duttaANI / AL_Lab

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AL Lab

when we convert recursive approach to iterative approach then we use stack

we can compare two vectors in c++ , eg vector v1 ,v2 ; if(v1==v2) do something ...

CSES problem Set
   |-- CountingRooms.cpp
   |-- README.md
   |-- Coding Ninjas
   |   |-- Ninja Hire 2.0 Junior (2nd & 3rd year)
   |   |   |-- Lost Representative .cpp
   |-- Google
   |   |-- HashCode
   |   |   |-- README.md
   |   |   |-- a.txt
   |   |   |-- b.txt
   |   |   |-- c.txt
   |   |   |-- d.txt
   |   |   |-- e.txt
   |   |   |-- f.txt
   |   |   |-- hash2.cpp
   |   |   |-- hash5.cpp
   |   |   |-- hashcode_2021_online_qualifications.pdf
   |   |-- KickStart
   |   |   |-- 2021
   |   |   |   |-- round A
   |   |   |   |   |-- K-GoodnessString.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |-- LShapedPlots.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |-- README.md
   |   |   |   |   |-- RabbitHouse.cpp
   |   |   |   |   |-- RabbitHouse_mujtaba1747.cpp
   |-- Hackerrank
   |   |-- Codentine
   |   |   |-- ACMManipal.cpp
   |   |   |-- BournvitaAddiction.cpp
   |   |   |-- CaveRaider.cpp
   |   |   |-- CruisingonaBudget.cpp
   |   |   |-- DefendZurg!.cpp
   |   |   |-- IshasWishes.cpp
   |   |   |-- Princeeatsbananas.cpp
   |   |   |-- Raj'sNote.cpp
   |   |   |-- Ram'sChocolates.cpp
   |   |   |-- Ramesh'sHomework.cpp
   |   |   |-- StanleylearnsGCD.cpp
   |   |   |-- TotalSubstringswith'x'Only.cpp
   |   |   |-- UtkarshandtheElectricCircuit.cpp
   |   |   |-- Valentine'sDayPairUp.cpp
   |-- IECSE
   |   |-- Sudo Code
   |   |   |-- DyutishandSuma.cpp
   |   |   |-- FindTheEpicentre.cpp
   |   |   |-- JeetsApp.cpp
   |   |   |-- PirateAttack.cpp
   |   |   |-- SchoolAssembly.cpp
   |   |   |-- TrainTravel.cpp
   |-- Hackercup2020
   |   |-- timber.cpp
   |-- April2021
   |   |-- Combination Sum.cpp
   |   |-- Count distinct elements in every window.cpp
   |   |-- Count distinct pairs with difference k.cpp
   |   |-- Equilibrium Point.cpp
   |   |-- Even occurring elements.cpp
   |   |-- Frequencies of Limited Range Array Elements.cpp
   |   |-- Largest Number formed from an Array.cpp
   |   |-- Largest subarray of 0's and 1's.cpp
   |   |-- Length Unsorted Subarray.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Span in two Binary Arrays.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Sub-Array with Sum K.cpp
   |   |-- Max Circular Subarray Sum.cpp
   |   |-- Max absolute difference.cpp
   |   |-- Minimum Platforms.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Rearrange Array Alternately.cpp
   |   |-- Rearrange an array with O(1) extra space.cpp
   |   |-- Reverse array in groups.cpp
   |   |-- Reverse words in a given string.cpp
   |   |-- Set kth bit.cpp
   |   |-- Smallest subarray with sum greater than x.cpp
   |   |-- Subarrays with given sum.cpp
   |   |-- Surpasser Count.cpp
   |   |-- Swap two nibbles in a byte.cpp
   |   |-- Trapping Rain Water.cpp
   |   |-- Triplet Sum in Array.cpp
   |   |-- ZigZag Tree Traversal.cpp
   |-- Find two numbers from their sum and XOR.cpp
   |-- Jun 2021
   |   |-- Binary Tree to BST.cpp
   |   |-- Binary Tree to DLL.cpp
   |   |-- Bottom View of Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Brothers From Different Roots.cpp
