY))) { g_lastMoveY = g_moveX; g_lastMoveX = g_moveY; deltaY = GetBuffer(21); deltaY.setUint8(0, 16); deltaY.setFloat64(1, g_moveX, true); deltaY.setFloat64(9, g_moveY, true); deltaY.setUint32(17, 0, true); SendBuffer(deltaY); } } } function SendNick() { if (IsConnected() && g_connectSuccessful && null != g_nick) { var data = GetBuffer(1 + 2 * g_nick.length); data.setUint8(0, 0); for (var i = 0; i < g_nick.length; ++i) { data.setUint16(1 + 2 * i, g_nick.charCodeAt(i), true); } SendBuffer(data); g_nick = null; } } function IsConnected() { return null != points && points.readyState == points.OPEN; } function SendCmd(cmd) { if (IsConnected()) { var data = GetBuffer(1); data.setUint8(0, cmd); SendBuffer(data); } } function RefreshAds() { if (IsConnected() && null != __unmatched_108) { var __unmatched_226 = GetBuffer(1 + __unmatched_108.length); __unmatched_226.setUint8(0, 81); for (var y = 0; y < __unmatched_108.length; ++y) { __unmatched_226.setUint8(y + 1, __unmatched_108.charCodeAt(y)); } SendBuffer(__unmatched_226); } } function ResizeHandler() { g_protocol = window.innerWidth; __unmatched_60 = window.innerHeight; g_canvas_.width = g_canvas.width = g_protocol; g_canvas_.height = g_canvas.height = __unmatched_60; var $dialog = $('#helloContainer'); $dialog.css('transform', 'none'); var dialogHeight = $dialog.height(); var height = window.innerHeight; if (dialogHeight > height / 1.1) { $dialog.css('transform', 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(' + height / dialogHeight / 1.1 + ')'); } else { $dialog.css('transform', 'translate(-50%, -50%)'); } GetScore(); } function ScaleModifier() { var scale; scale = 1 * Math.max(__unmatched_60 / 1080, g_protocol / 1920); return scale *= g_zoom; } function __unmatched_32() { if (0 != g_playerCells.length) { for (var scale = 0, i = 0; i < g_playerCells.length; i++) { scale += g_playerCells[i].size; } scale = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / scale, 1), 0.4) * ScaleModifier(); g_scale = (9 * g_scale + scale) / 10; } } function GetScore() { var x; var time =; ++__unmatched_75; g_time = time; if (0 < g_playerCells.length) { __unmatched_32(); for (var y = x = 0, i = 0; i < g_playerCells.length; i++) { g_playerCells[i].P(); x += g_playerCells[i].x / g_playerCells.length; y += g_playerCells[i].y / g_playerCells.length; } g_viewX_ = x; g_viewY_ = y; g_scale_ = g_scale; g_viewX = (g_viewX + x) / 2; g_viewY = (g_viewY + y) / 2; } else { g_viewX = (29 * g_viewX + g_viewX_) / 30; g_viewY = (29 * g_viewY + g_viewY_) / 30; g_scale = (9 * g_scale + g_scale_ * ScaleModifier()) / 10; } UpdateTree(); UpdatePos(); if (!g_showTrails) { g_context.clearRect(0, 0, g_protocol, __unmatched_60); } if (g_showTrails) { g_context.fillStyle = g_showMass ? '#111111' : '#F2FBFF'; g_context.globalAlpha = 0.05; g_context.fillRect(0, 0, g_protocol, __unmatched_60); g_context.globalAlpha = 1; } else { DrawGrid(); } g_cells.sort(function(A, B) { return A.size == B.size ? - : A.size - B.size; });; g_context.translate(g_protocol / 2, __unmatched_60 / 2); g_context.scale(g_scale, g_scale); g_context.translate(-g_viewX, -g_viewY); drawBorders(); drawLogo(); myMass = Math.min.apply(null, { return r.N(); })) for (i = 0; i < g_destroyedCells.length; i++) { g_destroyedCells[i].w(g_context); } for (i = 0; i < g_cells.length; i++) { g_cells[i].w(g_context); } if (g_ready) { g_linesX = (3 * g_linesX + g_linesY_) / 4; g_linesY = (3 * g_linesY + g_linesX_) / 4;; g_context.strokeStyle = '#FFAAAA'; g_context.lineWidth = 10; g_context.lineCap = 'round'; g_context.lineJoin = 'round'; g_context.globalAlpha = 0.5; g_context.beginPath(); for (i = 0; i < g_playerCells.length; i++) { g_context.moveTo(g_playerCells[i].x, g_playerCells[i].y); g_context.lineTo(g_linesX, g_linesY); } g_context.stroke(); g_context.restore(); } g_context.restore(); if (g_leaderboardCanvas && g_leaderboardCanvas.width) { g_context.drawImage(g_leaderboardCanvas, g_protocol - g_leaderboardCanvas.width - 10, 10); } g_maxScore = Math.max(g_maxScore, __unmatched_36()); if (0 != g_maxScore) { if (null == g_cachedScore) { g_cachedScore = new CachedCanvas(24, '#FFFFFF'); } g_cachedScore.C(__unmatched_14('score') + ': ' + ~~(g_maxScore / 100)); y = g_cachedScore.L(); x = y.width; g_context.globalAlpha = 0.2; g_context.fillStyle = '#000000'; g_context.fillRect(10, __unmatched_60 - 10 - 24 - 10, x + 10, 34); g_context.globalAlpha = 1; g_context.drawImage(y, 15, __unmatched_60 - 10 - 24 - 5); } DrawSplitImage(); time = - time; if (time > 1000 / 60) { g_pointNumScale -= 0.01; } else if (time < 1000 / 65) { g_pointNumScale += 0.01; } if (0.4 > g_pointNumScale) { g_pointNumScale = 0.4; } if (1 < g_pointNumScale) { g_pointNumScale = 1; } time = g_time - __unmatched_77; if (!IsConnected() || g_playerCellDestroyed || __unmatched_141) { qkeyDown += time / 2000; if (1 < qkeyDown) { qkeyDown = 1; } } else { qkeyDown -= time / 300; if (0 > qkeyDown) { qkeyDown = 0; } } if (0 < qkeyDown) { g_context.fillStyle = '#000000'; g_context.globalAlpha = 0.5 * qkeyDown; g_context.fillRect(0, 0, g_protocol, __unmatched_60); g_context.globalAlpha = 1; } __unmatched_77 = g_time; } function DrawGrid() { g_context.fillStyle = g_showMass ? '#111111' : '#F2FBFF'; g_context.fillRect(0, 0, g_protocol, __unmatched_60);; g_context.strokeStyle = g_showMass ? '#AAAAAA' : '#000000'; g_context.globalAlpha = 0.2 * g_scale; for (var width = g_protocol / g_scale, height = __unmatched_60 / g_scale, g_width = (-g_viewX + width / 2) % 50; g_width < width; g_width += 50) { g_context.beginPath(); g_context.moveTo(g_width * g_scale - 0.5, 0); g_context.lineTo(g_width * g_scale - 0.5, height * g_scale); g_context.stroke(); } for (g_width = (-g_viewY + height / 2) % 50; g_width < height; g_width += 50) { g_context.beginPath(); g_context.moveTo(0, g_width * g_scale - 0.5); g_context.lineTo(width * g_scale, g_width * g_scale - 0.5); g_context.stroke(); } g_context.restore(); } function DrawSplitImage() { if (g_touchCapable && g_splitImage.width) { var size = g_protocol / 5; g_context.drawImage(g_splitImage, 5, 5, size, size); } } function __unmatched_36() { for (var score = 0, i = 0; i < g_playerCells.length; i++) { score += g_playerCells[i].q * g_playerCells[i].q; } return score; } function UpdateLeaderboard() { g_leaderboardCanvas = null; if (null != g_scorePartitions || 0 != g_scoreEntries.length) { if (null != g_scorePartitions || g_showNames) { g_leaderboardCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var context = g_leaderboardCanvas.getContext('2d'); var height = 60; var