dudeperf3ct / 9-fastapi-kubernetes-monitoring

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


In this exercise, we will introduce Kubernetes. Using Kubernetes deploy fastapi application and monitor this application using Prometheus and Grafana, following best practices of writing tests and trigger a CI workflow using github actions.

Getting started with Kubernetes: Tutorial



Test the sentiment classifier model

docker build -t sentiment -f app/sentiment/Dockerfile.sentiment app/sentiment/
docker run --rm -it sentiment

Test the fastapi application

docker build -t sentiment-fastapi .
docker run -p 8000:8000 -e ENABLE_METRICS=true sentiment-fastapi
docker run -p 8000:8000 -it -v $(pwd):/app --entrypoint bash -e ENABLE_METRICS=true sentiment-fastapi # run tests with pytests
pytest --cov

Testing the whole suite (fastapi-prometheus-grafana) locally

docker-compose up --build

FastAPI : localhost:8000 Prometheus : localhost:9090 Grafana : localhost:3000

Inside Grafana, login using user: admin and password: admin. Go to add your data sources, Select Prometheus and add URL : http://prometheus:9090. Now we are ready to create a Grafana Dashboard using various metrics logged by prometheus.

Stop the application (in new terminal)

docker-compose down


Deploying application i.e the whole suite using Kubernetes.

Pre-requisities : minikube and helm

  1. Start a minikube cluster.

    minikube start --driver=docker --memory 4g --nodes 2
  2. Create a kubectl namespace and Deploy Prometheus and Grafana using the community Helm chart.

    kubectl create namespace monitoring
    helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts
    helm install prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack -n monitoring
  3. Check the status of prometheus-stack and all resources running in namespace monitoring.

    kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheus-stack"
    kubectl get all -n monitoring
  4. Connect to Prometheus and Grafana


    prometheus-prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus-0 is the pod name running prometheus.

    kubectl port-forward -n monitoring prometheus-prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus-0 9090

    Then access via http://localhost:9090


    prometheus-stack-grafana-59f6d879d9-g4xqp is the pod name running grafana.

    kubectl port-forward -n monitoring prometheus-stack-grafana-59f6d879d9-g4xqp 3000

    Then access via http://localhost:3000 and use the default grafana user:password of admin:prom-operator.

    This password can be configured in the Helm chart values.yaml file

  5. Deploy and create a Service of the fastapi application.

    Note: In order for Prometheus to scrape metrics from this service, we need to define a ServiceMonitor resource. This resource must have the label release: prometheus-stack in order to be discovered. This is configured in the Prometheus resource spec via the serviceMonitorSelector attribute.

    kubectl create -f kubernetes/sentiment.yaml
    # in another terminal
    minikube tunnel

    Get the Cluster-IP for the service.

    kubectl get service sentiment-model-service

    The application can be accessed at <CLUSTER-IP>:8000/docs.

  6. Delete all deployed resources.

    kubectl delete -f kubernetes/sentiment.yaml
    helm uninstall prometheus-stack -n monitoring



Language:Python 95.8%Language:Dockerfile 4.2%