dustymabe / coreos-assembler

Tooling container to assemble CoreOS-like systems

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the CoreOS Assembler (often abbreviated COSA) build environment. It is a collection of various tools used to build Fedora CoreOS style systems.

It reuses various upstream tools, such as:

A high level goal of this tool is to support two highly related use cases, and to keep them as similar as possible:

  • Local development ("test a kernel change")
  • Be a production build system orchestrated by an external tool (e.g. Jenkins)

See fedora-coreos-ci as an example pipeline.

Getting started - prerequisites

You can use podman or docker. These examples use podman. Note that we support running in a privileged or unprivileged mode (detailed below). Regardless of whether you are using privileged or unprivileged mode you'll need access to /dev/kvm as the build process runs a virtual machine in order to generate the target image. If you're running this in a VM, you must enable nested virt. See also GCE nested virt.

Unprivileged Mode

Unprivileged mode is designed to work with very minimal privileges by doing all "privileged" operations inside of a VM. VMs can be started as a normal user as long as /dev/kvm is accessible (a prerequisite mentioned above) and thus we are able to perform a compose as a normal user. This allows us to run inside of a locked down OpenShift environment, which is where we are running our builds for Fedora CoreOS currently.

We recommend you use unprivileged mode when building locally if you are hacking on Fedora CoreOS so that you can mimic our build environment as much as possible.

Privileged Mode

In privileged mode the rpm-ostree compose uses container features itself, thus requires a privileged container in order to perform the compose. This is known as recursive containers.

Container Build

To completely rebuild the COSA container image locally, execute $ sudo podman build -t localhost/coreos-assembler . or $ sudo podman build -t localhost/coreos-assembler -f Dockerfile.rhel . from the coreos-assembler repository. If building the RHEL version please note you will need a maipo directory with references to proper repositories.


Let's set up our working directory first. We'll create and use ./srv-coreos on our host system. You can choose any directory you like.

$ mkdir ./srv-coreos
$ setfacl -m u:1000:rwx ./srv-coreos
$ setfacl -d -m u:1000:rwx ./srv-coreos
$ chcon system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0 ./srv-coreos
$ cd ./srv-coreos

In the above commands we:

  • created the ./srv-coreos directory
  • set file ACLs so that the builder user (uid 1000 inside the container) can write files
  • set file ACLs so that new files get created with ACLs that allow the builder user
  • gave the directory an SELinux file context for sharing with containers
  • changed our working directory into ./srv-coreos

Now we'll define a bash function that we can use to call the assembler container:

$ cosa() {
    env | grep COREOS_ASSEMBLER
    set -x # so we can see what command gets run
    sudo podman run --rm -ti -v ${PWD}:/srv/ --userns=host --device /dev/kvm --name cosa \
               ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_PRIVILEGED:+--privileged}                                          \
               ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT:/srv/src/config/:ro}   \
               ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT:+-v $COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT/src/:/usr/lib/coreos-assembler/:ro}  \
               ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS}                                            \
               ${COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER:-quay.io/coreos-assembler/coreos-assembler:latest} $@
    rc=$?; set +x; return $rc

NOTE: We're using cosa here as it is much easier to type than coreos-assembler.

This is a bit more complicated than a simple alias, but it allows for hacking on the assembler or the configs and prints out the environment and the command that ultimately gets run. Let's step through each part:

  • sudo podman run --rm -ti: standard container invocation
  • -v ${PWD}:/srv/: mount local working dir under /srv/ in container
  • --userns=host: the default for podman anyway, but required for docker
  • --device /dev/kvm: needed for creating VMs
  • --name cosa: just a name, feel free to change it

The environment variables are special purpose:


Setting COREOS_ASSEMBLER_PRIVILEGED=true (or any value) will cause --privileged to get added on the command line.


Allows you to specifiy a local directory that contains the configs for the ostree you are trying to compose.


Allows you to specify a local directory that contains the CoreOS Assembler scripts. This allows for quick hacking on the assembler itself.


Allows for adding arbitrary mounts or args to the container runtime.


Allows for overriding the default assembler container which is currently quay.io/coreos-assembler/coreos-assembler:latest.

See the Hacking section below for examples of how to use these variables:


You only need to do this once; it will clone the specified configuration repo, create various directories and also download an installer image (used to make VMs).

$ cosa init https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config

The specified git repository will be cloned into $PWD/src/config/.

If you're doing something custom, you likely want to fork that upstream repository.

Performing a build

First, we fetch all the metadata and packages:

$ cosa fetch

And now we can build from these inputs:

$ cosa build

Each build will write an OSTree commit into $PWD/repo/ as well as generate VM images in $PWD/builds/.

Next, rerun cosa build and notice the system correctly deduces that nothing changed. You can run cosa fetch again to check for updated RPMs.


$ cosa run

This invokes QEMU on the image in builds/latest. It uses -snapshot, so any changes are thrown away after you exit qemu. To exit, type Ctrl-a x. For more options, type Ctrl-a ?.


Hacking on CoreOS Git Configs

We can hack on some local input configs by exporting them in the COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT env variable. For example:

$ export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONFIG_GIT=/path/to/github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config/
$ cosa init --force /dev/null
$ cosa fetch && cosa build

Currently, the assembler only takes two input files that are from src/config:

  • manifest.yaml: An rpm-ostree "manifest" or "treefile", which mostly boils down to a list of RPMs and a set of rpm-md repositories they come from. It also supports postprocess to make arbitrary changes. See the upstream docs.
  • image.ks: An Anaconda Kickstart file. Use this to define the base disk image output.

Let's try editing the file src/config/image.ks. Change the root storage line logvol / for example. Rerun cosa build, and notice that the OSTree commit didn't change, but a new image is generated in builds. When you cosa run, you'll get it.

Another thing to try is editing src/config/manifest.yaml - add or remove entries from packages. You can also add local rpm-md file:/// repositories.

Hacking on CoreOS Assembler Scripts

If you find yourself wanting to hack on CoreOS Assembler itself then you can easily mount the scripts into the container and prevent rebuilding the container to test every change. This can be done using the COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT env var.

$ export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT=/path/to/github.com/coreos/coreos-assembler/
$ cosa init https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config.git
$ cosa fetch && cosa build

Running in privileged mode

If you'd like to run the Assembler in privileged mode you can use the COREOS_ASSEMBLER_PRIVILEGED env var:

$ cosa init https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config.git
$ cosa fetch && cosa build

Using a locally built Assembler container

If you have built a local assembler container you can tell the container runtime to use it instead of the default by setting the COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER env var:

$ export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER=localhost/coreos-assembler
$ cosa init https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config.git
$ cosa fetch && cosa build

Using different CA certificates

If you need access to CA certificates on your host (for example, when you need to access a git repo that is not on the public Internet), you can mount in the host certificates using the COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS variable.

NOTE Sharing the /etc/pki/ca-trust directory may be blocked by SELinux so you may have to use a directory with the system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0 file context.

$ export COREOS_ASSEMBLER_CONTAINER_RUNTIME_ARGS='-v /etc/pki/ca-trust:/etc/pki/ca-trust:ro'
$ cosa init https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-config.git
$ cosa fetch && cosa build

See this Stack Overflow question for additional discussion.


Tooling container to assemble CoreOS-like systems

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Shell 54.5%Language:Python 44.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.8%Language:Makefile 0.6%