height = null == g_scorePartitions ? height + 24 * g_scoreEntries.length : height + 180; var scale = Math.min(200, 0.3 * g_protocol) / 200; g_leaderboardCanvas.width = 200 * scale; g_leaderboardCanvas.height = height * scale; context.scale(scale, scale); context.globalAlpha = 0.4; context.fillStyle = '#000000'; context.fillRect(0, 0, 200, height); context.globalAlpha = 1; context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; scale = null; scale = __unmatched_14('leaderboard'); context.font = '30px Ubuntu'; context.fillText(scale, 100 - context.measureText(scale).width / 2, 40); if (null == g_scorePartitions) { for (context.font = '20px Ubuntu', height = 0; height < g_scoreEntries.length; ++height) { scale = g_scoreEntries[height].name || __unmatched_14('unnamed_cell'); if (!g_showNames) { scale = __unmatched_14('unnamed_cell'); } if (-1 != g_playerCellIds.indexOf(g_scoreEntries[height].id)) { if (g_playerCells[0].name) { scale = g_playerCells[0].name; } context.fillStyle = '#FFAAAA'; } else { context.fillStyle = '#FFFFFF'; } scale = height + 1 + '. ' + scale; context.fillText(scale, 100 - context.measureText(scale).width / 2, 70 + 24 * height); } } else { for (height = scale = 0; height < g_scorePartitions.length; ++height) { var end = scale + g_scorePartitions[height] * Math.PI * 2; context.fillStyle = g_teamColors[height + 1]; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(100, 140); context.arc(100, 140, 80, scale, end, false); context.fill(); scale = end; } } } } } function __unmatched_38(__unmatched_250, __unmatched_251, __unmatched_252, __unmatched_253, __unmatched_254) { this.V = __unmatched_250; this.x = __unmatched_251; this.y = __unmatched_252; this.i = __unmatched_253; this.b = __unmatched_254; } function Cell(id, x, y, size, color, name) { = id; this.s = this.x = x; this.t = this.y = y; this.r = this.size = size; this.color = color; this.a = []; this.W(); this.B(name); } function __unmatched_40(__unmatched_261) { for (__unmatched_261 = __unmatched_261.toString(16); 6 > __unmatched_261.length;) { __unmatched_261 = '0' + __unmatched_261; } return '#' + __unmatched_261; } function drawBorders() { g_context.beginPath(); g_context.lineWidth = 1; g_context.strokeStyle = "#F87B32"; g_context.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); g_context.lineTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); g_context.stroke(); g_context.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapStartY()); g_context.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); g_context.stroke(); g_context.moveTo(getMapEndX(), getMapStartY()); g_context.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); g_context.stroke(); g_context.moveTo(getMapStartX(), getMapEndY()); g_context.lineTo(getMapEndX(), getMapEndY()); g_context.stroke(); g_context.restore(); } function drawLogo(){ var logoimage = new Image(); logoimage.src = "img/split.png"; var width = this.j / 2; var dim = width / 2;; g_context.beginPath(); g_context.strokeStyle = "#F87B32"; g_context.moveTo(getMapStartX()/2, getMapStartX()/2); g_context.lineTo(getMapStartX()/2, getMapStartX()/2); g_context.stroke(); g_context.restore(); } function CachedCanvas(size, color, stroke, strokeColor) { if (size) { this.u = size; } if (color) { this.S = color; } this.U = !!stroke; if (strokeColor) { this.v = strokeColor; } } function __unmatched_42(__unmatched_266) { for (var size_ = __unmatched_266.length, __unmatched_268, __unmatched_269; 0 < size_;) { __unmatched_269 = Math.floor(Math.random() * size_); size_--; __unmatched_268 = __unmatched_266[size_]; __unmatched_266[size_] = __unmatched_266[__unmatched_269]; __unmatched_266[__unmatched_269] = __unmatched_268; } } function __unmatched_43(g_socket, __unmatched_271) { var noClip = '1' == $('#helloContainer').attr('data-has-account-data'); $('#helloContainer').attr('data-has-account-data', '1'); if (null == __unmatched_271 && window.localStorage.loginCache) { var rand = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.loginCache); rand.f = g_socket.f; rand.d = g_socket.d; rand.e = g_socket.e; window.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(rand); } if (noClip) { var __unmatched_274 = +$('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text').first().text().split('/')[0]; var noClip = +$('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text').first().text().split('/')[1].split(' ')[0]; var rand = $('.agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star').first().text(); if (rand != g_socket.e) { __unmatched_43({ f: noClip, d: noClip, e: rand }, function() { $('.agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star').text(g_socket.e); $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar').css('width', '100%'); $('.progress-bar-star').addClass('animated tada').one('webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend', function() { $('.progress-bar-star').removeClass('animated tada'); }); setTimeout(function() { $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text').text(g_socket.d + '/' + g_socket.d + ' XP'); __unmatched_43({ f: 0, d: g_socket.d, e: g_socket.e }, function() { __unmatched_43(g_socket, __unmatched_271); }); }, 1000); }); } else { var __unmatched_275 =; var name = function() { var deltaX; deltaX = ( - __unmatched_275) / 1000; deltaX = 0 > deltaX ? 0 : 1 < deltaX ? 1 : deltaX; deltaX = deltaX * deltaX * (3 - 2 * deltaX); $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text').text(~~(__unmatched_274 + (g_socket.f - __unmatched_274) * deltaX) + '/' + g_socket.d + ' XP'); $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar').css('width', (88 * (__unmatched_274 + (g_socket.f - __unmatched_274) * deltaX) / g_socket.d).toFixed(2) + '%'); if (1 > deltaX) { window.requestAnimationFrame(name); } else if (__unmatched_271) { __unmatched_271(); } }; window.requestAnimationFrame(name); } } else { $('.agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star').text(g_socket.e); $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text').text(g_socket.f + '/' + g_socket.d + ' XP'); $('.agario-exp-bar .progress-bar').css('width', (88 * g_socket.f / g_socket.d).toFixed(2) + '%'); if (__unmatched_271) { __unmatched_271(); } } } function __unmatched_44(__unmatched_278) { if ('string' == typeof __unmatched_278) { __unmatched_278 = JSON.parse(__unmatched_278); } if ( + 1800000 > __unmatched_278.ka) { $('#helloContainer').attr('data-logged-in', '0'); } else { window.