dylanwulf / AI-Project-1

Artificial Intelligence Project 1: Searching

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dylan Wulf  
CSC380: Artificial Intelligence  
Project 1: Searching  
February 12, 2017  

MapSolver.java: contains main method; reads file and initiates search  
SearchStrategy.java: Simple interface describes search strategy class layout
AStarSearch.java: Contains instructions for A* search algorithm  
BFSearch.java: Contains instructions for breadth-first search algorithm  
DFSearch.java: Contains instructions for depth-first search algorithm  
MapHeuristic.java: Interface for A* Heuristic class  
MapHeuristicStraightLine.java: Straight line heuristic for A* search strategy  
MapHeuristicTaxiDistance.java: Taxi distance heuristic for A* search strategy
ProblemNode.java: Interface for a single node in the problem search tree  
MapProblemNode.java: Describes a single node in the map problem search tree  

To build this program, simply run the following command  
javac MapSolver.java  
The Java compiler should automatically compile all the other files as required.  

This program is run using a command like this  
java MapSolver path/to/map.txt search-strategy  
where path/to/map.txt is a relative or absolute path to the input map file,  
and search strategy is one of the following: BFS, DFS, A*-straight-line, A*-taxi-distance  
BFS stands for breadth-first search
DFS stands for depth-first search
A*-straight-line is the A* algorithm with straight line heuristic
A*-taxi-distance is the A* algorithm with taxi distance heuristic
Example: java MapSolver maps/map1.txt A*-straight-line

This program was tested on a Linux system using Java version 1.8.0_121


Artificial Intelligence Project 1: Searching


Language:Java 100.0%