dwaardenburg / LogiWaze

Creating a google maps style directions and distance search map for the foxhole game.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



LogiWaze is a leaflet-based Foxhole logistics router, available at [https://www.logiwaze.com/]

Alternatively you can experience LogiWaze by opening the index.html from a downloaded/cloned repository

The original prototyping for this idea was done by Hayden of: https://foxholestats.com/

Discussion (via FoxholeStats.com discord)



Pre-requisites: nodejs, webpack, spatialite, gdal-bin (gdal tools, specifically ogr2ogr)

  • install the required packages
npm install
  • build the project
npm run webpack

Updating towns

Execute the town halls script when all regions are available (if regions are offline their towns will not be provided in the API and not added), which requires pre-requisite jq

./export_major_locations > towns.json

Rebuild the project

npm run webpack

Editing roads

Roads can be edited by opening the qgis project file included in the repository. Edit the Unified layer, assigning a road tier for each added road and save the Unified layer and optionally the project. Rebuild the project.

Updating the map

The map tiles can be replaced by running the docker container (on x64 architecture) to download the latest maps, stitch them, and tile them (in both png and webp format). This docker command can be executed as:

sudo docker run --rm nouderp/foxhole-leaflet-maker > map.zip

Extract the tiles folder from the archive and replace the contents in the Tiles directory and rebuild the project


Creating a google maps style directions and distance search map for the foxhole game.


Language:JavaScript 82.2%Language:CSS 8.1%Language:Shell 6.1%Language:Python 2.3%Language:HTML 1.2%