duyenho / webpack-config

Upgradeable collection of Webpack plugins, loaders and configuration for Deloitte Digital projects

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Deloitte Digital

Webpack Config Build Status

Upgradeable collection of Webpack plugins, loaders and configuration for Deloitte Digital projects.

Rather than installing and configuring many different build tools, such as Webpack, React/Vue, Babel, Sass, and PostCSS, you can simply use this single package and get these tools up and running in a flash, in a way that is consistent with other Deloitte Digital FED projects.

Guiding principles:

  • Build tools should be consistent across similar projects; this helps maintainability, on-boarding, and knowledge-sharing.
  • Build tools should be maintained and continually improved in a central location.
  • A workflow should be available to pull build tooling improvements into ongoing projects.

The following project types are supported:

  • Web standards projects
  • Vue.js projects
  • React projects

Table of contents

Included Packages

Core packages

Name Description
webpack Webpack is the engine that allows us to process files and bundle them into packages according to rules that we specify.
babel-core Babel is a JavaScript compiler. We write our JavaScript according to the latest spec (ESNext), and Babel compiles it into a specified format (see babel-preset-env). This package is the core compiler for Babel.
node-sass The engine of the popular stylesheet preprocessor, Sass.
post-css A tool for applying transformations to CSS, such as adding browser prefixes with Autoprefixer.
eslint-config-deloitte Deloitte Digital's JavaScript code standards as an ESLint extensible config. Also includes the ESLint package.
stylelint-config-deloitte Deloitte Digital's Sass code standards as a Stylelint extensible config. Also includes the Stylelint package.

Plugins and Loaders

Name Description
autoprefixer A PostCSS plugin for adding browser prefixes to CSS.
babel-loader The integration between Babel and Webpack.
babel-preset-env Presets specify the output format for Babel. This preset allows us to generate ES5 output that will run on whichever browsers we specify. To specify which browsers are supported, add a browserslist entry to your project's package.json file.
clean-webpack-plugin Cleans out the dist folder before starting a new build.
css-loader A Webpack loader which allows us to load CSS files with @import and url().
mini-css-extract-plugin Webpack's architecture is built around JavaScript. Support has been added for CSS, however it results in CSS being embedded inside JavaScript files. This package allows us to export CSS into standalone files.
sass-loader The integration between Sass and Webpack.
style-loader Allows us to embed CSS into JavaScript. This is useful for functional CSS that is specifically related to a JavaScript module, for example the .shade-bg rule in DD Shade
webpack-cli The command line interface for Webpack allows us to enter Webpack commands into our project's package.json file.
webpack-serve A lean, modern, and flexible Webpack development server which supports live reloading.

Vue.js packages

Name Description
vue-loader A Webpack loader which allows us to use *.vue files.
vue-template-compiler Used to pre-compile Vue templates into render functions

React packages

Name Description
babel-preset-react Strip flow types and transform JSX into createElement calls

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Install for a standard js project

  1. Add the package as a dev dependency, by running:
npm install @deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config --save-dev
  1. Add a webpack.config.js file which imports Webpack config:
const config = require('@deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config'); 

config.entry = {
	main: [

module.exports = config;
  1. Complete the Getting Started guide.

Install for a Vue.js project

  1. Add the package as a dev dependency, by running:
npm install @deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config-vuejs --save-dev
  1. Add a webpack.config.js file which imports Webpack Config Vue js:
const config = require('@deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config-vuejs');

config.entry = {
	main: [

module.exports = config;
  1. Complete the Getting Started guide.

Install for a React project

  1. Add the package as a dev dependency, by running:
npm install @deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config-react --save-dev
  1. Add a webpack.config.js file which imports Webpack Config React:
const config = require('@deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config-react');

config.entry = {
	main: [

module.exports = config;
  1. Complete the Getting Started guide.