   |   |-- Check Mirror in N-ary tree.cpp
   |   |-- Check if Tree is Isomorphic.cpp
   |   |-- Check whether BST contains Dead End.cpp
   |   |-- Construct tree from Inorder and LevelOrder.cpp
   |   |-- Count BST nodes that lie in a given range.cpp
   |   |-- Diagonal Traversal of Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Level order traversal in spiral form.cpp
   |   |-- Lowest Common Ancestor in a BST.cpp
   |   |-- Merge two BST 's.cpp
   |   |-- Min distance between two given nodes of a Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Populate Inorder Successor for all nodes.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Top View of Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Transform to Sum Tree.cpp
   |-- MaxSumSubsequenceNonAdjacent.cpp
   |-- May2021
   |   |-- Next Greater Element.cpp
   |   |-- Parenthesis Checker.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Sort a stack.cpp
   |   |-- Stock span problem.cpp
   |-- Uber
   |   |-- Maximize product of subarray sum with its minimum element.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |-- graphs
   |   |-- Alien Dictionary.cpp
   |   |-- Bridge Edge in Graph.cpp
   |   |-- Critical Connections.cpp
   |   |-- MinimumSpanningTree.cpp
   |   |-- MinimumSpanningTree2.cpp
   |   |-- Negative weight cycle.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- StronglyConnectedComponents(Kosaraju'sAlgo).cpp
   |   |-- Travelling Salesman Problem.cpp
Interview Bit
   |-- Array
   |   |-- AddOneToNumber.cpp
   |   |-- Find Duplicate in Array.cpp
   |   |-- Find Permutation.cpp
   |   |-- First Missing Integer.cpp
   |   |-- Flip.cpp
   |   |-- Hotel Bookings Possible.cpp
   |   |-- Max Sum Contiguous Subarray.cpp
   |   |-- Maximum Absolute Difference.cpp
   |   |-- MinStepsinInfiniteGrid.cpp
   |   |-- Minimum Lights to Activate.cpp
   |   |-- Partitions.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Spiral Order Matrix II.cpp
   |-- Backtracking
   |   |-- Combination Sum II.cpp
   |   |-- Combination Sum.cpp
   |   |-- Combinations.cpp
   |   |-- Gray Code.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Subset.cpp
   |   |-- Subsets II.cpp
   |-- Dynamic Prog
   |   |-- 0-1 Knapsack.cpp
   |   |-- Arrange II.cpp
   |   |-- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock atmost B times.cpp
   |   |-- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stocks III.cpp
   |   |-- Chain of Pairs.cpp
   |   |-- Coin Sum Infinite.cpp
   |   |-- Coins in a Line.cpp
   |   |-- Dungeon Proncess.cpp
   |   |-- Evaluate Expression To True.cpp
   |   |-- Flip Array.cpp
   |   |-- Jump Game Array.cpp
   |   |-- Kingdom War.cpp
   |   |-- Largest area of rectangle with permutations.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Arithmetic Progression.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Common Subsequence.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Increasing Subsequence.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Palindromic Subsequence.cpp
   |   |-- Longest valid Parentheses.cpp
   |   |-- Max Product Subarray.cpp
   |   |-- Max Rectangle in Binary Matrix.cpp
   |   |-- Max Sum Without Adjacent Elements.cpp
   |   |-- Max edge queries!.cpp
