dwilliamson / GDMagArchive

Code Archive of GDMag Samples from 1994 to 2007

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Game Developer Magazine Source Code And Utilities Archives (1994 - 2007)

-- The original page was here https://web.archive.org/web/20111111034111/http://www.gdmag.com/code.htm, taken down when the magazine closed.

The new page is here http://v2.gdmag.com/resources/code.php, with this code no longer referenced.

However, GDCVault has a copy here http://www.gdcvault.com/gdmag

This is an unofficial mirror, preserving code of historical interest


March 2007 archive - includes Mick West's fluid dynamics code.

February 2007 archive - includes Mick West's procedural tree generator.

August 2006 PDF - includes Xin Li's Slerp figures.

June/July 2006 archive - includes Mick West's blob physics example code.

May 2006 archive - includes Mick West's parallax mapping-related ephemera.

April 2006 archive - includes Mick West's multi-thread particle test code examples.

March 2006 Word .DOC - includes tables from Michael Gehling's sky systems articles.

January 2006 archive. Contains Holger Gruen's 'Making The Grass' code fragments/examples.

August 2005 archive. Contains Allen Sherrod's HDR code examples.

May 2005 archive. Contains Mick West's 'Pushing Buttons' code examples.

February 2005 archive. Contains Sean Barrett's 'Late-Binding Data' code examples.

October 2004 archive. Contains Sean Barrett's code for the Inner Product column.

August 2004 archive. Contains Sean Barrett's profiler providing simple interfaces for C and C++, written for Win32 and OpenGL.

March 2004 archive. Contains Jon Blow's Lerp code for implementing the examples discussed in the article.

February 2004 archive. Contains Steve Theodore's scripts for Maya and Max to set up a simple fix-up on selected bone and Jon Blow's sample code in Lerp for you to experiment with.

January 2004 archive. Contains Niniane Wang's five-minute video showing her cloud-rendering system in action (also see the author's web site for more information), plus Jon Blow's initial source code release for the programming language Lerp. The lite, no-video version just contains Blow's source.

December 2003 archive. Contains Jon Blow's simple predicate logic system.

November 2003 archive. Contains cues from Chance Thomas's Lord of the Rings soundtracks. Jon Blow's piecewise linear data model code is coming soon, pending some important bug-fixes.

October 2003 archive. Contains Jon Blow's adaptive compression code and Iain Cantlay's template library for manipulating vertex data. (Updated 10/2/03.)

September 2003 archive. Contains Jon Blow's file compressor for part two of his arithmetic coder series.

August 2003 archive. Contains Jon Blow's initial arithmetic coder for packing and unpacking values, plus Jay Lee's Creature-Spawning subsystem SQL script.

July 2003 archive. Jon Blow's fifth and (for now) final installment of his unified rendering LOD code. Or, in his own words: "You can take something like a Quake 3 level, and you can chop it up into pieces, and hey look, you can hit this key to push the pieces apart and verify that the seams between them are all intact; and you can render a scene using pieces at a mixture of resolutions, using static meshes and vertex buffers." Excellent!

June 2003 archive. Contains the fourth installment of Jon Blow's unified rendering LOD code, with a modified height-field renderer and a new Stanford Bunny-chopping program that uses an arbitrary number of splitting planes.

May 2003 archive. Contains the third installment of Jon Blow's unified rendering LOD code, in which he chops up his Stanford Bunny and stitches it back together with different LODs.

April 2003 archive. Contains the second installment of Jon Blow's unified rendering LOD code, which implements the color-blending method of LOD interpolation.

March 2003 archive. Contains the first installment of Jon Blow's unified rendering LOD code, plus Kai Rosenkranz's Gothic 2 music samples from the Postmortem of the game's interactive music system. Due to large file sizes, click here to download just Blow's LOD code (8.9MB), or click here to download just the Gothic 2 samples (10.0MB).

February 2003 archive. Contains an updated version of Jon Blow's interactive profiler, using a Kohonen Self-Organizing Feature Map to classify behaviors in the system.

Note: there is no code archive for the January 2003 issue.

December 2002 archive. Contains Jon Blow's first interactive profiling tool.

November 2002 archive. Contains Jon Blow's three-part scripting examples for a Dance Dance Revolution commentator, a mortar-firing system for an RTS game, and a sneaky tailing mission.

October 2002 archive. Contains Jon Blow's "Toward Better Scripting" source.

September 2002 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's rope bridge simulator to accompany his continuum mechanics feature, plus Jonathan Blow's demo that computes a covariance body from point samples.

