duthng / randomSen


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  • Accept multi-lang: Excel, R, Matlab, Python, Java, JS, Scala, Clojure, Scheme etc

  • There are multiple ways to do this exercise. Try to elaborate the steps in your code like I do. If you get stuck, ask. If you do not finish, submit anyway. If you finish everything early, submit your solution as a public service to other members :) This time detailed feedback would be given to each language submission, so submit your R even if you only do step 1, submit your Python even if you only reach step 2..

  • Submit here, you can submit multiple times

  • Ask questions here

  • Solution reports then become available to public for all languages on the website

  • Time: Friday + Saturday + Sunday

  • Results are updated continuously here

  • And you know what, though not a young novice anymore, I still tell you to have faith in humanity..


This repo has a main.rkt file which contains all the code and two sample text (The alchemist and At the mountains of madness by Lovecraft). Basically I write a function to generate random sentence based on the input text. You can run it as follows:

rlwrap racket
> (load "main.rkt")
> (say-something)

Anyway, this exercise is not about running my code, it is about writing your code. Try to read my code and write your own. My main.rkt file does the following steps:

Step 1 100pts Import libraries to read data. The data looks like this:

(list "Hi" "there." "How" "are" "you.")

Step 2 200pts Process the words a little bit to identify the ending of the sentence. I search for words ending in . ? ! After identifying these words, I insert "." "" into the list of words accordingly. "." signifies the end of a sentence and "" signifies the beginning.

For example, "invader." ---> "invader." "." ""

Step 3 300pts To collect all the immediate successor of a word. As I traverse through the list of words, each word has its own bag of followers. For example, if word2 follows word1, word2 would be put into word1's bag of followers.

"hi" ---> (list "there" "you")
"and" ---> (list "you" "it" "they")
"go" ---> (list "there" "shopping" "hiking" "shopping" "shopping")
"" ---> (list "The" "On")

Step 4 200pts Given word1, generate a word that statistically comes after word1. To do this, I pick out a random member from word1's bag of followers that I already collected in step 3.

"go" ---> (list "there" "shopping" "hiking" "shopping" "shopping")

pick a random member: "shopping"

Step 5 300pts I write a function to generate words given the first word "" (the begining of a sentence) and keeps generating words until it reaches the word "." (the end of a sentence). Then I join the generated words together.

> (say-something)
" But I’ve got the question."

> (say-something)
" The linkage of the walls; facts we mechanically carried through our vitals."

> (say-something)
" These wings and primordial temple-ruins on for the evident intent of scene of today."

> (say-something)
" Half-paralysed with its sheer primitive anxiety to move ahead, we could not a living thing he released from aperture."

> (say-something)
" In what I thought for the wings and as well."

Step 6 1000 pts Explain some cool things about your code/lang. For example: performance, style, elegance etc.

To start

You can do one of the following

  • Fork this repo.

  • Do whatever you want, show me the code.





Language:Racket 64.6%Language:Python 35.4%