dyrkin / flow

Design a bot's conversation flow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flow - Design and control conversation flow


Model the structured conversation flow between the user and a chatbot, or between whatever you want.

A Simple Example

import (
	. "github.com/dyrkin/flow"

//Human data storage
type UserData struct {
	login    string
	password string

//bot emulator
func newBot(humanChan chan string) *Flow {
	var awaitCommand *Step
	var askEmail *Step
	var askPassword *Step

	//wait for command from human
	awaitCommand =
		OnReply(func(msg Message, data Data) *NextStep {
			switch msg {
			case "register":
				return Goto(askEmail).Using(&UserData{})
			case "quit":
				return End()
			return DefaultHandler()(msg, data)

	//ask human for email
	askEmail =
		Ask(func(data Data) {
			humanChan <- "please send your email"
		}).OnReply(func(msg Message, data Data) *NextStep {
			email := msg.(string)
			humanData := data.(*UserData)
			humanData.login = email
			return Goto(askPassword)

	//ask human for password
	askPassword =
		Ask(func(data Data) {
			humanChan <- "please send your password"
		}).OnReply(func(msg Message, data Data) *NextStep {
			password := msg.(string)
			humanData := data.(*UserData)
			humanData.password = password
			return End().Using(humanData)

	return New(awaitCommand)

func main() {
	humanChan := make(chan string)

	//bot conversation flow
	bot := newBot(humanChan)

	go func() {
		messages := []string{"some@email.com", "some password"}
		index := 0
		for {
			select {
			case <-humanChan:

	dataChan := bot.Start()


	collectedData := <-dataChan

The basic strategy is to define Steps and specifying initial step while instantiating the Flow:

  • New(<initial step>) creates a flow with the initial step specified.
  • Start() starts the flow and returns a chan where the collected data will be sent after end of the flow.
  • Ask(<data fn>) executes immediately after Start() is called.
  • OnReply(<message fn>) executes when a data from the user is received.
  • <message fn> must return next step or end the flow

The code will produce the following output:

UserData{login: "some@email.com", password: "some password"}

Full working example can be found there: example/conversation.go


Design a bot's conversation flow


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