dziegler / django-urlcrypt

Encrypts information in urls, such as login credentials. Useful if you want to send a user a link that logs the user in without leaking their login credentials.

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django-urlcrypt encrypts information in urls, such as login credentials.

For example, assume I have url patterns that looks like this:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^inbox/$', 'message_inbox', name='message_inbox'),
    (r'^r/', include('urlcrypt.urls')),

I can use django-urlcrypt to generate a url for a user that looks like:

and will automatically log that person in and redirects them to /inbox/.


  1. easy_install django-urlcrypt or pip install django-urlcrypt

  2. Add urlcrypt to your INSTALLED_APPS

  3. In add 'urlcrypt.auth_backends.UrlCryptBackend' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS

  4. In add:

    (r'^r/', include('urlcrypt.urls')),
  5. (recommended) If you wish to use RSA encryption on your tokens, generate a private key with ssh-keygen -t rsa -f <path to private key> if you don't already have one, and then set the path to the private key as URLCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH. RSA encryption makes the token much longer but is more secure. The pycrypto library is required.


In a view:

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from urlcrypt import lib as urlcrypt

token = urlcrypt.generate_login_token(user, reverse('message_inbox'))
encoded_url = reverse('urlcrypt_redirect', args=(token,))
# yours will look slightly different because you have a different SECRET_KEY, but approximately

In a template:

{% load urlcrypt_tags %}
<a href="{% encoded_url user message_inbox %}">click me to log in as {{user.username}} and go to {% url message_inbox %}</a>

Advanced lib usage:

from urlcrypt import lib as urlcrypt

message = {
    'url': u'/users/following/',
    'user_id': '12345'

token = urlcrypt.encode_token((message['user_id'], message['url']))
decoded_message = urlcrypt.decode_token(token, ('user_id', 'url', 'timestamp'))

>>> print token

>>> print decoded_message
{'url': '/users/following/', 'user_id': '12345'}


    • default: LOGIN_URL
    • If urlcrypt authentication fails, redirects to URLCRYPT_LOGIN_URL.
    • default: 60
    • The number of urlcrypt requests a unique visitor is allowed to make per minute.
    • default: None
    • The path to the RSA private key file in PEM format. If None, RSA encryption will not be used.
    • default: False
    • Set RUNNING_TESTS to True when running the urlcrypt tests.


David Ziegler

Christopher Hesse


Encrypts information in urls, such as login credentials. Useful if you want to send a user a link that logs the user in without leaking their login credentials.



Language:Python 100.0%