Getting Started

1. Browsers

Add a browserslist property to your project's package.json file to define supported browsers:

"browserslist": [
  "last 3 versions",
  "IE 11",
  "iOS >= 8"

Autoprefixer and Babel will refer to this browserslist property to determine the output format for CSS and JavaScript.

ℹ️ Alternatively you can choose to specify your supported browsers in a .browserslistrc file.

2. Babel

Add a babel property to your project's package.json file to specify Babel options.

It is recommended to use the env preset, which tells Babel to generate ES5 output that will run on whichever browsers we specify as supported browsers.

"babel": {
  "presets": [

For React projects, use:

"babel": {
  "presets": [

ℹ️ Alternatively you can choose to specify your Babel config in a .babelrc file.

3. Linters

3.1 Add an ESLint configuration file called .eslintrc.js to your project:

module.exports = {
	extends: [

3.2 Add a Stylelint configuration file called .stylelint.js to your project:

module.exports = {
	extends: [

4. Scripts

Add build, start, and lint scripts to your project's package.json file:

"scripts": {
  "build": "webpack --mode production",
  "start": "webpack-serve --config webpack.config.js --open",
  "lint": "lint:js && lint:styles",
  "lint:js": "eslint \"**/*.js\"",
  "lint:styles": "stylelint \"**/*.scss\"",

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Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs a local development server, rebuilds bundles when the source files change, and live-reload in the browser.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the dist folder. It correctly bundles in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

npm run lint

Lint's the JavaScript and Scss files in the src directory.

If errors are reported, ESLint may be able to fix them automatically for you. Just run:

./node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix "./src/**/*.js"

ℹ️ Make sure you review the changes ESLint made before you commit them.

You can run the linters individually with: npm run lint:js and npm run lint:styles.

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How to customise the webpack config

@deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config returns a preconfigured Webpack configuration. You can modify this as you need, for example by adding an entry property.

You can put multiple source files into one bundle:

config.entry = {
	main: [

Or add a new plugin

config.plugins.push(/* NEW PLUGIN HERE*/);


Stylesheets will be extracted into standalone CSS files by default. If you would like them to be embedded into the JavaScript file, use an extension of .js.scss.

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Refer to the demo folders in the packages folder.

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To do

  • Publish to npm
  • Add SVG optimisation pipeline with SVGO
  • Add prettier.io (first create prettier-config-deloitte package)

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Q: What if I want to install a newer version of eslint-config-deloitte, which has not yet been released in @deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config?

A: You can still npm install eslint-config-deloitte in your project. Then your project will use this version of eslint-config-deloitte instead of the version that is installed via @deloitte-digital-au/webpack-config.

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Known issues

Incorrect URLs in some source maps

Source maps for SCSS files embedded inside JS files have incorrect URLs webpack-contrib/css-loader#652

Webpack generates extraneous JavaScript for CSS files

If you define an entry with CSS but no JavaScript, Webpack will still output a (useless) JavaScript file for the entry along with the CSS. For example if you did this:

config.entry = {
	main: [
	style: [
		'./style.scss', // Not recommended to have an entry with just CSS

Then three files would be generated:

  • main.js (good)
  • style.css (good)
  • style.js (useless)

To avoid this it is recommended to attach your CSS to an entry that also has JavaScript. For example:

config.entry = {
	main: [

This will only generate two files:

  • main.js (good)
  • main.css (good)

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Who is Deloitte Digital?

Part Business. Part Creative. Part Technology. One hundred per cent digital.

Pioneered in Australia, Deloitte Digital is committed to helping clients unlock the business value of emerging technologies. We provide clients with a full suite of digital services, covering digital strategy, user experience, content, creative, engineering and implementation across mobile, web and social media channels.


LICENSE (BSD-3-Clause)

View License

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Upgradeable collection of Webpack plugins, loaders and configuration for Deloitte Digital projects

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 83.9%Language:Vue 11.6%Language:HTML 3.2%Language:CSS 1.2%