duli-eng / complexAlgebra

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This python code uses theories in Complex Algebra to compute a mulitude of operatinons when given rectangular coordinates.


  1. Rectangular to polar (z1)
  2. Rectangular to polar (z2)
  3. Addition of two rectangular coordinates (z1 + z2)
  4. Subtraction of rectangular coordinates (z1 - z2)
  5. Multiplication of rectangular coordinates (z1 * z2)
  6. Division of rectangular coordinates (z1^2)

Getting started

  1. Download Visual Studio Code for macOS or Windows
  2. Install Python Interpreter path 'venv 3.8.X'
  3. Run npm install git+{copied_url} to download all dependencies