duttaANI / Microservice-microblog-

Udemy Microservices with Node JS and React

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Microservice-microblogging APP

ubuntu - /etc/hosts

insert following line- posts.com

the above ip is recieved by following command-

❯ code /etc/hosts

❯ minikube ip


Run following commands in respective terminal for each service

$ npm start

$ docker build -t duttaani/event-bus .

$ docker run duttaani/event-bus

$ minikube start

$ minikube addons enable ingress

$ kubectl version

$ kubectl apply -f posts.yaml

$ kubectl get pods -o wide

$ kubectl exec posts -- it sh

$ kubectl delete pod posts

$ kubectl describe pod posts

$ kubectl get deployments

$ docker push duttaani/posts

$ kubectl rollout restart deployment posts-depl

$ kubectl logs posts-depl-6c745ddd69-t9xvg

$ kubectl get services

$ kubectl describe service posts-srv

$ kubectl apply -f .

$ minikube addons enable ingress

$ sudo lsof -i tcp:80

$ code /etc/hosts

$ minikube ip

$ scaffold dev


Udemy Microservices with Node JS and React


Language:JavaScript 75.0%Language:HTML 19.1%Language:Dockerfile 5.8%