durid-ah / parser_combinator

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Parser Combinator

An attempt at a Rust implementation of the typescript Arcsecond library.

After following LowLevelJavascript's tutorial on parser combinator, I thought it would be a fun exercise to try and rewrite it using Rust.

Project contents

The project is split up into 4 main parts:


Contains all the enums,structs and traits used by the parsers.


  • Str: Match an arbitrary string to the target
   let parser = Str::new("Test".to_owned());
   let res = parser.run("Test");
   assert_eq!(res.index, 4);
  • Digits: Match at least one digit in a string
   let p = Digits::new();
   let res = p.run("123s");
   assert!(res.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_one() == "123");
   assert!(res.index == 3);
  • Letters: Match at least one letter in a string
   // match all letters up to the first digit or other character found
   let p = Letters::new();
   let res = p.run("abcd1s".to_owned());
   assert!(res.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_one() == "abcd");
   assert!(res.index == 4);
  • Between: Match a parser between two other parsers
   // match the value "test" between to brackets
   let left = Box::new(Str::new("(".to_owned()));
   let value = Box::new(Str::new("test".to_owned()));
   let right = Box::new(Str::new(")".to_owned()));

   let bet = Between::new(left, right, value);
   let result = bet.run("(test)");

   assert_eq!(result.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_many().len(), 1);
   assert_eq!(result.index, 6);

Collection Parsers:

Parsers used to handle a collection of parsers

  • SequenceOf: Takes in a sequence of parsers and ensures that they are executed in the right order
   // match the values "Test1" and "Test2" back to back
   let s1 = Box::new(Str::new("Test1".to_owned()));
   let s2 = Box::new(Str::new("Test2".to_owned()));
   let seq = SequenceOf::new(vec![s1,s2]);
   let result = seq.run("Test1Test2");

   assert_eq!(result.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_many().len(), 2);
   assert_eq!(result.index, 10);
  • Choice: Finds the first matching parser in a collection of parsers
   // Find the first match out of "Test1", "Test2", "Test3"
   let s1 = Box::new(Str::new("Test1".to_owned()));  
   let s2 = Box::new(Str::new("Test2".to_owned()));  
   let s3 = Box::new(Str::new("Test3".to_owned()));  
   let choice = Choice::new(vec![s1,s2,s3]);
   let res = choice.run("Test2");

   assert_eq!(res.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_one(), "Test2");
   assert_eq!(res.index, 5);
  • Many/ManyOne: Used to find as many instances of the parser in sequence. ManyOne ensures that at least one parser is successful while Many returns successful with zero instances.
   // match "Test" as many times as possible
   let str_parser = Str::new("Test".to_owned());
   let many = Many::new(str_parser);
   let result = many.run("TestTestTest");
   assert_eq!(result.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_many().len(), 3);
   assert_eq!(result.index, 12);
  • SepBy/SepByOne: Takes in a separator and a separated parser and looks for multiple instances of the separated value with separator in between each. Just like ManyOne, SepByOne is used to catch at least one separated value while SepBy only has one.
   // match multiple instances of the value test separated by commas
   let comma = Str::new(",".to_owned());
   let test_string = Str::new("Test".to_owned());
   let sep_parser = SepBy::new(comma, test_string);
   let result = sep_parser.run("Test,Test,Test");

   assert_eq!(result.result.unwrap().unwrap().unwrap_many().len(), 3);
   assert_eq!(result.index, 14);

Bit Parsers:

Coming Soon...



Language:Rust 100.0%