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(__unmatched_278); __unmatched_108 = __unmatched_278.ha; $('.agario-profile-name').text(; RefreshAds(); __unmatched_43({ f: __unmatched_278.f, d: __unmatched_278.d, e: __unmatched_278.e }); $('#helloContainer').attr('data-logged-in', '1'); } } function __unmatched_45(data) { data = data.split('\n'); __unmatched_44({ name: data[0], sa: data[1], ha: data[2], ka: 1000 * +data[3], e: +data[4], f: +data[5], d: +data[6] }); } function UpdateScale(__unmatched_280) { if ('connected' == __unmatched_280.status) { var x = __unmatched_280.authResponse.accessToken; window.FB.api('/me/picture?width=180&height=180', function(__unmatched_282) { window.localStorage.fbPictureCache =; $('.agario-profile-picture').attr('src',; }); $('#helloContainer').attr('data-logged-in', '1'); if (null != __unmatched_108) { $.ajax('', { error: function() { __unmatched_108 = null; UpdateScale(__unmatched_280); }, success: function(__unmatched_283) { __unmatched_283 = __unmatched_283.split('\n'); __unmatched_43({ e: +__unmatched_283[0], f: +__unmatched_283[1], d: +__unmatched_283[2] }); }, dataType: 'text', method: 'POST', cache: false, crossDomain: true, data: __unmatched_108 }); } else { $.ajax('', { error: function() { __unmatched_108 = null; $('#helloContainer').attr('data-logged-in', '0'); }, success: __unmatched_45, dataType: 'text', method: 'POST', cache: false, crossDomain: true, data: x }); } } } function RenderLoop(x) { Render(':party'); $('#helloContainer').attr('data-party-state', '4'); x = decodeURIComponent(x).replace(/.*#/gim, ''); __unmatched_48('#' + window.encodeURIComponent(x)); $.ajax('', { error: function() { $('#helloContainer').attr('data-party-state', '6'); }, success: function(quick) { quick = quick.split('\n'); $('.partyToken').val('' + window.encodeURIComponent(x)); $('#helloContainer').attr('data-party-state', '5'); Render(':party'); Connect('ws://' + quick[0], x); }, dataType: 'text', method: 'POST', cache: false, crossDomain: true, data: x }); } function __unmatched_48(__unmatched_286) { if (window.history && window.history.replaceState) { window.history.replaceState({}, window.document.title, __unmatched_286); } } function __unmatched_49(__unmatched_287, __unmatched_288) { var playerOwned = -1 != g_playerCellIds.indexOf(; var __unmatched_290 = -1 != g_playerCellIds.indexOf(; var __unmatched_291 = 30 > __unmatched_288.size; if (playerOwned && __unmatched_291) { ++__unmatched_139; } if (!(__unmatched_291 || !playerOwned || __unmatched_290)) { ++__unmatched_146; } } function __unmatched_50(__unmatched_292) { __unmatched_292 = ~~__unmatched_292; var color = (__unmatched_292 % 60).toString(); __unmatched_292 = (~~(__unmatched_292 / 60)).toString(); if (2 > color.length) { color = '0' + color; } return __unmatched_292 + ':' + color; } function __unmatched_51() { if (null == g_scoreEntries) { return 0; } for (var i = 0; i < g_scoreEntries.length; ++i) { if (-1 != g_playerCellIds.indexOf(g_scoreEntries[i].id)) { return i + 1; } } return 0; } function ShowOverlay() { $('.stats-food-eaten').text(__unmatched_139); $('.stats-time-alive').text(__unmatched_50((__unmatched_144 - __unmatched_143) / 1000)); $('.stats-leaderboard-time').text(__unmatched_50(__unmatched_145)); $('.stats-highest-mass').text(~~(g_maxScore / 100)); $('.stats-cells-eaten').text(__unmatched_146); $('.stats-top-position').text(0 == g_mode ? ':(' : g_mode); var g_height = document.getElementById('statsGraph'); if (g_height) { var pointsAcc = g_height.getContext('2d'); var scale = g_height.width; var g_height = g_height.height; pointsAcc.clearRect(0, 0, scale, g_height); if (2 < cached.length) { for (var __unmatched_298 = 200, i = 0; i < cached.length; i++) { __unmatched_298 = Math.max(cached[i], __unmatched_298); } pointsAcc.lineWidth = 3; pointsAcc.lineCap = 'round'; pointsAcc.lineJoin = 'round'; pointsAcc.strokeStyle = __unmatched_140; pointsAcc.fillStyle = __unmatched_140; pointsAcc.beginPath(); pointsAcc.moveTo(0, g_height - cached[0] / __unmatched_298 * (g_height - 10) + 10); for (i = 1; i < cached.length; i += Math.max(~~(cached.length / scale), 1)) { for (var __unmatched_300 = i / (cached.length - 1) * scale, __unmatched_301 = [], __unmatched_302 = -20; 20 >= __unmatched_302; ++__unmatched_302) { if (!(0 > i + __unmatched_302 || i + __unmatched_302 >= cached.length)) { __unmatched_301.push(cached[i + __unmatched_302]); } } __unmatched_301 = __unmatched_301.reduce(function(__unmatched_303, __unmatched_304) { return __unmatched_303 + __unmatched_304; }) / __unmatched_301.length / __unmatched_298; pointsAcc.lineTo(__unmatched_300, g_height - __unmatched_301 * (g_height - 10) + 10); } pointsAcc.stroke(); pointsAcc.globalAlpha = 0.5; pointsAcc.lineTo(scale, g_height); pointsAcc.lineTo(0, g_height); pointsAcc.fill(); pointsAcc.globalAlpha = 1; } } } if (!window.agarioNoInit) { var __unmatched_53 = window.location.protocol; var g_secure = 'https:' == __unmatched_53; if (g_secure && -1 =='fb')) { window.location.href = ''; } else { var items = window.navigator.userAgent; if (-1 != items.indexOf('Android')) { if ( {'send', 'event', 'MobileRedirect', 'PlayStore'); } setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = ''; }, 1000); } else if (-1 != items.indexOf('iPhone') || -1 != items.indexOf('iPad') || -1 != items.indexOf('iPod')) { if ( {'send', 'event', 'MobileRedirect', 'AppStore'); } setTimeout(function() { window.location.href = ''; }, 1000); } else { var g_canvas_; var g_context; var g_canvas; var g_protocol; var __unmatched_60; var g_pointTree = null; var points = null; var g_viewX = 0; var g_viewY = 0; var g_playerCellIds = []; var g_playerCells = []; var g_cellsById = {}; var g_cells = []; var g_destroyedCells = []; var g_scoreEntries = []; var g_mouseX = 0; var g_mouseY = 0; var g_moveX = -1; var g_moveY = -1; var __unmatched_75 = 0; var g_time = 0; var __unmatched_77 = 0; var g_nick = null; var g_minX = 0; var g_minY = 0; var g_maxX = 10000; var g_maxY = 10000; var g_scale = 1; var g_region = null; var g_showSkins = true; var g_showNames = true; var g_noColors = false; var __unmatched_88 = false; var g_maxScore = 0; var g_showMass = false; var g_darkTheme = true; var g_viewX_ = g_viewX = ~~((g_minX + g_maxX) / 2); var g_viewY_ = g_viewY = ~~((g_minY + g_maxY) / 2); var g_scale_ = 1; var __unmatched_95 = ''; var g_scorePartitions = null; var g_drawLines = false; var g_ready = false; var g_linesY_ = 0; var g_linesX_ = 0; var g_linesX = 0; var g_linesY = 0; var g_ABGroup = 0; var g_teamColors = [ '#333333', '#FF3333', '#33FF33', '#3333FF' ]; var g_showTrails = false; var g_connectSuccessful = false; var __unmatched_107 = 0; var __unmatched_108 = null; var g_zoom = 1; var qkeyDown = 1; var g_playerCellDestroyed = false; var __unmatched_112 = 0; var __unmatched_113 = {}; (function() { var point =; if ('?' == point.charAt(0)) { point = point.slice(1); } for (var point = point.split('&'), __unmatched_306 = 0; __unmatched_306 < point.length; __unmatched_306++) { var parts = point[__unmatched_306].split('='); __unmatched_113[parts[0]] = parts[1]; } }()); var g_touchCapable = 'ontouchstart' in window && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent); var g_splitImage = new Image(); g_splitImage.src = 'img/split.png'; var canvasTest = document.createElement('canvas'); if ('undefined' == typeof console || 'undefined' == typeof DataView || 'undefined' == typeof WebSocket || null == canvasTest || null == canvasTest.getContext || null == window.localStorage) { alert('You browser does not support this game, we recommend you to use Firefox to play this'); } else { var g_regionLabels = null; window.setNick = function(val) { HideOverlay(); g_nick = val; SendNick(); g_maxScore = 0; }; window.setRegion = SetRegion; window.setSkins = function(val) { g_showSkins = val; }; window.setUnlimitedZoom = function(val) { isUnlimitedZoom = val; }; window.setNames = function(val) { g_showNames = val; }; window.setDarkTheme = function(val) { g_showMass = val; }; window.setColors = function(val) { g_noColors = val; }; window.setShowMass = function(val) { g_darkTheme = val; }; window.spectate = function(val) { isSpectating = val g_nick = null; SendCmd(1); HideOverlay(); }; window.setLargeBlobBorders = function(val) { isLargeBlobBorders = val; } window.setLargeNames = function(val) { isLargeNames = val; } window.setVirusTransparent = function(val){ isVirusTransparent = val; } window.nicksChange = function() { var name = $("#nicks").children("option").filter(":selected").text(); $("#nick").val(name); if (-1 != g_skinNamesA.indexOf(name)) { $("#preview").attr("src", "skins/" + name + ".png"); } }; window.getMapStartX = function() { return g_minX; } window.getMapStartY = function() { return g_minY; } window.getMapEndX = function() { return g_maxX; } window.getMapEndY = function() { return g_maxY; } window.setGameMode = function(val) { if (val != __unmatched_95) { if (':party' == __unmatched_95) { $('#helloContainer').attr('data-party-state', '0'); } Render(val); if (':party' != val) { Start(); } } }; window.setAcid = function(val) { g_showTrails = val; }; if (null != window.localStorage) { if (null == window.localStorage.AB9) { window.localStorage.AB9 = 0 + ~~(100 * Math.random()); } g_ABGroup = +window.localStorage.AB9; window.ABGroup = g_ABGroup; } $.get(__unmatched_53 + '//', function(code) { var __unmatched_317 = code.split(' '); code = __unmatched_317[0]; __unmatched_317 = __unmatched_317[1] || ''; if (-1 == ['UA'].indexOf(code)) { g_skinNamesA.push('ussr'); } if (g_regionsByCC.hasOwnProperty(code)) { if ('string' == typeof g_regionsByCC[code]) { if (!g_region) { SetRegion(g_regionsByCC[code]); } else if (g_regionsByCC[code].hasOwnProperty(__unmatched_317)) { if (!g_region) { SetRegion(g_regionsByCC[code][__unmatched_317]); } } } } }, 'text'); if ( {'send', 'event', 'User-Agent', window.navigator.userAgent, { nonInteraction: 