dxue2012 / python-webcam-flask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a toy project for learning how to use a couple of python libraries.

Repo status

This repo is unmaintained. I guess I never intended for others to use this (and never imagined my terrible code would be of any value to others), but I recognize that a nonzero number of people have stumbled upon this repo and may have found it useful as a reference. Given that, even though I do not plan on maintaining this repo, I am happy for people to

  1. submit pull requests to fix known issues (there are quite a few), or to
  2. fork and make your own version. I'd be happy to link to a better maintained fork for future readers' benefit.

What it does

  1. The web client sends video stream data (from the user's webcam) to a flask server using socketio
  2. The server does some processing on the video stream
  3. The client receives the processed video stream and re-displays the results in a different frame

In the demo site, the server is simply flipping the image horizontally. You could imagine it doing something more sophisticated (e.g. applying some filters), but obviously I was too lazy to implement anything cool.

Known issues

  • The server does not handle multiple clients well. If multiple clients connect, the server treats them as one and sends back mixed frames as a result.


Live Demo



  • setup heroku (brew install heroku)
  • Use a python virtualenv


  • git clone https://github.com/dxue2012/python-webcam-flask.git
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Run locally


  • heroku local IF NOT:

  • gunicorn -k eventlet -w 1 app:app --log-file=-

  • in your browser, navigate to localhost:5000

Deploy to heroku

  • git push heroku master
  • heroku open

Common Issues

If you run into a 'protocol not found' error, see if this stackoverflow answer helps.



Language:Python 54.0%Language:HTML 26.1%Language:JavaScript 19.8%