dwaite / cmake-nRF5x

cmake script for nRF5 series SoC

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Cmake script for projects targeting Nordic Semiconductor nRF5x series devices using the GCC toolchain from ARM.


The script makes use of the following tools:

  • nRF5x SDK by Nordic Semiconductor - SoC specific drivers and libraries (also includes a lot of examples)
  • JLink by Segger - interface software for the JLink familiy of programmers
  • nrfjprog by Nordic Semiconductor - Wrapper utility around JLink
  • arm-non-eabi-gcc by ARM and the GCC Team - compiler toolchain for embedded (= bare metal) ARM chips


  1. Place the CMake_nRF5x.cmake into the root of your project

  2. Search the SDK example directory for a sdk_config.h and a linker script (normally named <project_name>_gcc_<chip familly>.ld) that fits your chip and project needs.

  3. Copy the sdk_config.h into the root of your project. Modify it as required for you project.

  4. Copy the linker script into the root of your project. Rename it to just gcc_<chip familly>.ld For example:

  5. Create a new CMakeLists.txt file at the same level. Add the project standard cmake project header

    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
    project(your_project_name C ASM)

    Note: you can add CXX between C ASM to add c++ support

  6. Set your target chip family: nRF51 or nRF52

    set(NRF_TARGET "nrf51") 
  7. Set variables with paths to external dependencies:

    set(ARM_NONE_EABI_TOOLCHAIN_PATH "/Users/example/toolchains/gcc-arm-none-eabi-6_2")
    set(NRF5_SDK_PATH "/Users/example/toolchains/nRF5/nRF5_SDK_12.2.0")
    set(NRFJPROG "/Users/example/toolchains/nRF5/nrfjprog/nrfjprog")

    Optional: You can put the above lines into a separate file (e.g. CmakeEnv.cmake) and include it in the CMakeLists.txt file:

  8. Include this script so the "CMakeLists.txt" can use it

  9. Perform the base setup

  10. Optionally add additional libraries:


    Note: only the most common drivers and libraries are wrapped with cmake macros. If you need more, you can use include_directories and list(APPEND SDK_SOURCE_FILES ...) to add them. For example, in order to add the Bluetooth Battery Service:

  11. Append you source files using list(APPEND SOURCE_FILES ...) and headers using include_directories. For example:

    list(APPEND SOURCE_FILES "main.c")
  12. Finish setup by calling nRF5x_addExecutable

    nRF5x_addExecutable(${PROJECT_NAME} "${SOURCE_FILES}")


After setup you can use cmake as usual:

  1. Generate the actual build files (out-of-source builds are strongly recomended):

    cmake -H. -B"cmake-build" -G "Unix Makefiles"
  2. Build your app:

    cmake --build "cmake-build" --target <your project name>


In addition to the build target (named like your project) the script adds some support targets:

FLASH_SOFTDEVICE To flash a nRF softdevice to the SoC (typically done only once for each SoC)

cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_SOFTDEVICE

FLASH_<your project name> To flash your application (typically done after you change and build your app)

cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_<your project name>

FLASH_ERASE To completely erase the SoC flash

cmake --build "cmake-build" --target FLASH_ERASE


MIT for the CMake_nRF5x.cmake file.

Please note that the nRF5x SDK by Nordic Semiconductor is covered by it's own license and shouldn't be re-distributed.


cmake script for nRF5 series SoC

License:MIT License


Language:CMake 100.0%