   |   |-- Maximum Size Square Sub-matrix.cpp
   |   |-- Merge elements.cpp
   |   |-- Min Jumps Array.cpp
   |   |-- Min Sum Path in Matrix.cpp
   |   |-- Minimum Difference Subsets!.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Regular Expression II.cpp
   |   |-- Regular Expression Match.cpp
   |   |-- Rod Cutting.cpp
   |   |-- Scramble String.cpp
   |   |-- Sub Matrices with sum Zero.cpp
   |   |-- Subset Sum Problem!.cpp
   |   |-- Tiling With Dominoes.cpp
   |   |-- Unique Binary Search Trees II.cpp
   |   |-- Ways to Decode.cpp
   |   |-- minimum sum path in triangle.cpp
   |-- Greedy
   |   |-- Disjoint Intervals.cpp
   |   |-- Gas Station.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |-- Hashing
   |   |-- First Repeating element.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Subarray Length.cpp
   |   |-- Pairs With Given Xor.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Subarray with B odd numbers.cpp
   |   |-- Subarray with equal occurences!.cpp
   |   |-- Subarray with given XOR.cpp
   |   |-- Two out of Three.cpp
   |-- Heaps_and_Maps
   |   |-- Distinct Numbers in Window.cpp
   |   |-- LRU Cache.cpp
   |   |-- Merge K sorted arrays!.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Ways to form Max Heap.cpp
   |-- README.md
   |-- Strings
   |   |-- Atoi.cpp
   |   |-- Convert to Palindrome.cpp
   |   |-- Count And Say.cpp
   |   |-- Implement StrStr.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Common Prefix.cpp
   |   |-- Longest Palindromic Substring.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Reverse the String.cpp
   |-- Tree
   |   |-- 2-Sum Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- BST Iterator.cpp
   |   |-- Burn a Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Identical Binary Trees.cpp
   |   |-- Invert the Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Kth Smallest Element In Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Least Common Ancestor.cpp
   |   |-- Least Common Ancestor2.cpp
   |   |-- Max Depth of Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Maximum Edge Removal.cpp
   |   |-- Merge two Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Min Depth of Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Next Greater Number BST.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Reverse Level Order.cpp
   |   |-- Right view of Binary tree.cpp
   |   |-- Sorted Array To Balanced BST.cpp
   |   |-- Symmetric Binary Tree.cpp
   |   |-- XorBetweenTwoArrays!.cpp
   |-- graphs
   |   |-- Black Shapes.cpp
   |   |-- CaptureRegionsonBoard.cpp
   |   |-- Commutable Islands.cpp
   |   |-- Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Cycle in Directed Graph.cpp
   |   |-- Cycle in Undirected Graph.cpp
   |   |-- Delete Edge!.cpp
   |   |-- Largest Distance between nodes of a Tree.cpp
   |   |-- Level Order.cpp
   |   |-- Min Cost Path.cpp
   |   |-- Path in Directed Graph.cpp
   |   |-- Path with good nodes!.cpp
   |   |-- Permutation Swaps!.cpp
   |   |-- Possibility of finishing all courses given pre-requisites.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- Region in BinaryMatrix.cpp
   |   |-- Smallest Multiple With 0 and 1.cpp
   |   |-- Snake Ladder Problem!.cpp
   |   |-- Stepping Numbers.cpp
   |   |-- Two teams?.cpp
