dung13890 / go-clean-architecture

Codebase for golang use clean architecture

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


workflow status License: MIT

Codebase for golang use clean architecture.

The current go version use is v1.20


The purpose of the codebase is to show:

  • Independent of Frameworks
  • Testable
  • Independent of UI
  • Independent of Database
  • Independent of any external agency

More at https://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-architecture.html


Quick start

Below are some feature included in this project:

  • auth (JWT / API)
  • users (Create / List / Show / Update / Delete)
  • roles (Create / List / Show / Update / Delete)

Build Local development:

cd go-clean-architecture
git submodule update --init --force --remote
docker compose build

Start development:

# Install dependencies
go mod tidy

# Copy env
cp .env.example .env

# Start docker
docker compose up -d

# Inside docker
docker compose exec go-app bash

# Make migrate
make create_example_table.sql

# Migrate
go run cmd/migrate/main.go

# Migrate down
# go run cmd/migrate/main.go down {step}
go run cmd/migrate/main.go down 2

# Run seed data
go run cmd/seed/main.go

# Start http server
air -c cmd/app/.air.toml

# Check lint
make lint

# Go generate mock, something
make go-gen

# Check Unit test
make test

# Check with CURL
curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/api/register' \
 -H 'accept: application/json' \
 -H 'content-type: application/json' \
 -d '{
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password" : "password",
    "role_id": 1,
    "name": "user"

curl -X POST 'localhost:8080/api/login' \
 -H 'accept: application/json' \
 -H 'content-type: application/json' \
 -d '{
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password" : "password"

Tool Generate

If you need to generate a code base like this architecture, you can use go-base-gen tool. You can read more about the tool at README

   go-base-gen - Use this tool to generate base code

   go-base-gen [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   project  Generate base code for go project use clean architecture
   domain   Create new domain in project
   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print only the version (default: false)

The go-base-gen tool was created with the purpose to help developers save their time in creating a project with a clean architecture. The tool will generate the code base for you, you just need to focus on the business logic.

Project structure

Clean Architecture

This application is divided into 2 layers, internal and pkg:

  • Internal is Business logic
  • Pkg is tools (logs, database, utils,...)

The communication between layers

Clean Architecture Layer

flowchart LR

    subgraph in [Internal]
        direction TB
        de -.->|Interface / Domain| uc -.->|Interface / Domain| ps & ot & rp

    ex -.->|DTO|in -.->|DAO|db


For Internal application use 4 layers:

Entities | domain:

Entities / domain is the most inner layer of the onion architecture. It is a struct for data that will be used by communication between layers.

Entities are simple data structures:

// Path internal/domain/role.go
// Role entity
type Role struct {
    ID        uint      `json:"id"`
    Name      string    `json:"name"`
    Slug      string    `json:"slug"`
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`


A repository is an abstract storage (database) that business logic works with. Layer responsibility will choose DB use in application

// RoleRepository represent the role's usecases
type RoleRepository interface {
    Fetch(context.Context) ([]Role, error)


This layer contains application specific business rules. This a layer decide repository, service, other use in application.

// RoleUsecase represent the role's repository contract
type RoleUsecase interface {
    Fetch(context.Context) ([]Role, error)


This a layer will decide how the data present. Could be REST API, HTML, or gRPC whatever the decide type.

// Path: internal/modules/role/delivery/http

// roleHandler represent the httphandler
type roleHandler struct {
    Usecase domain.RoleUsecase

// NewHandler will initialize the roles/ resources endpoint
func NewHandler(e *echo.Echo, uc domain.RoleUsecase) {
    handler := &roleHandler{
        Usecase: uc,

    g := e.Group("/api")
    g.GET("/roles", handler.Index)

// Index will fetch data
func (hl *roleHandler) Index(c echo.Context) error {
    ctx := c.Request().Context()
    roles, _ := hl.Usecase.Fetch(ctx)

    return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, roles)

Tools Used

"Buy Me A Coffee"


Codebase for golang use clean architecture

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.9%Language:Makefile 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%