dx7er / Shrek

Bash Script to automate Metasploit, Payload & Reverse Shell Generation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This bash script is a tool that generates payload and reverse shells using the Metasploit framework. It allows the user to easily generate a reverse shell payload for Windows, Linux and Android Operating system, which can be used for penetration testing or for other purposes.



  1. Automates the process of payload generation.
  2. Support for Reverse shell payloads with a default port of 4444.
  3. Ability to specify custom IP for the reverse shell connection.
  4. Encrypts the payload with shikata_ga_nai encoder for increased evasion.


Use following commands as root user.

  1. bash reqs.sh OR ./reqs.sh to install required tools.
  2. bash shrek.sh OR ./shrek.sh to run script.


  1. Bash Shell.
  2. lolcat Tool.
  3. Metsasploit Framework.

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Bash Script to automate Metasploit, Payload & Reverse Shell Generation.


Language:Shell 100.0%