duyenho / pixart


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Use the starter code and commit each step of the exercise.

  • Fork and clone this repo.
  • Checkout a new branch called 'YOUR-NAME-solution'
  • Work in small steps and commit frequently.
  • When you're finished, push your solution branch to your fork (git push origin <branch-name>) and issue a pull request.
  • Feel free to use jQuery.

###Commit 1

  • When I click the "Set Color" button, it should change the color of the "brush" box to the color I specify in the input field.
  • Use jQuery to select the element and add an event listener

HINT: You will notice that the page refreshes whenever you click the button. You need to prevent this from happening using a method you have not used before. Google "javascript event prevent default". You can also reference this portion of the Events & Callbacks lesson plan.

###Commit 2

  • The same thing should happen when I press the enter key from inside the input field

###Commit 3

  • Create 20 divs of the "square" class and append them to the body
    • Hint: use .append()

###Commit 4

  • Add functionality so that when I click on each "square", it changes the color of that individual square to "green"
    • Hint: either add the event listener while creating the squares, or listen for events on the body element

###Commit 5

  • Modify your code so that when I click on each "square", it changes to the color I set using my input instead of "green" every time.

###Commit 6

  • Modify the CSS so that the "square" class has a height and width of 10px and a margin of 0.
  • Change the event that changes your box colors from 'click' to 'mouseover'

###Commit 7

  • Add a new tool to your program, the 'stamp' tool.
  • The user should be able to pick either the paint tool (the one you already built in previous steps), or the new stamp tool.

Stamp Tool Functionality

  • get an image url using an input field, then use AJAX to load the image file, and use that as your pixel image.





Language:HTML 61.1%Language:CSS 38.9%