   |   |-- Useful Extra Edges.cpp
   |   |-- Valid Path.cpp
   |   |-- Water Flow.cpp
   |   |-- Word Ladder II.cpp
   |   |-- Word Search Board.cpp
   |-- 1005_MaximizeSumOfArrayAfterKNegations.cpp
   |-- 100_SameTree.cpp
   |-- 1020_NumberofEnclaves.cpp
   |-- 1027_LongestArithmeticSubsequence.cpp
   |-- 1029_TwoCityScheduling.cpp
   |-- 1030_MatrixCellsinDistanceOrder.cpp
   |-- 1046_LastStoneWeight.cpp
   |-- 108_ConvertSortedArraytoBinarySearchTree.cpp
   |-- 110_BalancedBinaryTree.cpp
   |-- 111_MinimumDepthofBinaryTree.cpp
   |-- 1122_RelativeSortArray.cpp
   |-- 1137_N-thTribonacciNumber.cpp
   |-- 113_PathSumII.cpp
   |-- 1143_LongestCommonSubsequence.cpp
   |-- 116_PopulatingNextRightPointersinEachNode.cpp
   |-- 1186_MaximumSubarraySumwithOneDeletion.cpp
   |-- 118_Pascal'sTriangle.cpp
   |-- 1200_MinimumAbsoluteDifference.cpp
   |-- 120_Triangle.cpp
   |-- 1218_LongestArithmeticSubsequenceofGivenDifference.cpp
   |-- 122_BestTimetoBuyandSellStockII.cpp
   |-- 1235. Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling.cpp
   |-- 127_WordLadder.cpp
   |-- 128_LongestConsecutiveSequence.cpp
   |-- 1296_DivideArrayinSetsofKConsecutiveNumbers.cpp
   |-- 129_SumRoottoLeafNumbers.cpp
   |-- 130_SurroundedRegions.cpp
   |-- 1319_NumberofOperationstoMakeNetworkConnected.cpp
   |-- 131_PalindromePartitioning.cpp
   |-- 132_PalindromePartitioningII.cpp
   |-- 133_CloneGraph.cpp
   |-- 1342_NumberofStepstoReduceaNumbertoZero.cpp
   |-- 134_GasStation.cpp
   |-- 139_WordBreak.cpp
   |-- 1411_NumberofWaystoPaintN\303\2273 Grid.cpp"
   |-- 1483_KthAncestorofaTreeNode.cpp
   |-- 1486_XOROperationinanArray.cpp
   |-- 1489_FindCriticalandPseudo-CriticalEdgesinMinimumSpanningTree.cpp
   |-- 148_SortList.cpp
   |-- 14_LongestCommonPrefix.cpp
   |-- 1514_PathwithMaximumProbability.cpp
   |-- 152_MaximumProductSubarray.cpp
   |-- 1537_GettheMaximumScore.cpp
   |-- 153_FindMinimuminRotatedSortedArray.cpp
   |-- 1547_MinimumCosttoCutaStick.cpp
   |-- 154_FindMinimuminRotatedSortedArrayII.cpp
   |-- 1556_ThousandSeparator.cpp
   |-- 1557_MinimumNumberofVerticestoReachAllNodes.cpp
   |-- 1558_MinimumNumbersofFunctionCallstoMakeTargetArray.cpp
   |-- 155_MinStack.cpp
   |-- 1566_DetectPatternofLengthMRepeatedKorMoreTimes.cpp
   |-- 1577_NumberofWaysWhereSquareofNumberIsEqualtoProductofTwoNumbers.cpp
   |-- 15_3Sum.cpp
   |-- 167_TwoSumII-Inputarrayissorted.cpp
   |-- 169_MajorityElement.cpp
   |-- 16_3Sum_Closest.cpp
   |-- 172_Factorial_Trailing_Zeroes.cpp
   |-- 174_DungeonGame.cpp
   |-- 1763_LongestNiceSubstring.cpp
   |-- 1764_FormArraybyConcatenatingSubarraysofAnotherArray.cpp
   |-- 1770_MaximumScorefromPerformingMultiplicationOperations.cpp
   |-- 1781_SumofBeautyofAllSubstrings.cpp
   |-- 1792_MaximumAveragePassRatio.cpp
   |-- 1793_MaximumScoreofaGoodSubarray.cpp
   |-- 1796_SecondLargestDigitinaString.cpp
   |-- 1797_DesignAuthenticationManager.cpp
   |-- 179_LargestNumber.cpp
   |-- 17_LetterCombinationsofaPhoneNumber.cpp
   |-- 1805_NumberofDifferentIntegersinaString.cpp
   |-- 1806_MinimumNumberofOperationstoReinitializeaPermutation.cpp
   |-- 1812_DetermineColorofaChessboardSquare.cpp
   |-- 1834_Single-ThreadedCPU.cpp
   |-- 1835_FindXORSumofAllPairsBitwiseAND.cpp
   |-- 188. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV.cpp