1 }); } var g_canRefreshAds = true; var g_refreshAdsCooldown = 0; var g_regionsByCC = { AF: 'JP-Tokyo', AX: 'EU-London', AL: 'EU-London', DZ: 'EU-London', AS: 'SG-Singapore', AD: 'EU-London', AO: 'EU-London', AI: 'US-Atlanta', AG: 'US-Atlanta', AR: 'BR-Brazil', AM: 'JP-Tokyo', AW: 'US-Atlanta', AU: 'SG-Singapore', AT: 'EU-London', AZ: 'JP-Tokyo', BS: 'US-Atlanta', BH: 'JP-Tokyo', BD: 'JP-Tokyo', BB: 'US-Atlanta', BY: 'EU-London', BE: 'EU-London', BZ: 'US-Atlanta', BJ: 'EU-London', BM: 'US-Atlanta', BT: 'JP-Tokyo', BO: 'BR-Brazil', BQ: 'US-Atlanta', BA: 'EU-London', BW: 'EU-London', BR: 'BR-Brazil', IO: 'JP-Tokyo', VG: 'US-Atlanta', BN: 'JP-Tokyo', BG: 'EU-London', BF: 'EU-London', BI: 'EU-London', KH: 'JP-Tokyo', CM: 'EU-London', CA: 'US-Atlanta', CV: 'EU-London', KY: 'US-Atlanta', CF: 'EU-London', TD: 'EU-London', CL: 'BR-Brazil', CN: 'CN-China', CX: 'JP-Tokyo', CC: 'JP-Tokyo', CO: 'BR-Brazil', KM: 'EU-London', CD: 'EU-London', CG: 'EU-London', CK: 'SG-Singapore', CR: 'US-Atlanta', CI: 'EU-London', HR: 'EU-London', CU: 'US-Atlanta', CW: 'US-Atlanta', CY: 'JP-Tokyo', CZ: 'EU-London', DK: 'EU-London', DJ: 'EU-London', DM: 'US-Atlanta', DO: 'US-Atlanta', EC: 'BR-Brazil', EG: 'EU-London', SV: 'US-Atlanta', GQ: 'EU-London', ER: 'EU-London', EE: 'EU-London', ET: 'EU-London', FO: 'EU-London', FK: 'BR-Brazil', FJ: 'SG-Singapore', FI: 'EU-London', FR: 'EU-London', GF: 'BR-Brazil', PF: 'SG-Singapore', GA: 'EU-London', GM: 'EU-London', GE: 'JP-Tokyo', DE: 'EU-London', GH: 'EU-London', GI: 'EU-London', GR: 'EU-London', GL: 'US-Atlanta', GD: 'US-Atlanta', GP: 'US-Atlanta', GU: 'SG-Singapore', GT: 'US-Atlanta', GG: 'EU-London', GN: 'EU-London', GW: 'EU-London', GY: 'BR-Brazil', HT: 'US-Atlanta', VA: 'EU-London', HN: 'US-Atlanta', HK: 'JP-Tokyo', HU: 'EU-London', IS: 'EU-London', IN: 'JP-Tokyo', ID: 'JP-Tokyo', IR: 'JP-Tokyo', IQ: 'JP-Tokyo', IE: 'EU-London', IM: 'EU-London', IL: 'JP-Tokyo', IT: 'EU-London', JM: 'US-Atlanta', JP: 'JP-Tokyo', JE: 'EU-London', JO: 'JP-Tokyo', KZ: 'JP-Tokyo', KE: 'EU-London', KI: 'SG-Singapore', KP: 'JP-Tokyo', KR: 'JP-Tokyo', KW: 'JP-Tokyo', KG: 'JP-Tokyo', LA: 'JP-Tokyo', LV: 'EU-London', LB: 'JP-Tokyo', LS: 'EU-London', LR: 'EU-London', LY: 'EU-London', LI: 'EU-London', LT: 'EU-London', LU: 'EU-London', MO: 'JP-Tokyo', MK: 'EU-London', MG: 'EU-London', MW: 'EU-London', MY: 'JP-Tokyo', MV: 'JP-Tokyo', ML: 'EU-London', MT: 'EU-London', MH: 'SG-Singapore', MQ: 'US-Atlanta', MR: 'EU-London', MU: 'EU-London', YT: 'EU-London', MX: 'US-Atlanta', FM: 'SG-Singapore', MD: 'EU-London', MC: 'EU-London', MN: 'JP-Tokyo', ME: 'EU-London', MS: 'US-Atlanta', MA: 'EU-London', MZ: 'EU-London', MM: 'JP-Tokyo', NA: 'EU-London', NR: 'SG-Singapore', NP: 'JP-Tokyo', NL: 'EU-London', NC: 'SG-Singapore', NZ: 'SG-Singapore', NI: 'US-Atlanta', NE: 'EU-London', NG: 'EU-London', NU: 'SG-Singapore', NF: 'SG-Singapore', MP: 'SG-Singapore', NO: 'EU-London', OM: 'JP-Tokyo', PK: 'JP-Tokyo', PW: 'SG-Singapore', PS: 'JP-Tokyo', PA: 'US-Atlanta', PG: 'SG-Singapore', PY: 'BR-Brazil', PE: 'BR-Brazil', PH: 'JP-Tokyo', PN: 'SG-Singapore', PL: 'EU-London', PT: 'EU-London', PR: 'US-Atlanta', QA: 'JP-Tokyo', RE: 'EU-London', RO: 'EU-London', RU: 'RU-Russia', RW: 'EU-London', BL: 'US-Atlanta', SH:



Some refactoring stuff for Vim
