dvj / EvernoteSyncAddin

Tomboy addin for Evernote sync

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Project: Evernote Tomboy Addin
Author: Douglas V. Johnston

Description: Implements a SyncServer that connects with Evernote[1] and performs a two-way sync of notes.


(The following sounds like a lot, but it should take less than 5 minutes to get setup)

In order to use this test version of the addin, you need to have the Evernote API code and Thrift dll
I've included a binary dll in the enthrisft directory. If you want to build from source:

The source can be obtained from:

Compile the c# thrift project by executing:
$ gmcs -recurse:'*.cs' -t:library -out:enthrift.dll
from the src/csharp of the evernote API.

I've now included my evernote API key. IF you want to use your own:
Sign up for an Evernote API key which you can get from the same page. After signing up for an  account you'll get a Consumer_key and a consumer_secret from Evernote. These values must be inserted into the EvernoteSyncServer.cs file near the top. 

I now accept all security certificates for SSL, if you're paranoid that I'm accepting too much you can change the source.

Once you have the enthrift.dll, compile the plugin with:

$ gmcs -debug -out:EvernoteSyncService.dll -target:library -pkg:tomboy-addins -r:Mono.Posix *.cs -resource:EvernoteSyncService.addin.xml

Under Windows or MonoDevelop, either create a solution and load the csproj, or Add into the existing Tomboy solution, and compile.



2. Make an account at sandbox.evernote.com

3. Check that your notes are backed up, if not, go to step 1

4. Install the plugin in an appropriate place (see http://live.gnome.org/Tomboy/Directories) , enable in the Preferences->Add-ins menu, then select "Evernote" from the Synchronization menu. Enter in your evernote username and password (NOT your API keys) from THE SANDBOX SERVER. Your regualr Evernote account will not work until this is released for real.


Tomboy addin for Evernote sync


Language:C# 100.0%