dylanhantula / core

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

When you first clone the repo

  1. Install the front end dependencies by running cd front-end && npm install && cd ..
  2. Install the backend dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Add the Firebase app config in a file called firebase_config.json in front-end/src/.
    • Go to Firebase Project Settings site and look for "Web apps" under General. You will see a JavaScript object of the form:
    var firebaseConfig = {
        apiKey: "XXXX",
        authDomain: "XXXX",
        databaseURL: "XXXX",
        projectId: "XXXX",
        storageBucket: "XXXX",
        messagingSenderId: "XXXX",
        appId: "XXXX",
        measurementId: "XXXX"
    • Take that information and create a JSON file of the form:
        "config": {
            "apiKey": "XXXX",
            "authDomain": "XXXX",
            "databaseURL": "XXXX",
            "projectId": "XXXX",
            "storageBucket": "XXXX",
            "messagingSenderId": "XXXX",
            "appId": "XXXX",
            "measurementId": "XXXX"
    • Name the JSON file firebase_config.json and put it in front-end/src/
  4. Add the Firebase Service Account information in a file called firebase_key.json in back-end/
    • Go to Firebase Project Settings site and click on the "Service accounts" tab
    • Click "Generate new private key" to download a new service account file
    • Rename the file firebase_key.json and put it in back-end
  5. Add the ZipCodeAPI.com API key in a file called zip_code_api_key in back-end/
    • This is only given the first time the application is registred with ZipCodeAPI.com (someone will have to give this to you)

To run the application in "development" mode

  1. Open a terminal session
  2. Run the backend: cd back-end && python3 server.py
  3. Open a new termainl session
  4. Run the frontend: cd front-end && npm start

To run the application in "production" mode

  1. Open a terminal session
  2. Build the frontend: cd front-end && npm run build && cd ..
  3. Run the backend & frontend together: gunicorn --chdir back-end -b :8080 wsgi:app


  • requirements.txt needs to be at the top level of the repo otherwise Google App Engine doesn't find Flask properly


  1. Integrate with a Material UI component
  2. Get server port from env var
  3. Error handling (i.e. what happens if Firebase is unreachable?)
  4. Restyle



Language:JavaScript 77.6%Language:CSS 14.0%Language:Python 7.8%Language:HTML 0.5%