   |-- 18_4Sum.cpp
   |-- 191_Numberof1Bits.cpp
   |-- 199_BinaryTreeRightSideView.cpp
   |-- 200_NumberofIslands.cpp
   |-- 205_IsomorphicStrings.cpp
   |-- 206_ReverseLinkedList.cpp
   |-- 209_MinimumSizeSubarraySum.cpp
   |-- 210_CourseScheduleII.cpp
   |-- 217_ContainsDuplicate.cpp
   |-- 222_Count Complete Tree Nodes.cpp
   |-- 226_InvertBinaryTree.cpp
   |-- 229_MajorityElementII.cpp
   |-- 230_Kth_Smallest_Element_in_a_BST.cpp
   |-- 231_PowerofTwo.cpp
   |-- 234_PalindromeLinkedList.cpp
   |-- 235_LowestCommonAncestorofaBinarySearchTree.cpp
   |-- 236_LowestCommonAncestorofaBinaryTree.cpp
   |-- 239_SlidingWindowMaximum.cpp
   |-- 23_MergekSortedLists.cpp
   |-- 241_DifferentWaystoAddParentheses.cpp
   |-- 242_ValidAnagram.cpp
   |-- 24_SwapNodesinPairs.cpp
   |-- 257_BinaryTreePaths.cpp
   |-- 258_AddDigits.cpp
   |-- 264_UglyNumberII.cpp
   |-- 268_MissingNumber.cpp
   |-- 26_RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedArray.cpp
   |-- 274_H-Index.cpp
   |-- 283_Move_Zeroes.cpp
   |-- 289_GameofLife.cpp
   |-- 290_WordPattern.cpp
   |-- 300_Longest Increasing Subsequence.cpp
   |-- 301_RemoveInvalidParentheses.cpp
   |-- 309_BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithCooldown.cpp
   |-- 310_MinimumHeightTrees.cpp
   |-- 312_Burst Balloons.cpp
   |-- 315_CountofSmallerNumbersAfterSelf.cpp
   |-- 31_NextPermutation.cpp
   |-- 337_HouseRobberIII.cpp
   |-- 33_SearchinRotatedSortedArray.cpp
   |-- 343_IntegerBreak.cpp
   |-- 34_Find_ First_and_Last_Position_of_Element_in_Sorted_Array.cpp
   |-- 35_SearchInsertPosition.cpp
   |-- 365_WaterandJugProblem.cpp
   |-- 368_LargestDivisibleSubset.cpp
   |-- 392_IsSubsequence.cpp
   |-- 399_EvaluateDivision.cpp
   |-- 39_CombinationSum.cpp
   |-- 403_FrogJump.cpp
   |-- 409_Longest_Palindrome.cpp
   |-- 414_ThirdMaximumNumber.cpp
   |-- 415_AddStrings.cpp
   |-- 41_FirstMissingPositive.cpp
   |-- 441_ArrangingCoins.cpp
   |-- 448_FindAllNumbersDisappearedinanArray.cpp
   |-- 455_Assign_Cookies.cpp
   |-- 463_IslandPerimeter.cpp
   |-- 472_ConcatenatedWords.cpp
   |-- 485_MaxConsecutiveOnes.cpp
   |-- 486_PredicttheWinner.cpp
   |-- 494_TargetSum.cpp
   |-- 49_GroupAnagrams.cpp
   |-- 509_FibonacciNumber.cpp
   |-- 50_Pow(x,n).cpp
   |-- 518_CoinChange2.cpp
   |-- 520_DetectCapital.cpp
   |-- 526_BeautifulArrangement.cpp
   |-- 542_01Matrix.cpp
   |-- 547_FriendCircles.cpp
   |-- 557_ReverseWordsinaStringIII.cpp
   |-- 561_ArrayPartitionI.cpp
   |-- 566_ReshapetheMatrix.cpp
   |-- 56_MergeIntervals.cpp
   |-- 57_InsertInterval.cpp
   |-- 58_LengthofLastWord.cpp
   |-- 605_CanPlaceFlowers.cpp
   |-- 60_PermutationSequence.cpp
   |-- 617_MergeTwoBinaryTrees.cpp
   |-- 621_Task_Scheduler.cpp
   |-- 628_MaximumProductofThreeNumbers.cpp
   |-- 63_UniquePathsII.cpp
   |-- 650_2KeysKeyboard.cpp
   |-- 652_FindDuplicateSubtrees.cpp
   |-- 653_TwoSumIV-InputisaBST.cpp
   |-- 659_SplitArrayintoConsecutiveSubsequences.cpp
   |-- 679_24Game.cpp
   |-- 67_Add_Binary.cpp
   |-- 680_ValidPalindromeII.cpp
   |-- 684_RedundantConnection.cpp
   |-- 685_RedundantConnectionII.cpp
   |-- 688_KnightProbabilityinChessboard.pdf
   |-- 695_MaxAreaofIsland.cpp
   |-- 697_DegreeofanArray.cpp
   |-- 69_Sqrt(x).cpp
   |-- 706_DesignHashMap.cpp
   |-- 714_BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithTransactionFee.cpp
   |-- 721_AccountsMerge.cpp
   |-- 72_EditDistance.cpp
   |-- 733_FloodFill.cpp
   |-- 735_AsteroidCollision.cpp
   |-- 73_SetMatrixZeroes.cpp
   |-- 743_NetworkDelayTime.cpp
   |-- 746_MinCostClimbingStairs.cpp
   |-- 74_Searcha2DMatrix.cpp
   |-- 75_SortColors.cpp
   |-- 763_PartitionLabels.cpp
   |-- 765_CouplesHoldingHands.cpp
   |-- 766_ToeplitzMatrix.cpp
   |-- 76_Minimum_Window_Substring.cpp
   |-- 778_SwiminRisingWater.cpp
   |-- 77_Combinations.cpp
   |-- 785_IsGraphBipartite?.cpp
   |-- 787_CheapestFlightsWithinKStops.cpp
   |-- 78_Subsets.cpp
   |-- 797_AllPathsFromSourcetoTarget.cpp
   |-- 838_PushDominoes.cpp
   |-- 83_RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedList.cpp
   |-- 841_KeysandRooms.cpp
   |-- 846_HandofStraights.cpp
   |-- 84_LargestRectangleinHistogram.cpp
   |-- 856_ScoreofParentheses.cpp
   |-- 85_MaximalRectangle.cpp
   |-- 862_ShortestSubarraywithSumatLeastK.cpp
   |-- 867_TransposeMatrix.cpp
   |-- 881_BoatstoSavePeople.cpp
   |-- 912_SortanArray.cpp
   |-- 918_MaximumSumCircularSubarray.cpp
   |-- 922_SortArrayByParityII.cpp
   |-- 924_MinimizeMalwareSpread.cpp
   |-- 931_MinimumFallingPathSum.cpp
   |-- 934_ShortestBridge.cpp
   |-- 95_UniqueBinarySearchTreesII.cpp
   |-- 973_K Closest Points to Origin.cpp
   |-- 976_LargestPerimeterTriangle.cpp
   |-- 978_LongestTurbulentSubarray.cpp
   |-- 986_IntervalListIntersections.cpp
   |-- 989_AddtoArray-FormofInteger.cpp
   |-- 990_SatisfiabilityofEqualityEquations.cpp
   |-- 994_RottingOranges.cpp
   |-- 997_FindtheTownJudge.cpp
   |-- 9_PalindromeNumber.cpp
   |-- Add_Two_Numbers.cpp
   |-- Climbing_Stairs.cpp
   |-- Coin_Change.cpp
   |-- Construct_Binary_Tree_from_Preorder_and_Inorder_Traversal.cpp
   |-- Container_With_Most_Water.cpp
   |-- Course_Schedule.cpp
   |-- Find_the_Duplicate_Number.cpp
   |-- First_Bad_Version.cpp
   |-- Generate_Parentheses.cpp
   |-- House_Robber.cpp
   |-- Intersection_of_Two_Linked_Lists.cpp
   |-- Jump_Game.cpp
   |-- Jump_Game_II.cpp
   |-- Linked_List_Cycle.cpp
   |-- Longest_Palindromic_Substring.cpp
   |-- Longest_Substring_Without_Repeating_Characters.cpp
   |-- Longest_Valid_Parentheses.cpp
   |-- Maximal_Square.cpp
   |-- Maximum_Subarray.cpp
   |-- Median_of_Two_Sorted_Arrays.cpp
   |-- Merge_Two_Sorted_Lists.cpp
   |-- Minimum_Path_Sum.cpp
   |-- Path_Sum.cpp
   |-- Permutations.cpp
   |-- README.md
   |-- Regular_Expression_Matching.cpp
   |-- Remove_Nth_Node_From_End_of_List.cpp
   |-- Shortest_Unsorted_Continuous_Subarray.cpp
   |-- Single_Number.cpp
   |-- Spiral_Matrix.cpp
   |-- Subarray_Sum_Equals_K.cpp
   |-- Super_Egg_Drop.cpp
   |-- Top_K_Frequent_Elements.cpp
   |-- Trapping_Rain_Water.cpp
   |-- Two_Sum.cpp
   |-- Unique_Binary_Search_Trees.cpp
   |-- Unique_Paths.cpp
   |-- Valid_Parentheses.cpp
   |-- Validate_Binary_Search_Tree.cpp
   |-- Word_Search.cpp
   |-- ZigZag_Conversion.cpp
   |-- cpp_STL_basics
   |   |-- 337_HouseRobberIII.cpp
   |   |-- HASH_MAP.cpp
   |   |-- Iterate_2d_Vector.cpp
   |   |-- Range_Based_Loop.cpp
   |-- images
   |   |-- Longest_Substring_Without_Repeating_Characters.jpg
   |   |-- delete.py
   |-- A Puzzle Game.cpp
   |-- Apr2021
   |   |-- README.md
   |-- Mar2021
   |   |-- GuesstheNumber.cpp