August 2002 archive. Contains Naty Hoffman and Arcot Preetham's outdoor light-scattering demo (requires vertex shader 1.0 and pixel shader 1.0-compliant hardware and DirectX 8). Update: Errata added 1/6/03.

July 2002 archive. Contains Jonathan Blow's source accompanying his column on transmitting vectors.

June 2002 archive. Contains Emil Dotchevski's source to demonstrate the expression predicates used in his C++ scripting system, plus Jonathan Blow's scalar quantization code. Update: Updataed code for Dotchevski's article added 2/14/03.

May 2002 archive. Contains Chris Hind's sample Milestone Acceptance Test document, plus Jonathan Blow's Bit_Packer and Multiplication_Packer routines for packing integers.

April 2002 archive. Contains Herb Marselas's full source code to convert your game engine into DLL so you can plug it into Maya, plus Jonathan Blow's Cyclic Coordinate Descent (CCD) sample code.

March 2002 archive. Contains Jonathan Blow's sample code and demo for hacking quaternions, plus Herb Marselas's SkinnedMesh DLL, a DLL version of the Direct3D sample .X file viewer program, SkinnedMesh, which is also included.

Note: there is no code archive for the February issue.

January 2002 archive. Contains Jonathan Blow's sample code and demo accompanying his "Inner Product" column, implementing mipmapping in linear-light space.

December 2001 archive. Contains Jonathan Blow's source accompanying his "Inner Product" column on mipmapping, showing the results of various filters applied to sample images.

November 2001 archive. Contains NuvoStudios' lean, mean image-drawing and space-saving code listings for wireless games.

Note: there is no code archive for the October issue.

Note: there is no code archive for the September issue.

August 2001 archive. Contains Tim Schoeder's source code from the collision detection system used in Volition's Red Faction.

July 2001 archive. Contains examples of Naty Hoffman and Kenny Mitchell's photorealistic terrain-lighting techniques. Terrain.mpg illustrates the analytical method; time_lapse.avi illustrates the video-based method. Also contains Jeff Lander's fluid-flow simulator and source from his June and July columns. You can also get the July 2001 archive without the videos (62K).

Note: there is no code archive for the June issue.

May 2001 archive. Contains Dean Macri's application for testing the effects of write-combining AGP memory buffers, plus Jeff Lander's cave-painting renderer demo and source.

April 2001 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's final vertex-shading program.

March 2001 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's cartoon-style vertex shading source code.

February 2001 archive. Contains source code and data files for the BRDF demo by Jan Kautz and Jonathan Blow. There is also a precompiled version (1.5MB) available separately.

January 2001 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's code listing for computing the vertex weights of an object, plus a yet-improved version of his 3D paint program.

December 2000 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's code listing for calculating the transformation matrix of a deformable object, plus his volume preservation application and source.

November 2000 archive. Contains Herb Marselas's 3D Studio Max UI modification code for his asset management system, and Jeff Lander's spooky tree demo and source, which adds 3D particle placement to his 3D paint application.

October 2000 archive. Contain's Jeff Lander's new and improved 3D paint application and source, extended to handle creating new texture projections.

September 2000 archive. Contains Todd Meynink's color-space conversion microcode listing that helped him get FMV onto the N64, plus Lander's 3D paint application and source.

August 2000 archive. Contains Brian Sharp's implicit-surface fluid rendering demo application and source plus Lander's new and improved cartoon renderer.

July 2000 archive. Contains Brian Sharp's code from the first installment of his series on implicit surfaces, Herb Marselas's memory instrumentation system from Age of Kings, and Jeff Lander's muscle simulator.

June 2000 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's deformation app, and Herb Marselas's optimization code listing.

Note: there is no code archive for the May issue.

April 2000 archive. Contains Ron Fosner's cubic environment mapping code from his hardware T&L article. Note that Chris Hecker's ponytail sample application will be posted on his own web site.

March 2000 archive. Contains John Van Der Burg's particle system code (the particle system demo will arrive shortly).

February 2000 archive. Contains Brian Sharp's subdivision surface demo and code, and Jeff Lander's cartoon shading demo.

Note: there is no code archive for the January issue.

December 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's rippling water demo and code.

November 1999 archive. Contains Michael Saladino's memory management routines, and Jeff Lander's blobby NURBS demo and code.

October 1999 archive. Contains Kai Martin's code listings and Aaron Marks' audio contract, plus Jeff Lander's demo app.

September 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's pool table demo app and source code.

August 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's code listings and demo app from his column about handling friction in physical simulations.

July 1999 archive. Contains Brian Sharp's code listings and demo from his curved surface geometry (part 2) article.

June 1999 archive. Contains Brian Sharp's code listings from his curved surface geometry (part 1) article.

May 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's demo and code. Bobic's code is MIA, we're trying to contact the author.

April 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's physics simulator demo and code. Note that Chris Hecker's physical simulation application can be found on his own web site.

March 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's collision detection demo and the code from Hubert Nguyen's article about real-time shadow casting.

February 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's bounding box code listings and the code listings from Dave Pottinger's article about coordinated unit movement.

January 1999 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's 2D collision detection demo and the code from Bruce Dawson's article about structured exception handling.

December 1998 archive. Contains Jeff Lander's morphing code and demo. Note: this archive has not been updated with Jonathan Blow's code from his article on dynamic sound filtering. We will be updating the archive with his code once we receive it from the author.

November 1998 archive. Contains Andrew Flavell's code from the MIP-mapping article, Stan Melax's polygon reduction code and demo, and Jeff Lander's IK code and demo.

October 1998 archive. Contains Swen Vincke's genetic algorithm demo, as well as Stefan Henry-Biskup's two AVIs showing before/after versions of the golfer.

September 1998 archive. Contains the MulTex utility referenced in the D3D article by Mitchell, Tatro, and Bullard. Also contains Jeff Lander's demonstration of an analytical 2D inverse-kinematics solution. This version of the September archive contains a 6MB AVI file referenced in the D3D article.

The same September 1998 archive, without the aforementioned 6MB AVI file.

August 1998 archive. Contains the two utilities referenced in Dan McCabe and John Brothers' article about the S3TC texture map compression standard. These utilites compress textures for use with S3TC.

July 1998 archive. Contains the code and executable for Kevin Baca's skinning technique. Also contains Jeff Lander's particle system demo and accompanying source code from his "Graphic Content" column.

Note: there was no code archive for the June issue.

May 1998 archive. Contains the code, device drivers and instructions for Rob Wyatt's performance tuning article, "Building an Inline Performance Monitoring System." Also contains Jeff Lander's excellent deformable mesh application and accompanying source code from his "Graphic Content" column.

April 1998 archive. Contains the demo and source code for Jeff Lander's column, "Slashing Through Real-Time Character Animation", and the code listings from Scott Corley's article about building a 3d animation engine.

March 1998 archive. Contains the demo and source code for Adrian Perez's article, "Peeking Through Portals", and the code listings from Jeff Lander's column about quaternions.

February 1998 archive. Contains header and source file referenced in Nick Bobic's article, "Rotating Objects Using Quaternions".

January 1998 archive. Contains code and demo program from Jeff Lander's motion capture article. Contents include the motion capture data viewer application, the source code for the application, and additional information about the Acclaim motion capture file format.

Note: there was no code archive for the December (buyers guide) issue.

November 1997 archive. Contains code and demo program from Andre Lamothe's tutorial on voxel technology, the force-feedback DirectInput code from Chuck Walter's article, and the listing from Scott Corley's article on animating walking characters.

Note: there was no code archive for the October issue.

September 1997 archive. Contains code and demo program from Haim Barad's article on mixed rendering techniques (3D acceleration using hardware and software concurrently).

Note: there was no code archive for the August issue.

July 1997 archive. This archive contains listings from Brian Hook's column on 3D APIs (hook.), Ned Purdom's Quake porting code (ten.), and Andre Lamothe's multithreading code (lamothe.*).)

June 1997 archive. This archive contains the code and examples from Swen Vincke's article on realtime pathfinding AI.

Note: there was no code archive for the Feb/Mar or Apr/May issues.

December/January 1997 archive. This archive contains the code samples and sample app from Greg Graham's article on DirectSound3D.

October/November 1996 archive

August/September 1996 archive

June/July 1996 archive

April/May 1996 archive

February/March 1996 archive

December/January 1996 archive

October/November 1995 archive

August/September 1995 archive

June/July 1995 archive

April/May 1995 archive

February/March 1995 archive

December /January 1995 archive

September 1994 archive

June 1994 archive

Premier issue (spring of 1994) archive


Code Archive of GDMag Samples from 1994 to 2007


Language:C++ 65.0%Language:C 22.5%Language:Tcl 9.5%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:Assembly 0.7%Language:Pascal 0.7%Language:GLSL 0.3%Language:Objective-C 0.2%Language:Clarion 0.1%Language:HLSL 0.1%Language:FLUX 0.1%Language:Batchfile 0.0%