dulunar / bash_completion

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bash_completion scripts for genomics tools. These scripts are based on the work of Charles Plessy. Many thanks to Charles for taking the initiative to do this. I enjoy convenience very much.

It allows you to do things like:

samto[TAB][TAB] v[TAB][TAB]

and get:

samtools view


samtools f[TAB][TAB]

and get:

faidx     fixmate   flagstat


bedt[TAB][TAB] in[TAB][TAB]

and get:

bedtools intersect


bedt[TAB][TAB] g[TAB][TAB]

and get:

genomecov  getfasta   groupby


  1. First you need to install bash_completion. See this:


  1. Second, copy the scripts in this repo to the appropriate (depending on how you installed bash_completion) directory. For example, with homebrew, it would be:

  2. Source your bash_profile and be on your way.
