dudeperf3ct / 10-bentoml-deploy

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Sentiment Classification

In this exercise, we will use BentoML library to deploy the sentiment classification model from Hugging Face 🤗 on following services. BentoML supports wide range of deployment options mentioned here.


BentoML is super cool 🚀!

BentoML is an open-source framework for machine learning model serving, aiming to bridge the gap between Data Science and DevOps. Using BentoML, the shipping of models is made super easy such that it is easy to test, deploy and integrate with wide range of cloud providers.

BentoML model serving can be used once there is a trained ML model. Basically deploying using BentoML consists of two steps: service and package.


The first step is to create a prediction service using BentoML. For our application of the following BentoML service is created.


class TransformerSentimentService(bentoml.BentoService):
    @bentoml.api(input=JsonInput(), batch=False)
    def predict(self, parsed_json):
        src_text = parsed_json.get("text")
        model = self.artifacts.distilbertModel.get("model")
        tokenizer = self.artifacts.distilbertModel.get("tokenizer")
        inputs = tokenizer(src_text, return_tensors="pt")
        input_id = inputs["input_ids"]
        attention_mask = inputs["attention_mask"]
        with torch.no_grad():
          outputs = model(input_id, attention_mask)
          probs = F.softmax(outputs.logits, dim=1).numpy()[0]
        return self.create_dict(src_text, probs)

    def create_dict(self, text: str, probs: list) -> dict:
        d = defaultdict()
        d["input_text"] = text
        d["pos_label"] = "positive"
        d["pos_score"] = float(probs[1])
        d["neg_label"] = "negative"
        d["neg_score"] = float(probs[0])
        return d

@bentoml.env decorator is the API for defining the environment settings and dependencies of your prediction service. BentoML provides different ways this can be done.

@bentoml.artifacts decorator is the API that allow users to specify the trained models required by a BentoService. BentoML automatically handles model serialization and deserialization when saving and loading a BentoService. There are different Artifcat classes depending on machine learning framework. All the popular ML frameworks are supported by BentoML.

Inside the service, multiple inference API can be defined. For each inference API, input type must be specified via a InputAdapter instance. This defines the expected input data type and data format. BentoML supports most input serving use cases such as DataframeInput, TfTensorInput, ImageInput and JsonInput. BentoML also provides The output type will be infered automatically by BentoML at runtime based on the return value of the API function.


The second step is to package the BentoML service.

ts = TransformerSentimentService()
model_name = "distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english"
model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name)
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
artifact = {"model": model, "tokenizer": tokenizer}
ts.pack("distilbertModel", artifact)
saved_path = ts.save()

Here a BentoService instance is bundled with the trained model using the pack() method. This trained model is then accessible within the API function code via self.artifacts.ARTIFACT_NAME (in this case self.artifacts.distilbertModel). BentoML automatically handles model serialization and deserialization when saving and loading a BentoService.

The BentoService instance is now ready to be used for inference.



BentoML service will be packaged and ready for inference. The command below will generate a BentoML bundle. The BentoML bundle is a file directory that contains all the code, files and configs that are required to run this prediction service.

Create a conda environment with packages as mentioned in requirements.txt and run the following python commands in the environment.

python bento_test_model_packed.py
bentoml list -o wide # list all bentoml bundles 

BentoML stores all packaged model files under the ~/bentoml/{service_name}/{service_version} directory by default. The BentoML file format contains all the code, files, and configs required to deploy the model for serving.

Test the packaged service

This requires getting a saved path for BentoML bundle or using the command bentoml get TransformerSentimentService:latest --print-location

python bento_test_model_packed.py

or using CLI

bentoml run TransformerSentimentService:latest predict --input '{"text": "i like you"}'

Rest API Model Serving


This creates a Flask app using the service.

bentoml serve TransformerSentimentService:latest # also includes option to run with ngrok --run-with-ngrok

Test using curl (replace the localhost port address with the one obtained from above)

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"text\":\"i like you!\"}"


This creates a gunicorn service for the application.

bentoml serve-gunicorn TransformerSentimentService:latest

Test using curl

curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"text\":\"i like you!\"}"

Containerize model server with Docker

One common way of distributing this model API server for production deployment, is via Docker containers.

bentoml containerize TransformerSentimentService:latest -t sentiment-classifier:v1

Test the container

docker run -p 5000:5000 sentiment-classifier:v1 --workers=2

We are ready to deploy this containzeried application them as online API serving endpoints (or offline batch inference jobs) on any cloud platform.

Deployment Options

If you are at a small team with limited engineering or DevOps resources, try out automated deployment with BentoML CLI, currently supporting AWS Lambda, AWS SageMaker, and Azure Functions:

If the cloud platform you are working with is not on the list above, try out these step-by-step guide on manually deploying BentoML packaged model to cloud platforms:

Lastly, if you have a DevOps or ML Engineering team who's operating a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster, use the following guides as references for implementating your deployment strategy: