dustinbutterworth / nmapList

List of useful nmap examples

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List of useful nmap examples

Ping Scan (using cidr)

nmap -sn -n

Exhaustive Scan:

nmap -sV -n -v -Pn -p- -A --reason -oN nmap.txt $IP

SSL Strength Check:

nmap -Pn --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 $HOSTNAME

SSH Cipher Check:

nmap --script=ssh2-enum-algos.nse -n -PS22 -p22 $IP

Show Allowed HTTP Methods:

nmap -p 80 --script http-methods $IP

Nmap against multiple hosts:

nmap -n -PS22 -p22 -iL hosts

Don't forget the nifty vulners script:

--script vulners


List of useful nmap examples