duncanjbrown / dotfiles

dot dot dot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Download to ~/.dotfiles.

brew bundle # You may need to install Homebrew first

Vim leader bindings


ff     Search inside all files
F      Search all ctags
w      Search inside all files using the word under the cursor
W      Search all ctags using the word under the cursor
pf     Search all filenames controlled by git
pa     Search all filenames in the folder
pc     Search filenames changed since last commit 
bb     Search open buffers 



git please                # git push --force-with-lease
git smush                 # git commit --amend --no-edit && git please
git untracked             # show all untracked files in the current working tree
git steal <branch> <file> # pick a file off another branch
git jump                  # display recent branches in FZF 
git rewrite               # pick a commit with FZF and commit --fixup onto it
fix                       # open all merge-conflicted files in $EDITOR
shaf <search string>      # print first matching commit message, copy SHA to clipboard 
gset                      # hard-reset current branch to its state on origin


be                        # bundle exec
r                         # bundle exec rubocop && bundle exec rspec
bopen                     # bundle open
rff                       # re-run failing specs, bailing on first failure
rubogit                   # run Rubocop on changed files


pm                        # python manage.py


publicip                  # get the public IP of your machine
viewcsv <file>            # print a CSV file in columns
whozat <port>             # get the process/es listening on a given port
evict-listeners <port>    # kill the process/es listening on a given port
pipv                      # list available versions of a pip package


If you have a file called .environment in ~, it will be sourced from zshrc.


tmux exits immediately You need reattach-to-user-namespace


dot dot dot


Language:Vim Script 75.7%Language:Lua 15.7%Language:Shell 6.9%Language:Ruby 1.2%Language:Clojure 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.1%