   |   |-- MatrixXor.cpp
   |   |-- PawriMeme.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |   |-- WeightBalance.cpp
   |-- README.md
   |-- 1392B_OmkarandInfinityClock.cpp
   |-- 1392D_OmkarandBedWars.cpp
   |-- 1397A_JugglingLetters.cpp
   |-- 1397B_PowerSequence.cpp
   |-- 1400A_StringSimilarity.cpp
   |-- 1400B_RPGProtagonist.cpp
   |-- 1400C_BinaryStringReconstruction.cpp
   |-- 1405A_PermutationForgery.cpp
   |-- 1405B_ArrayCancellation.cpp
   |-- 1406A_SubsetMex.cpp
   |-- 1406B_MaximumProduct.cpp
   |-- 1407B_BigVova.cpp
   |-- 1418A_BuyingTorches.cpp
   |-- 1418B_NegativePrefixes.cpp
   |-- 1433B_YetAnotherBookshelf.cpp
   |-- 1433C_DominantPiranha.cpp
   |-- 1433D_ DistrictsConnection.cpp
   |-- 1433E_TwoRoundDances.cpp
   |-- 1433F_ZeroRemainderSum.cpp
   |-- 1433G_ReducingDeliveryCost.cpp
   |-- 1437A_MarketingScheme.cpp
   |-- 1437B_ReverseBinaryStrings.cpp
   |-- 1437C_ChefMonocarp.cpp
   |-- 1437D_MinimalHeightTree.cpp
   |-- 1437E_MakeItIncreasing.cpp
   |-- 1443A_BoringApartments.cpp
   |-- 1443C_TheDeliveryDilemma.cpp
   |-- 1445A_Array Rearrangment.cpp
   |-- 1445B_Elimination.cpp
   |-- 1445C_Division.cpp
   |-- 983D_BuyaTicket.cpp
   |-- A_YetAnotherTwoIntegersProblem.cpp
   |-- Dec2020
   |   |-- 1455B_Jumps.cpp
   |   |-- 1455D_SequenceandSwaps.cpp
   |   |-- delete.py
   |-- Jan2021
   |   |-- 1472F_NewYear'sPuzzle.cpp
   |   |-- 1472G_Moving to the Capital.cpp
   |   |-- deleme.py
   |-- Mar2021
   |   |-- 138561B_JumpingFrog.cpp
   |   |-- 1475A_OddDivisor.cpp
   |   |-- 1475B_NewYear'sNumber.cpp
   |   |-- 1475C_BallinBerland.cpp
   |   |-- 377A_Maze.cpp
   |   |-- 404C_RestoreGraph.cpp
   |   |-- 500A_NewYearTransportation.cpp
   |   |-- 830A_Office_Keys.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |-- Nov2020
   |   |-- 1438C_EngineerArtem.cpp
   |   |-- 1438D_PowerfulKsenia.cpp
   |   |-- 1447C_Knapsack.cpp
   |   |-- 1447D_CatchingCheaters.cpp
   |   |-- 1451A_SubtractorDivide.cpp
   |   |-- 1451B_Non-SubstringSubsequence.cpp
   |   |-- 1451C_StringEquality.cpp
   |   |-- 1451D_CircleGame.cpp
   |   |-- 1451E1_BitwiseQueries.cpp
   |   |-- 1452B_ToyBlocks.cpp
   |   |-- 1452C_TwoBrackets.cpp
   |   |-- 1452D_RadioTowers.cpp
   |   |-- 1452E_TwoEditorials.cpp
   |   |-- 1454D_NumberintoSequence.cpp
   |   |-- 1454E_NumberofSimplePaths.cpp
   |   |-- 1454F_ArrayPartition.cpp
   |   |-- deleme.py
   |-- Oct2020
   |   |-- 1443A_KidsSeating.cpp
   |   |-- 1443B_SavingtheCity.cpp
   |   |-- 1445D_DivideandSum.cpp
   |   |-- delete.py
   |-- README.md
   |-- Apr2021
   |   |-- Least Greater Element.cpp
   |   |-- README.md
   |-- README.md
   |-- binSearchTree.c
   |-- classMat_to_ADJlist.c
   |-- Floyd.c
   |-- README.md
   |-- transitive_closure_Warshall.c
   |-- floor_Sqrt.c
   |-- README.md
   |-- bfs_lab.c
   |-- dfs_bipartite.c
   |-- dfs_iterative.c
   |-- dfs_using_stack.c
   |-- graphAdjacency_list.h
   |-- job_assignment.c
   |-- lexical.c
   |-- lexical.h
   |-- queue.h
   |-- mergeSort.c
   |-- mergeSort.cpp
   |-- quickSort.c
   |-- avl_tree.c
   |-- avl_tree_efficient.cpp
   |-- Heap_Sort_top_down.c
   |-- README.md
   |-- bottom_up_heap.c
   |-- bottom_up_heap_sort.c
   |-- horspool.c
   |-- open_hash.c



Language:C++ 95.3%Language:C 4.7%Language:Python 0.0%