duartejc / list-repositories

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

List Repositories

Demo application built with Phoenix and React.

It fetches repositories from GitHub API and shows featured repositories according choosen languages.

Live Demo



This application was created following the concept of "umbrella projects" of Elixir. There are two application under this mais project:

  • RepoFetcher: A repository fetcher responsible to fetching data from GitHub API.
  • RepolistWeb: A web application project using the Phoenix framework.


$ git clone https://github.com/duartejc/list-repositories.git
$ cd list-repositories
$ mix deps.get
$ (cd apps/repolist_web && mix ecto.setup)
$ (cd apps/repolist_web && npm install)
$ mix phoenix.server
$ open http://localhost:4000



Language:JavaScript 52.7%Language:Elixir 44.1%Language:CSS 2.4%Language:HTML 0.8%