duanfuxiang0 / paper_notes

notes i made while reading the papers. Including database, distributed systems and HPC.

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Paper Notes

This repo contains the notes that i've take while i was reading the paper

For DB part, mostly i was referring the reading list in CMU15-721

For Distribute part, mostly i was referring the MIT6.824, but there is also some paper from other reading list.

And HPC part is a quick introduction to GNN training system/Graph processing system.

The reading list that i'm referring: CMU15-721 MIT6.824 PingCAP AwesomeDistributedSystems

If you have questions while reading those paper, feel free to contact and have a discussion with me. I'm interested in digging details on those papers with others.

Happy Reading!


notes i made while reading the papers. Including database, distributed systems and HPC.