dudash / s2i-solr

:link: Source-to-Image template for SOLR search build/deploy automation on OpenShift

Repository from Github https://github.comdudash/s2i-solrRepository from Github https://github.comdudash/s2i-solr

SOLR source-to-image


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This repository contains source code and instructions for building a builder. You can use the builder to package SOLR with schema configuration as reproducible Docker container images using source-to-image.

For more information about using these images with OpenShift, please see the official OpenShift Documentation.

For more information about the open source SOLR search engine goto the Apache website.

Below you can read how to build and how to use. FYI, you don't have to build this repo, you can use a prebuilt image - it's available on docker hub.

Versions/targets available

SOLR versions available

  • 7.2.1

Target versions available

  • redhat = RHEL 7 based OpenJDK from access.redhat.com
  • jboss = CentOS 7 based OpenJDK for community development use

Using this image

You'll need to have the s2i tool.

Find and get the image you want (version and target)

$ docker search dudash/solr
$ docker pull dudash/solr-<version>-<target>:<tag>

Using with github projects

Use the s2i tool to build the final image that contains your SOLR search service

  • Hello SOLR from github example
$ s2i build https://github.com/dudash/openshiftexamples-solr.git dudash/solr-66-jboss:latest demo-solr
$ docker run demo-solr

How to structure your code


Using in Open Shift

You can install the S2I SOLR imagestreams from a template:

$ oc create -n openshift -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dudash/s2i-solr/master/openshift-resources/solr-all-rhel7-imagestreamlist.json

Note: Drop the -n openshift if you don't have admin rights... or ask your admin to create it.

Environment variables

To set environment variables, you can place them as a key value pair into a .s2i/environment file inside your source code repository.

  • TBD

Building this repo yourself


To prepare the s2i builder image:

$ git clone https://github.com/dudash/s2i-solr.git
$ cd s2i-solr
$ make build VERSION=<version> TARGET=<target>

Repo organization

**[solr-version]/Dockerfile**: Dockerfile to build container images from
**[solr-version]/Dockerfile.xxx**: Dockerfile to build alternative container images
**[solr-version]/test/test-app**: Sample application used for tests
**hack/**: Folder containing scripts which are responsible for the build and test actions performed by the Makefile
**s2i/**: Build scripts which will be injected into the builder image and executed during application source code builds


:link: Source-to-Image template for SOLR search build/deploy automation on OpenShift

License:Apache License 2.0