duy-nv / vimrc

vimrc file

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


vimrc file


  • git clone git@github.com:chikim/vimrc.git
  • cp -r vimrc/.vim ~/
  • cp vimrc/.vimrc ~/

Vim using guide

Movement (in command mode only)

  • h move left 1 char (can be multipled)
  • j move down 1 line (can be multipled)
  • k move up 1 line (can be multipled)
  • l move right 1 line (can be multipled)
  • Ctrl+u move up a paragraph (like page up)
  • Ctrl+d move down a paragraph (like page down)
  • w move forward one word (can be multipled)
  • b move backward one word (can be multipled)
  • e move to the end of current word (can be multipled)
  • 0 move to first character of this line
  • ^ move to first non-blank character of this line
  • $ move to last char of this line
  • :0 move to first line of file
  • gg same as :0
  • :$ move to last line of file
  • G same as :$
  • 4G go to line number 4


in general

  • i change to insert mode
  • a append - change to insert mode from the next column
  • o append a new line below current line and change to insert mode
  • O append a new line above current line and change to insert mode
  • ESC exit insert mode
  • u undo (can be multipled)
  • Ctrl+r redo
  • :!terminal_command execute terminal_command in console (ex. :!pwd)

with file and windows

  • :q quit current file
  • :w save current file
  • :q! quit current file without saving
  • :wq save and quit current file
  • ZZ same as :wq
  • :qa quit all opening file
  • :wqa save&quit all opening file
  • :wq save all opening file
  • :e path_to_file_without_braces edit this file
  • :sp path_to_file_without_braces split windows to edit this file
  • :vs path_to_file_without_braces vertical split windows to edit this file
  • Ctrl+w h/j/k/l/movement_keys move cursor between windows

text and blocks editing

  • x cut char (can be multipled)
  • c change char
  • cw change word (can be multipled)
  • s subtitude char (can be multipled)
  • r replace char (can be multipled)
  • dd cut current line (can be multipled)
  • dw cut 2 words (can be multipled)
  • dG cut till the end of this file
  • D cut from cursor position till the end of this line
  • p paste after cursor
  • P paste before cursor
  • yy yank this line (can be multipled)
  • yw yank 2 words (can be multipled)
  • . repeat previous command
  • /text search for "text" in this file
  • n next search result
  • :s/text1/text2 replaces the first instance of text1 with text2
  • :%s/text1/text2 replaces all instances of text1 with text2


vimrc file


Language:Vim Script 89.7%Language:Python 10.3%