dwjohnston / react-github-permalink

A react component to display github permalinks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

React Github Permalink

Now with issue links!

Github Permalink

Given a Github permalink, show the code block.

screenshot of the tool in action


import { GithubPermalink } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles

export function MyApp() {
    return  <GithubPermalink permalink="https://github.com/dwjohnston/react-github-permalink/blob/5b15aa07e60af4e317086f391b28cadf9aae8e1b/sample_files/sample1.go#L1-L5"/>

I also highly rate the vscode-copy-github-permalink plugin which makes for ease in generating the permalinks from within VSCode.

Github Issuelink

screenshot of the GithubIssueLink tool in action


import { GithubPermalink } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css"; // Or provide your own styles

export function MyApp() {
    return  <GithubIssueLink issueLink='https://github.com/dwjohnston/react-github-permalink/issues/2' />,



Rate Limits and Authentication

This component makes unauthenticated requests against Github's API. The rate limit for such requests is 60/hour and only publicly visible repositories are available.

If you need to avoid rate limits or allow users to view private repos, you can implement your own data fetching function.


You can provide your own data fetching function via a context provider.

Custom Data Function

import { GithubPermalink, GithubPermalinkContext } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css";

export function MyApp() {
    return <GithubPermalinkProvider getDataFn ={(permalink: string) => {
            // Your implementation to retrieve permalinks here 
        getIssueFn={(issueLink: string) => {
            // Your implementation to retrieve issue links here

        <GithubPermalink permalink="https://github.com/dwjohnston/react-github-permalink/blob/5b15aa07e60af4e317086f391b28cadf9aae8e1b/sample_files/sample1.go#L1-L5"/>
        <GithubIssueLink issueLink='https://github.com/dwjohnston/react-github-permalink/issues/2' />

Using a github token

In development you may find yourself hitting the API rate limit rather quickly, and this can be pain.

You can provide a Github token to avoid this.

Do not use your private tokens in production, they will be public for the world to see!

import { GithubPermalink, GithubPermalinkContext } from 'react-github-permalink';
import "react-github-permalink/dist/github-permalink.css";

export function MyApp() {
    return <GithubPermalinkProvider githubToken={process.env.NODE_ENV='development' && process.env.MY_GITHUB_TOKEN}>  
        <GithubPermalink permalink="https://github.com/dwjohnston/react-github-permalink/blob/5b15aa07e60af4e317086f391b28cadf9aae8e1b/sample_files/sample1.go#L1-L5"/>

Error reporting

It might be helpful to know if users are encountering API errors, for example if they are being rate limited.

The onError property can allow you to report these errors to sentry for example.

<GithubPermalinkProvider onError={(err) => {



A react component to display github permalinks

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 69.1%Language:JavaScript 14.0%Language:CSS 10.5%Language:HTML 6.1%Language:Go 0.3%