dxtaner / trip-management-app-nodejs

trip management

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tour Management

Project Overview

This project is an Express.js application designed to serve as a backend for a tour booking service. It handles various functionalities such as user authentication, tour management, booking processing, and more.

Key Features 📝

Authentication and Authorization

  • Sign up, Log in, Logout: Users can create an account, log in, and log out securely.
  • Update and Reset Password: Users can update their password and reset it if forgotten.
  • User Profile: Users can manage their profile, including username, photo, email, and other information.
  • User Roles: Users can have different roles such as regular user, admin, lead guide, or guide.

Tour Management

  • Create, Update, and Delete Tours: Admin users or lead guides can create, update, and delete tours.
  • Tour Visibility: Tours are visible to all users.
  • Tour Details: Users can check tour maps, reviews, and ratings.

Booking Management

  • Book Tours: Regular users can book tours and make payments via Credit Card.
  • Credit Card Payment: Secure payment processing for tour bookings.
  • Booking Restrictions: Regular users cannot book the same tour twice.
  • View Bookings: Regular users can see all the tours they have booked.
  • Admin Access: Admin users or lead guides can view and manage all bookings.
  • Create and Edit Bookings: Admin users or lead guides can manually create bookings, edit, or delete them.
  • Booking Restrictions: Admin users or lead guides cannot create a booking for the same user twice.

Review System

  • Write Reviews: Regular users can write reviews for tours they have booked.
  • Review Visibility: All users can see reviews for each tour.
  • Review Management: Regular users can edit and delete their own reviews.
  • Review Restrictions: Regular users cannot review the same tour twice.
  • Admin Access: Admin users can delete any review.

These features provide comprehensive functionality for managing tours, bookings, and user interactions while ensuring security and user privacy.

Gif Files

About Guide :

About Guide Logout

All Tour :

All Tour

All Tour 2 :

All Tour 2

Booking Tour :

Booking Tour

Checking Tour :

Checking Tour

Login Logout Forgot Singup :

Login Logout Forgot Singup

My Account :

My Account

My Bookings :

My Bookings

Tour One :

Tour One

Other Screenshots

For more screenshots, please refer to the readme2.md file.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [repository_url](https://github.com/dxtaner/trip-management-app-nodejs)
  2. Install dependencies:


  1. Clone the Project: Clone the project repository or download it as a zip file.

    git clone <repository_url>
  2. Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project root directory and install the dependencies using the following command.

    npm install
  3. Run the Application: To run the application in development mode:

    npm start

    To run the application in production mode:

    npm run start:prod


  • Watch JavaScript Files: To watch JavaScript files for changes:

    npm run watch:js
  • Build JavaScript Files: To build JavaScript files:

    npm run build:js


  • Run in Debug Mode: To run the application in debug mode:

    npm run debug

Additional Notes

Payment Process

  1. Add the tour to your cart and proceed to checkout.
  2. Enter your card details (Test Mode):
- Card No. : 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expiry date: 02 / 25
- CVV: 222
  1. Payment process completed successfully.

This project requires at least Node.js version 10.0.0. Please ensure you have an appropriate version of Node.js installed.

  1. Set up environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the root directory and provide the necessary environment variables. You can use the config.env file as a template.


  2. Database setup:

    Ensure that you have set up your database configuration correctly. This project uses MongoDB, and the connection details can be configured in db_connection/database.js.

  3. Run the application:

    npm start

Available Scripts

  • npm start: Starts the Express server.
  • npm test: Runs the test suite.

Project Structure



  • @babel/polyfill: A library for emulating a full ES2015+ environment.
  • @sendgrid/mail: SendGrid's official library for sending emails.
  • axios: Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • bcryptjs: Library for hashing and salting user passwords.
  • body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware.
  • compression: Middleware for compressing response bodies in Express.
  • cookie-parser: Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies with an object keyed by the cookie names.
  • cors: Middleware for enabling CORS with various options in Express.
  • crypto: Node.js cryptographic module.
  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
  • express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
  • express-mongo-sanitize: Middleware to sanitize user input coming from POST body, GET queries, and url params against MongoDB query injection.
  • express-rate-limit: Middleware for rate limiting HTTP requests in Express.
  • helmet: Middleware for setting various HTTP headers for Express app security.
  • hpp: Middleware for protecting against HTTP Parameter Pollution attacks in Express.
  • html-to-text: Converts HTML to plain text.
  • install: A package for running npm install with a more informative output.
  • jsonwebtoken: JSON Web Token implementation for Node.js.
  • mapbox-gl: Interactive, customizable maps.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment.
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware for Node.js.
  • multer: Node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data.
  • node-addon-api: The Node.js C++ addon API.
  • node-gyp: Node.js native addon build tool.
  • nodemailer: Send e-mails from Node.js.
  • npm: Node.js package manager.
  • path: Node.js path module.
  • pug: Template engine for Node.js.
  • sharp: High-performance Node.js image processing library.
  • slugify: Library to slugify strings.
  • stripe: Official Stripe API client for Node.js.
  • validator: Library for string validation and sanitization.
  • winston: A logger for just about everything.
  • xss-clean: Middleware to sanitize user input against XSS attacks in Express.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.


trip management


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