dunklesToast / leveldb-viewer

A simple, minimalistic, web-based LevelDB viewer for Node.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A simple, minimalistic, web-based LevelDB viewer for Node.js.


Install the module with npm i --save leveldb-viewer. The following snippet shows the sample usage:

const { createViewerServer } = require('leveldb-viewer');
const db = levelup(encode(leveldown('/path/to/db'), { keyEncoding: 'buffer', valueEncoding: 'json' })); 
const server = createViewerServer(db); // This returns a Node.JS HttpServer.
server.listen(9090); // you may invoke listen...
server.close() // ...and close.

Once you started the server with server.listen(9090) open the browser at http://localhost:9090. You should be able to explore the contents of your LevelDB instance using a tree view. The webpage uses a minimal API to retrieve data:

  • GET /api/query retrieves the keys (or their common prefixes) using root param to specify the desired prefix and limit to limit the number of records. The response returns an array of objects having this format: {val: string, count: number}. The val field is the prefix (or the whole key) and count is the number of records having that prefix.
  • GET /api/value retrieves the value (as JSON object) having the specified key param.


A simple, minimalistic, web-based LevelDB viewer for Node.js


Language:JavaScript 78.3%Language:CSS 19.1%Language:HTML 2.6%