dylanmei / kafka-snitch

Observes interesting details from a Kafka cluster, including consumer group lag

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple application to observe interesting details from a Kafka 0.10+ cluster, including consumer group lag.

kafka-snitch observes these details:

  • consumer group lag
  • empty topics

kafka-snitch supports these reporters:

  • logger
  • influxdb
  • statsd
  • prometheus



  • kafka.snitch.observation.brokers
  • kafka.snitch.observation.topics
  • kafka.snitch.observation.consumer_groups
  • kafka.snitch.observation.partitions
  • kafka.snitch.observation.duration.ms


  • kafka.snitch.consumers.<consumer_group>.topic.<topic>.lag
  • kafka.snitch.consumers.<consumer_group>.topic.<topic>.partition.<partition>.log_end_offset
  • kafka.snitch.consumers.<consumer_group>.topic.<topic>.partition.<partition>.consumer_offset
  • kafka.snitch.consumers.<consumer_group>.topic.<topic>.partition.<partition>.lag


Build and run kafka-snitch

$ make
$ bin/kafka-snitch -brokers=localhost:9092 -log.level=debug

Show the help

$ bin/kafka-snitch --help
Usage of bin/kafka-snitch:
  -brokers string
    	The hostname:port of one or more Kafka brokers
  -influxdb.buffer-size int
    	The maximum number of points to buffer before flushing to InfluxDB (default 1000)
  -influxdb.database string
    	The target InfluxDB database name
  -influxdb.flush-interval int
    	The number of seconds to wait before flushing to InfluxDB (default 60)
  -influxdb.http.url string
    	The http://hostname:port of an InfluxDB HTTP endpoint
  -influxdb.precision string
    	The precision of points written to InfluxDB: "s", "ms", "us" (default "us")
  -influxdb.retention-policy string
    	The target InfluxDB database retention policy name
  -influxdb.udp.addr string
    	The hostname:port of an InfluxDB UDP endpoint
  -log.format string
    	Logging format: text, json (default "text")
  -log.level string
    	Logging level: debug, info, warning, error (default "info")
  -observe.broker value
    	A broker-id to include when observing offsets; other brokers will be ignored
  -observe.match.groups string
    	A glob pattern of groups to observe
  -observe.match.topics string
    	A glob pattern of topics to observe (default "[!_]*")
    	Whether to observe the lag on each individual partition
  -prometheus.web-addr string
    	The hostname:port to bind for the Prometheus web interface
  -prometheus.web-path string
    	The path to expose Prometheus metrics (default "/metrics")
    	Whether to run-and-exit, or run continously
  -run.snooze duration
    	The amount of time to sleep between observations (default 10s)
  -sasl.mechanism string
    	SASL mechanism to use for authentication
  -sasl.password string
    	SASL password for use with the PLAIN and SCRAM mechanisms
  -sasl.username string
    	SASL username for use with the PLAIN and SCRAM mechanisms
  -security.protocol string
    	Protocol used to communicate with the brokers (default "PLAINTEXT")
  -statsd.addr string
    	The hostname:port of a StatsD UDP endpoint
  -statsd.tagfmt string
    	The tagging-format of metric payloads: none, datadog (default "none")
    	Print the current version

Report to InfluxDB and print out debug logs in JSON format, but only for broker 1:

$ bin/kafka-snitch -brokers=localhost:9092 \
  -influxdb.http.url=http://localhost:8081 \
  -log.level=debug -log.format=json \
  -observe.partitions=true \


Applying an -observe.broker constraint comes in handy when running snitch on each host alongside the broker process.

There's a Docker image here: https://hub.docker.com/r/dylanmei/kafka-snitch


Observes interesting details from a Kafka cluster, including consumer group lag


Language:Go 97.7%Language:Makefile 2.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%